Dacia Spring - Renault Electric Motor Manufacturing

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EN: The Dacia Spring is a communist chinese import that uses older Renault motor technology as the one in the attached video. The car is assembled in Shiyan, Hubei (eGT New Energy Automotive). The Electric motor is a permanent magnet synchronous with a power output of 33 kW (44 hp) the battery is a 26.8 kWh Li-ion. Renault has plans to move the production in Europe and to upgrade the engine and battery. The platform will still be the CMF-A. If you buy the car, please email or send us on Facebook your feedback on it. Thank you.

DE: Der Dacia Spring ist ein chinesischer Import, der ältere Renault-Motorentechnologie wie im beigefügten Video verwendet. Das Auto wird in Shiyan, Hubei (eGT New Energy Automotive) montiert. Der Elektromotor ist ein Permanentmagnet synchron mit einer Leistung von 33 kW (44 PS). Die Batterie ist ein Li-Ion mit 26,8 kWh. Renault plant, die Produktion in Europa zu verlagern und Motor und Batterie zu verbessern. Die Plattform wird weiterhin die CMF-A sein. Wenn Sie das Auto kaufen, senden Sie uns bitte eine E-Mail oder senden Sie uns auf Facebook Ihr Feedback dazu. Danke.

IT: La Dacia Spring è un'importazione cinese che utilizza la vecchia tecnologia dei motori Renault come quella nel video allegato. L'auto è assemblata a Shiyan, Hubei (eGT New Energy Automotive). Il motore elettrico è un sincrono a magneti permanenti con una potenza di 33 kW (44 CV), la batteria è una Li-ion da 26,8 kWh. Renault ha in programma di spostare la produzione in Europa e di aggiornare il motore e la batteria. La piattaforma sarà ancora la CMF-A. Se acquisti l'auto, inviaci un'e-mail o inviaci su Facebook il tuo feedback. Grazie.

FR: Le Dacia Spring est une importation chinoise qui utilise une technologie de moteur Renault plus ancienne que celle de la vidéo ci-jointe. La voiture est assemblée à Shiyan, Hubei (eGT New Energy Automotive). Le moteur électrique est un aimant permanent synchrone d'une puissance de 33 kW (44 ch), la batterie est un Li-ion de 26,8 kWh. Renault envisage de déplacer la production en Europe et de moderniser le moteur et la batterie. La plateforme sera toujours le CMF-A. Si vous achetez la voiture, envoyez-nous un e-mail ou envoyez-nous sur Facebook vos commentaires à ce sujet. Merci.

EN: Dacia Spring to chiński import, który wykorzystuje starszą technologię silnika Renault, taką jak ta w załączonym filmie. Samochód jest montowany w Shiyan, Hubei (eGT New Energy Automotive). Silnik elektryczny jest synchroniczny z magnesami trwałymi i ma moc 33 kW (44 KM), a akumulator to akumulator litowo-jonowy 26,8 kWh. Renault planuje przenieść produkcję w Europie oraz zmodernizować silnik i akumulator. Platformą nadal będzie CMF-A. Jeśli kupujesz samochód, napisz lub wyślij nam na Facebooku swoją opinię na jego temat. Dziękuję Ci.

RU: Dacia Spring - это китайский импорт, в котором используются старые моторные технологии Renault, как показано в прилагаемом видео. Автомобиль собран в Шияне, провинция Хубэй (eGT New Energy Automotive). Электродвигатель представляет собой синхронный постоянный магнит с выходной мощностью 33 кВт (44 л.с.), батарея - литий-ионная 26,8 кВтч. Renault планирует перенести производство в Европу и обновить двигатель и аккумулятор. Платформа по-прежнему будет CMF-A. Если вы покупаете автомобиль, напишите нам или отправьте нам свой отзыв о нем в Facebook. Спасибо.

ES: El Dacia Spring es una importación china que utiliza tecnología de motor Renault más antigua como la del video adjunto. El automóvil se ensambla en Shiyan, Hubei (eGT New Energy Automotive). El motor eléctrico es un imán permanente síncrono con una potencia de 33 kW (44 hp) y la batería es de iones de litio de 26,8 kWh. Renault tiene planes de trasladar la producción a Europa y actualizar el motor y la batería. La plataforma seguirá siendo la CMF-A. Si compra el automóvil, envíenos un correo electrónico o envíenos en Facebook sus comentarios al respecto. Gracias.

HB: מעיין דאצ'יה הוא ייבוא ​​סיני המשתמש בטכנולוגיה מוטורית ישנה יותר של רנו כמו בסרטון המצורף. המכונית מורכבת בשיאן, הוביי (eGT New Energy Automotive). המנוע החשמלי הוא סינכרוני מגנט קבוע עם הספק של 33 כ"ס (44 כ"ס) הסוללה היא 26.8 קוט"ש ליתיום. רנו מתכננת להעביר את הייצור באירופה ולשדרג את המנוע והסוללה. הפלטפורמה עדיין תהיה ה- CMF-A. אם אתה קונה את המכונית, אנא שלח לנו דוא"ל או שלח לנו בפייסבוק את המשוב שלך עליו. תודה.
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Please note that the Dacia Spring is fabricated in communist China but uses the same older engine assembly. New upgrades are planned by Renault in the next years on the car and manufacturing is expected to be moved to Europe.


I have the new updated version = got it in June 2023. have absolutely no complaints at all about it.I love driving it and it is perfect for where I live in France which is very hilly and lots of winding lanes. If they bring out one with more autonomy I will seriously consider changing for it.


Quite a Zen experience, watching the future unfold in a mechanical ballet. Thank you. I like the choreography of your video. It is going to change car manufacturing personnel, currently lots of petrolheads, and soon to be electricians. Fascinating...


Das Video ist schlicht falsch zugeordnet. Hier wird die Montage eines fremderregten Synchronmotors gezeigt, wie er im sktuellen Zoe verwendet wird. Der Dacia Elektromotor ist ein eigenerregter Synchronmotor der völlig anders aussieht. Auch die funktionsweise ist anders. Der Spring-Motor ist Bürstenlos. Somit ist auch die Videobeschreibung völlig falsch.


This video shows production of electric motors Renault 5AQ in Cleon, France, for Renault Zoe and Renault Kangoo ZE in 2015, which is/was also assembled in France, in Flins and Maubeuge.
In contrast, Dacia Spring has a different electric motor by Chinese supplier "Shanghai Auto Edrive Co., Ltd" (permanent magnet motor), where motor and car are assembled in China.


Dacia spring has chinese permanent magnet synchronous motors. The video shows renault Zoe motors with wound rotors.


Why don't they use bldc motors with permanent magnets????


This motor is maybe from Zoe if you're look under hood of Dacia connectors are different, also at the end of this clip on sticker stay year of production 2015.


Hello everyone, I am looking for a data sheet for the externally excited 60kW synchronous machine of the Renault Twingo which is probably shown in this video. can someone maybe help me?


So no permanent magnet in these engines. Cheap but heavy.


Buongiorno, io ho ordinato la Spring ma perché non riesco ad acquistare l'accessorio della spina per la ricarica in DC?


La spring n'a pas un rotor à aimant permanant ?


I am interested of dacia spring but I am in doubt if it will be really reliable as it is made in china...


This movie provides lot of none-relevant details even repeatedly while missing essential, the details of motor technology and principles that today are no more a secret...
Or this is because...this car seems to be powered by ancient motor, with heavy coiled rotor involving brush-rings contacts, probably this is why they gets the lowest ratio power/weight (kW/kg), lower fiability and also no regenerative break!

Also having gear mechanics instead of direct in wheel drive, we could rather name it as Dacia Electro-Mechanic...

Maybe Musk did not agree to let them take better inspiration from his much more advanced motors that are based on synchronious 3 phases AC coiled stator with compact contactless cage rotor.

But in fact neither the other Renault electric projects seems to be not far advanced from...despite their too large prices for their parameters. By another sample, could we compare ZOE electric demanding for over 30.000 euro versus the new planned Tesla model 2 that will soonly (this year) releases even under 20.000 euro ???

So, in order to save its projects and electric line, Renault should hurry relocating Dacia Spring to its origin country, Romania and ask more creative engineers to redesign the whole project to better match the current 2021 year electric technology expectations!

My ordinary electric scooter has far even more advanced tech providing the highest power efficiency by direct in wheel DC BLDC brushless compact motor with regenerative ABS alike brake and ten thousands greater energy efficiency.

By the way, there are already high power but tens times smaller and lower weight BLDC motors for up to 40 kW on the current market, compact, easily to setup and manufacture (neodim is the secret!) that more russian and other amateurs...used them to converse their extreme bicycles and scooters!
So, New DACIA SPRING should be self-reinvented while this could even lower its costs especially with further maintenance!
