BC-304 Daedalus Class Battlecruiser | Stargate

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In the early years of the Stargate Program, SG teams operated alone on alien worlds without any form of support. Today the situation is different, for in orbit might wait one of the most effective warships of any power; the BC-304 Daedalus Class.

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I love how in stargate, Earth goes from an insignificant backwater to the primary power in the galaxy and at no point does it jump the gun and go too far. Every advance is covered in at least one episode, every technology can have its source identified, at no point does earth in stargate just have new tech just... because. It all has an origin abd I love that about it.


The last ship of this class was named after a little round, bald man from Texas, who spent the last years of his life playing with his grandkids and defending his planet and his command.

Hail, Hammond Of Texas!


Daedalus Class and the whole SG-1/SGA era was Sci-fi TV in its prime. The Daedalus class felt Earned by the Tau’ri


She's compact and to the point, and in my opinion one of the best looking sci-fi ships in science fiction history.


One feat of those Asgard designed shields that stands out to me is when the Daedalus (with a ZPM installed) frontally tanked the full force of a coronal mass ejection from Lantea's Main Sequence Star- preventing said CME from annihilating the planet Atlantis was on.


2 Stargate episodes this week; well as they say, "Comtrya!".
The BC-304 Daedalus class is indeed a powerful utilitarian, but also beautiful ship. The product of great triumphs and sacrifices, the class are the "big sticks" that are needed to bring Earth and Humanity into Galactic preeminence. It would be great to see more of these ships on a screen again and see how long until one of them is finally named _Enterprise_ like Jack O'Neill wanted.


Possibly the best looking human ship in all of Sci-Fi and incredibly cool aspect of it being by far being the most advanced and powerful ship in two galaxies by the end of both series


One feature of Daedalus is the ship is operating at barely a fraction of its potential. The Asgard systems are far more potent than earth can provide power to exploit. When fitted with a ZPM their abilities become remarkable, even by spacefaring races standards. Future designs may provide more power and thus achieve greater performance but the systems themselves wouldn’t have to be more advanced.


They're also the last legacy of the Asgard. They have computer cores that contains all the collected knowledge and history of the Asgard.


"This is the Daedalus. It is the most powerful weapon ever built by mankind."

"Psh. Back in MY day, you know what we had? Submachine guns! We didn't even get ACTUAL machine guns, because we had to run everywhere! If we didn't, we would get KILLED INSTANTLY!"

"Yeah, okay grandpa..."

"GRANDPA!?! This was, like, eight years ago TOPS!"



Stargate, master class in how to build a ship. Everything is sourced though the episodes before it built. Non of the upgrades are treated as golden eggs, need to work for those new toys. And it looks like something earth would build. A reboot/off shoot of stargate is a dream i hope will come true


The BC-304 Cruisers are one of the best looking, planned, and thought out Sci-Fi vessels ever implemented. They're so bloody cool.


The thing I love about the Daedalus class (and the Prometheus) is that they don't feel futuristic. You really get the sensation that we took a few pieces of alien technology and built a ship around them using mostly early 21st century human technology. The displays are mostly LCDs, the pilots use modern flight helmets, and the crews are wearing Air Force BDUs.


SGI was such an amazing show that had both sci fy & modern tech. Humans able to build their first starships but were still using M16's & P90's.


BC-304's are actually one of the fastest and most powerful ships in any franchise. 2 weeks to travel between galaxies is unheard of and the ability to be anywhere in the milkyway in just a few hours shocks even species in stargate. Fully powered its shields can tank planet destroying mass coronal ejections. Something we see ships in other series fall to, and even then the shields can be depleted by some of the most advanced races weapons like the ori, however its beam cannons can overload and punch threw ori shields as well... putting its output potential at insane levels.


I think these ships are like the perfect sci-fi blend of actual Frontline combat ship/brawler and carrier that stays back at range and pecks away with missiles and railguns.

There's also no denying their silhouette is unmistakable; nothing else in Sci-fi looks like them.

I can't wait to see another Stargate show if the rumours are indeed true, and I hope a Daedalus is in it.


For anyone one interested, Eaglemoss just recently released a model of the Daedalus. I just got mine a month ago. Shes sitting on my desk as i watch this episode. Thank you Templin Institute for covering everything Stargate. It always makes me happy to see anything Stargate in my sub box.


Thank you for reminding people that Stargate exists


I fell in love the first time I saw the 304. I never quite warmed up to the 303. It seemed too slapdash to me. Just thrown together like one of my Lego ships I made when I was a kid. The 304 actually looks purpose-built to be a badass.


"It has a few advantages over the Prometheus. The more advanced alien technologies were integrated into the original design rather than tacked on after the fact." -- Samantha Carter
