Mastering EAS Build, Submit, and Update in React Native | DEVember Day 13

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Welcome to Day 13 of #DEVember! In today's session, we're diving into the powerful capabilities of EAS (Expo Application Services). Learn how to streamline your app development process for both iOS and Android using EAS Build, efficiently deliver your app to the App Store and Play Store with EAS Submit, and master the art of rolling out OTA (Over-The-Air) updates with EAS Update. This session is perfect for React Native developers looking to optimize their deployment workflow and keep their apps up-to-date effortlessly.

If you have ideas of features, topics or apps you would like me to cover during #DEVember, you can submit them on our 💡Idea Board:

📚 Today's Agenda:
- Introduction to EAS Build
- Setting Up EAS Build for iOS and Android
- Using EAS Submit for App Store and Play Store
- Configuring and Implementing EAS Update
- Streamlining Deployment Processes
- Managing OTA Updates Effectively
- Recap and Demo

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Disclaimer: This build is for educational purposes only. All views, opinions, and technology choices expressed in this video are my own and do not represent the views, opinions, or technology choices of any entity I have been, am now, or will be affiliated with.
#notjustdev #ReactNative
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You killed it bro, A to Z on eas, this will be my resource instead of the documentation


Do you cover how to handle .env files for Eas Build ?


Well done from you. Helps me a lot on learning EAS. Thank you so much.


I followed the documentation for creating OTA updates, and for some reason it is not working. I have a production build on that I downloaded with TestFlight, but whenever I run the eas update command, it never updates that build I have on the phone 🤔


I have a question!!!
I have created an app with react-native-init and uploaded it to their respective stores and want to add codepush for OTA but as codepush will be shut down with appcenter, Can I use eas update with react-native-init project that is already deployed and in production


I'm not use EXPO, just react native. I wanna use EAS for build server. Is this better ?


When I go to eas built --development there is issue in gradle I DONOT KNOW BUT WHEN I saw your project you donot have any gradle file


After following these steps: am getting this error on my development client
TypeError: _crypto.default.randomUUID is not a function
