The Great Tribulation & the Elect

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Watch this new sermon from Pastor Jeff Durbin on the Great Tribulation and the Elect. Are you interested in learning about "the end times" and "the tribulation"? What about the rapture? Watch these messages from our series on the Olivet Discourse. Be sure to show someone you love!

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Truly appreciate the intro. People cannot think that the internet sermons replace the church!


My name is Tracie crying . Grateful to our Lord Jesus Christ. Sinner broken.. Awe of God. Thank you pastor for the true teaching of the Gospel.. Fed by the word of God . I live with chronic pain everyday. Jesus gets me through.. Glory to God . Bless all of you


The Preterist view is a very interesting one and one that I had not seriously considered until this message. Everything that happened in the siege of Jerusalem and the connections to the Old Testament covenants are astounding to say the least. However, there are a few points within the Olivet Discourse that I think are conveniently sidestepped by the Pastor which I will lay out below. If anyone wants to take a crack at them, I'm very much so genuinely and good-faith interested in hearing any reply or rebuttal.

Matthew 24v3 - The Disciples asked specifically about "the sign of Your coming". Yes, destruction fell on Jerusalem, but was that the Second Coming? The rhetorical answer is no because Jesus said when it finally does happen, it's going to be so obvious to everyone that no one will even have to ask the question. (Matthew 24v27, Revelation 6v16-17)

Matthew 24v9 - Jesus says "you shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake". Nations is the word "ethnōn" which is close to and essentially our English word for "ethnicities". So, how many ethnicities will hate Jesus' followers at the tribulation time? Israelites and Romans are definitely involved in that at AD 70, but what about Chinese, Native American, Russians, Mayans, and lots of other ethnicities that hadn't even been introduced to the Gospel yet? Jesus said "ALL" nations, not just a handful. Given today's environment and attitudes towards Christians, it's not hard to see how that could happen in the near future, but it's impossible to honestly say that with intellectually integrity was the case back then.

Matthew 24v14 - Here Jesus said the Gospel shall be preached to "ALL" the world and for a witness to "ALL" the nations, and THEN the end shall come. Ok, so, pop quiz: had the Gospel been preached in all the world by AD 70? The answer is no, not even close. The Scripture canon had not even yet been completed yet but besides that, the Gospel is still unheard of by people groups to this very day. Revelation 14v6-7 however explains that this very precondition for the end to come will be met supernaturally in the future.

Matthew 24v30 - Jesus says that immediately after the tribulation, all the tribes of the earth will mourn because they will visibly see His return. Has that happened yet? Again, no.

There are others but I think whoever is reading this should get the picture by now. The Pastor is conveniently leaving out key details that do not fit into what his teaching. That said though, he does raise some incredible points about the topic I had not considered before. The more I wrestle with eschatology the more I am becoming convinced that more than one of the main views are correct. Just like how we are saved (1 John 5v13) and are being saved (1 Corinthians 1v18). Well, which is it? Are we saved or being saved? YES! Both are true. There are other ideas like this in the Bible, where something is but also is not yet (Romans 4v17). The "end times" is another example of what we are currently in (Hebrews 1v2) and is also in the future (Revelation 4-19). Why does it have to be all one exclusive view how to view the end times, the rapture, the millennium, etc.? Can't there be multiple things true at the same time? I find everything the Pastor said extremely intriguing and edifying about the fall of Jerusalem and it's direct connections to the Mosaic Covenant and Jesus' direct warning and the historical evidence of the Christians who escaped from such horror. Yet, all of that happened (AD 70) BEFORE Revelation was written (AD 95). While the Preterist view is intriguing and has some valid points, it is woefully inadequate to explain things that have unarguably not happened yet (e.g. The Second Coming). It's possible that I am misunderstanding what is being argued though so I reserve the right to be wrong. 😅


Pastor Jeff God bless you 🙏 I really need this for my soul... I need scripture... Many thanks for teaching the True Gospel


Good luck finding faithful and dedicated pastors in the buildings today.


I have never ever had the description of "elect" given in that way. No matter how much you read of His word you learn something new about Him and His process in all this. It's extraordinarily humbling. Thank you for this message. It's a tough thing to swallow. Shalom & God bless. 💛🙏


Amen Pastor Jeff! Thank you & God bless you!


I'd like to watch all of these from the beginning, when you start the series. Can you please put them in a distinct playlist or label them accordingly? Thank you!


I have loved this channel for quite some time. And the content keeps getting better and better.


Thank you for that clarification about the Acts of the saints; I been troubled by that scripture about selling ALL my belongings.


Always read and study the Scriptures after doing the best you can to purge your presuppositions. It is much more profitable allowing only the text to speak - [ex]egesis


God bless you Pastor Jeff, this message is encouraging and I’m definitely going back to read these scriptures. Thank God for Pastors as yourself.


I like this teaching. Very interesting 🤔. Thank you Jeff.


I have allways believed that what took place on 70ad is what Jesus was warning them of.
But, I also believe it was not finished, but put on hold. I believe it was an example of what will come upon the entire world just b4 the 2nd coming of Christ. It was a smaller version confined to the jews, and when God's wrath is poured out on the earth, we will see a global fulfilling of what began in 70 ad.

I would however like for someone who thinks I am wrong to please correct me or explain why I am wrong. Thank you


I LOVE the disclaimer at the front end!!!


Great teaching Brother. I don't know what is about this topic. But Christians get mean. Some of the comments are unbelievable


Hebrews 13:7 - "Remember your leaders who have spoken God’s word to you. As you carefully observe the outcome of their lives, imitate their faith."


Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown.
Revelation 3:10‭-‬11 NKJV


When I accepted the Gospel I did not enter into a covenant. I did not agree to enter a Covenant but entered into his death Burial and Resurrection of Christ, Buried with him.


I believe Post Mill, because God says so ❤ Thank you Jeff👍
