Why Ralph Breaks the Internet is the Worst Sequel Ever Made

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Behold, Rockotar the Movie AKA I spend and hour talking about a bad Disney sequel movie. Wreck-it Ralph 2, Ralph Breaks the Internet.

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All footage used is for review purposes and is fair use
Music used in order of appearance -

Termina Field - LoZ: Majora's Mask
Overworld - New Super Mario Bros Wii
Flopside - Super Paper Mario
Meta Knight's Revenge - Super Smash Bros Brawl
Title Theme - Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Agh Won Goph in Mah Mouph Blecht Ptooey! - Fire Emblem Awakening
Koopa's Tycoon Town - Mario Party 8
What Can You Do? - Fire Emblem Fates
Moo Moo Farm/Yoshi Valley - Mario Kart 64
Mogma Theme - LoZ: Skyward Sword
Mr. Goofwrench - Toontown Online
Contest of Pride - Fire Emblem Fates
Prime Time (Studiopolis Zone Act 2) - Sonic Mania
Piano Zombie - Plants VS Zombies 2
You Call This a Utopia?! - Super Smash Bros Brawl
Arena Medley - Super Smash Bros For Wii U
Warioware INC - Super Smash Bros Brawl
Fort Francis - Super Paper Mario
Overthere Stair - Super Paper Mario
A Lady's Mirror - Fire Emblem Fates
Battle Theme - Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Pirate Ship - Loz: The Wind Waker
Bowser Jr's Fiery Flotilla - Super Mario Galaxy 2
Bowser Battle - Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Battle Against a Machine - Earthbound
Edge of Adversity - Super Smash Bros Ultimate
Inescapable Fate - Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade
Adversity - Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Porky's Porkies - Mother 3
Fight On! - Final Fantasy 7
Dangerous Dinner - Kirby's Return to Dreamland
Dark Emperor Hardin - Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
Mario/Luigi/Yoshi Circuit - Mario Kart Double Dash
Dark Pit's Theme - Kid Icarus Uprising
Beneath a New Light - Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
Fourside - Earthbound

#disney #animation #waltdisney #disneyanimation #waltdisneyanimation #waltdisneyanimationstudios #ralph #wreckitralph #wreckitralph2 #ralphbreakstheinternet #internet #youtubers #bad #cringe #outdated #vanellope #vanellopevonschweetz #atrocity #retcon #sequel #sequels #disaster #yes
0:00 - Intro
1:58 - Bad in Every Way, Even the Intro
2:52 - Ralph is Stupid Now and Vanellope is Bad as Well, That Sucks
3:56 - Ralph and Vanellope's Friendship Ruined
4:47 - Ralph Wrecks Sugar Rush
6:40 - Ralph is an Insensitive Jerk Now Too
7:42 - The Comedy Sucks, Felix and Callhoun Thrown in the Trash, and EBOY Scene
10:02 - Ralph and Vanellope Enter the Internet
11:56 - Knowsmore, Auction, and Tantrum
14:06 - Spamley, AKA One of the Only Good Things
14:49 - Slaughter Race Shenanigans
19:18 - The Movie is Too Long and Doesn't Justify Its Length
20:19 - Ralph Pity Party and Harsh Judgement of Shank
22:10 - Everything About BuzzTube and Ralph's Internet Success is Wrong
25:21 - That's Not How Algorithms Work!
26:39 - PAINFULLY Stupid Scene
27:31 - Terrible Oh My Disney and Princess Scenes
31:44 - Ralph Forces People to Watch His Videos
32:38 - Abysmal Comment Section Scene
35:28 - Vanellope's Cringe Song About Going Turbo
38:00 - Ralph Spying Scene Breaks Me and My Patience
40:28 - Dark Web and Insecurity Virus Nonsense
42:45 - Idiotic Breakup scene
44:47 - The Ralph Viruses Are Stupid and Don't Make Any Sense
47:15 - Why the Theme and Ending of the Movie Fails
49:01 - Destruction is Meaningless and Has No Repercussions
50:18 - Final Scenes of this Nightmare
51:44 - Conclusion of Why this is the Worst Sequel and Nothing Works
56:33 - What I Would Do to Make the Movie Better
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I've heard someone say that this movie isn't just bad but also dangerous.
1. It teaches kids that it's super easy to become an internet sensation
2. It teaches kids that it's easy to win a crap ton of money through YouTube videos in just a few hours
3. It teaches kids that if you're bored with your life than it's perfectly okay to abandon everything else behind for something new.
4. It teaches kids that you can easily hack the internet
5. It teaches kids that it's okay to talk to strangers on the internet


The first movie "Don't mess with the program and go turbo".
The second movie "Mess with the program and go turbo".


Vanellope went Turbo, yet suffered no consequences…
One of the main rules of the first film, thrown completely out the window. 💀💀💀


the only thing that aged well is Ralph wrecking Colleen Ballinger’s Internet connection


The worst sin they committed was promising us Felix and Calhoun then never even showing them for more then one minute


The first Wreck it Ralph was very good and a tribute to old arcade games without going through problems of references over story. Instead Ralph Breaks The Internet follows modern outdated comedy and assassinates Ralph and Vanellope.


At least we can easily declare this movie non-canon. Ralph officially broke this movie.


That’s probably my least favorite part of this movie, how nerfed Ralph is. In the first one people were scared of him. Absolutely terrified, even king candy was afraid of Ralph. The main reason was because he was the bad guy, but they were also afraid of him for his strength and rage we’ve seen a few times. He’s basically the hulk and most people were still afraid of him even after learning he’s good. That was also the one reason people weren’t scared of him, if they weren’t, because he was a good guy. The new characters in the internet I doubt have ever seen Ralph nor knew that he was now a good guy. You’d think they’d be afraid if a hulk came into your website or game. And why wasn’t his strength ever used in the movie?!??


What Rapunzel should have asked Vanellope was: “Was your rightful identity hidden from you by a villain for their own selfish, self-centered reasons?” But then I guess they would have had to acknowledge Turbo’s existence, therefore making apparent how bad the writing choice for Vanellope's character was.


Ralph Breaks The Internet? Why didn't they name it Ralph Wrecks The Internet!? THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!!!


If you had noticed that Sugar Rush is a single seat instead of a two seater and the Nicelanders building has a different design. Also the layout of the arcade is also different. It's like no one saw the first movie.


“The worst sequel ever made in the history of sequels!”


I always hated how Vanellope gets supported and praised for wanting to do the exact same thing Turbo did in the first movie, but it gets totally handwaved away by her code being fixed offscreen. It's such a blatant case of protagonist-centred morality.


I feel like Ralph and Vanellope's dynamic could have worked much better if Ralph was more of an overprotective father or older brother to Vanellope


I have a peculiar way of telling when a movie is going to be awful. It's when they keep promoting a single scene from the movie repeatedly. For instance, in one movie, they showcased all the Disney Princesses. Do they really think people will watch a movie just because all the Disney princesses are in it? It worked on my sister, but after watching it, she said it was terrible.


Ralph Breaks the Internet is not just an insult to the first movie, it's also an insult to Disney fans everywhere, it's basically the Disney Corporation telling everyone that they don't care.


I will never forgive Vanellope for basically going Turbo and abandoning all her friends and subjects just to play/live in a internet game she spent a few days in. What if they close down Sugar Rush because she's gone? What if they shut down Slaughter Race because the players think Vanellope is a glitch? Or the game is discontinued because the players don't like the new kid character? I can't believe that the players of both games would be happy about this!


Ralph Before: *Runs into a giant nest of bugs that could literally kill him for a medal.*
Raplh Now: *Is too scared to confront a group of 'hooligans' that he could literally kill by swinging his massive arms*


This movie isn't canon and nothing can convince me otherwise.


When I was in elementary school, I had a dream about a Wreck-It-Ralph sequel. All I can remember from it is Vanellope and Taffyta building a snow man out of ice cream but it was a ton better than this actual sequel we got many years later.
