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This was a blessing in disguise. Yes, I'm afraid of whats next to come in my life but I'm happy I'm no longer at a job I was completely unhappy with. If you find yourself in a similar situation, trust me, you'll be okay. take it one day at a time.
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Every time I lost a job it made me a better person.


What hurts the most is when it isn't on your terms and you showed up to work everyday despite the environment and treatment. We'll be ok. The unknown is the only way we'll grow.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this hard time. Just remember when one door closes another opens. Sometimes we get so use to the normal routine that we forget to stop and think if we’re genuinely happy. Life is way too short to be miserable at a job just for a paycheck. This is definitely a blessing in disguise. You will find something way better, where you’re truly happy and where your hard work is appreciated. :)


Am gonna get fired tmw I hope I won’t . Am sorry for your loss . We all go through rough time . You’ll get a better one


I got fired yesterday. In complete shock, hope you’re ok.


I think it’s important when we know ourselves and you feel uneasy at a job it’s a warning sign start looking for a job . Submit resumes field offers and make a move when you are ready but be ahead of the fans also if you can go above their head and let the bosses know what’s going on as well as HR file a complaint . So it’s on their record even if you leave it’s on their record and you save another employee.


We are all with eorry you'll make it


I was just fired today. I am honestly, not shocked. I was having a lot of difficulty fitting in with the staff and didn’t feel part of the team. I tried to make it work for so long, but my coworkers could see that I wasn’t one of them and started to complain to management. Albeit it is sad that it ended this way, I feel that there is something better out there for me where I will feel happy and fulfilled.


I got fired today for no apparent reason! They didn’t even have any excuses to tell me why they got ride of me


You're so beautiful. Thanks for sharing. I actually got fired from one of my jobs today. Its totally fine i walked out with a big smile on and told everyone there to have an amazing life. Im thankful to god. Now I have a little more time to get things done. To anyone reading this.. MEDITATE EVERYDAY


I got fired twice. The truth is I hated both of those jobs, but getting fired made me devastated, cause I needed those jobs. I tried my best to perform well, but I was always on the edge. Now I’m doing what I love, and to be honest, I’m not doing great, but it’s easier for me to be persistant at something I love doing. I did experience failure more than once trying to build a carrer for myself, but those kind of failures never made me devastated like getting fired from a job that I hate but keep doing it. I know it’s strange but that made me realise that I might take a chance in something I love. What ever you do in life, you will fail in some moments. So chin up everybody who got fired recently, there is a way to everything.


I got fired today and feel the same exact way! Thanks for sharing, this helped ♥️


I just got fired from my job that I LOVED yesterday, over the phone, after I worked for months as a supervisor with a promise of a raise and official title that never happened . My manager told me I could trust her and then I was fired. And when I asked why they said there were people saying things about me. But they have no proof and could not show me any. I am heartbroken. I have never been fired before. This video means a lot to me because everything you just said I feel. And I really hope this horrible feeling goes away soon.


I am 60 years old retiring October of next year and just got fired one and a half hours ago. However, God has me. God also has you.🙂❤️


I got fired yesterday, after a year and a half..it was somewhat surprised and i feel happy but annoyed because I feel like I did not get to tell my boss the things I wanted to tell him...i was so shocked and numb at that point...thank god I have money saved.


I just got fired last week.I know you.I am you.I feel extremely low, but it's for the better.


I got fired just yesterday after a month and now I am planning for the last day which I want to get over it quickly. The people there is just so negative. Every little thing I say or whatever to better myself, there’s always a negative feedback. I’m angry and sad to have people possibly talk behind my back which got me fired. But at the same time, I am relieved because I never liked the job anyways and planned on quitting but I never thought it was going to be this soon. I’m okay and I will be okay. Let’s move on. 😌


It happens to a lot of good people like yourself! I hope you’re in a better place now.


I went through the same thing this October! Now I am self-employed full-time and it is scary but I know you can do it! We believe in you!


All things happen for a reason, your season is done with them and God has a new a for you opportunity
