Yasmi - Hmo No ft. Ali Chang

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Song: Hmo No (Tonight)
Male Artist: Ali Chang
Thank you Ali for collaborate with me on track.

Tittle: Hmo No
Artist: Yasmi
ua cas hmo no zoo niaj zoo hmo
kuv thiaj li rov rov tau ntsib koj
koj puas noj qab nyob zoo thiab na
lub ntuj puas tshav raws li siab xav
pom koj ib pliag nyias yuav mus nyias

Artist: Ali Chang
ua cas hmo no ntuj teb ntsiag to
kuv xav tsis txog tias yuav ntsib koj
kuv tseem noj qab nyob zoo thiab mas
tej zaug ntuj tshav tej thaum los nag
kuv thiaj tuaj nrhiav txoj kev sov siab
pom koj tib pliag yog dag los tiag

Artists: Yasmi & Ali
puas yog koj twb muaj ib tug koj hlub
tus koj nrog puas yog koj ib tug khub
puas youg koj twb muaj ib tug koj hlub
tus koj nrog puas yog koj ib tug khub


Artists: Yasmi & Ali
puas yog koj twb muaj ib tug koj hlub
tus koj nrog puas yog koj ib tug khub
puas youg koj twb muaj ib tug koj hlub
tus koj nrog puas yog koj tug baby…..

Artist: Yasmi
ua cas hmo no lub siab ntxhov nyho
kuv kua muag nrog rov tau ntsib koj
ntev niaj ntau xyoo tsis hnov ib tsab moo
dhau caij dhau nyoog koj puas tau hloov
zoo kawg koj tshawb tau koj nplooj plawv
kuv thiaj tsis txhawj txog koj ntxiv lawm
Рекомендации по теме

Thank you everyone for listening and watching. Please support me by ordering my new album on Yasmishop.com

Song: Hmo No (Tonight)
Male Artist: Ali Chang
Thank you Ali for collaborate with me on track.

Tittle: Hmo No
Artist: Yasmi
ua cas hmo no zoo niaj zoo hmo
kuv thiaj li rov rov tau ntsib koj
koj puas noj qab nyob zoo thiab na
lub ntuj puas tshav raws li siab xav
pom koj ib pliag nyias yuav mus nyias

Artist: Ali Chang
ua cas hmo no ntuj teb ntsiag to
kuv xav tsis txog tias yuav ntsib koj
kuv tseem noj qab nyob zoo thiab mas
tej zaug ntuj tshav tej thaum los nag
kuv thiaj tuaj nrhiav txoj kev sov siab
pom koj tib pliag yog dag los tiag

Artists: Yasmi & Ali
puas yog koj twb muaj ib tug koj hlub
tus koj nrog puas yog koj ib tug khub
puas youg koj twb muaj ib tug koj hlub
tus koj nrog puas yog koj ib tug khub


Artists: Yasmi & Ali
puas yog koj twb muaj ib tug koj hlub
tus koj nrog puas yog koj ib tug khub
puas youg koj twb muaj ib tug koj hlub
tus koj nrog puas yog koj tug baby…..

Artist: Yasmi
ua cas hmo no lub siab ntxhov nyho
kuv kua muag nrog rov tau ntsib koj
ntev niaj ntau xyoo tsis hnov ib tsab moo
dhau caij dhau nyoog koj puas tau hloov
zoo kawg koj tshawb tau koj nplooj plawv
kuv thiaj tsis txhawj txog koj ntxiv lawm


Thank you everyone for the love and support. You can support my new album @ yasmishop.com


Everything about the song is so good. The voices, the music. I just wish there was not so much chorus because I wanted to hear more of the singers’ voices singing their parts. Beautiful song!


When I look at Ali Chang in the picture, I thought he would have a lower voice by appearance, but his voice sound so soothing and very nice. I love his voice. Awesome job, both of you! Love this song!


Ive never heard of this guy but great voice! Love you like always Yasmi!


This guy is amazing!!! His voice is awesome!


I love it. Something different. I like how Yasmi is trying out new songs with her vocals.


This guy's voice is amazing! I absolutely love it.


Ca yasmi neb txoj nkauj no yuav mloog tau kho kho kuv Siab rau lub neej yav tag li os


Honestly speaking, this song doesn't tell any stories but it's written in a very sad way. Love it.


I love this
Great song yasmi and brother ali


Wow, Yasmi killed it with the last 2 phrase. That was amazing.


That's my brother! Thank you all for the love that you are giving to my brother!


This is so magical! The blend of Yasmi's husky voice and Ali's clear sweet/honey voice! My favorite collab with Yasmi thus far~ Please collab again in the future!


mloog zaj nkauj no ua rau rov nco txog ib lub sij hawm 5 lub xyoo dhau los....pom koj ib pliag nyias yuav mus nyias....zoo heev li o niam laus yasmi


About time my brother in law gets recognition


This song has been on repeat!! Amazing!


One of your best songs and also duets. Will you ever come out with an album with original lyrics and music because that will make you the best Hmong singer to ever lived.


I love this song!! You go Yasmi and Ali!!! Love it love it!


Wish there was a English translation, I love the arrangement and the emotions conveyed in it.
