Will Christians Go Through The Great Tribulation?

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10 Reasons Why Christians Will Go Through the Great Tribulation

God’s people have experienced times of intense persecution and trial. Therefore, it should not be surprising that the church also experienced the Great Tribulation of the end times. In relation to this, we distinguish “Satan’s wrath” (or “man’s wrath”) from “God’s wrath” in the book of Revelation. Satan’s wrath is directed against the saints, and God allows it as a means of purifying His faithful. On the other hand, God’s wrath is poured out on the Antichrist and his godless kingdom, and God will protect His people from that punishment.

0:00 - Intro
1:49 - 1. It’s a new popular doctrine that wasn’t held by the church for over 1,800 years.
2:30 - 2. Pretribulationism splits the return of Jesus Christ into two “phases”—the Rapture and the Second Coming—whereas the Bible does not teach that.
3:54 - 3. The pretribulation view teaches that the Holy Spirit will be removed from the church but it’s the fact that there will obviously be saints in the Tribulation.
5:07 - 4. The first resurrection happens right before the thousand-year reign of Christ, not before the tribulation.
7:10 - 5. Passages refer to Jesus saving us from wrath at the final judgment, not to Him saving us from a seven-year Tribulation, experienced by a single generation.
11:01 - 6. Nowhere does the Bible say that the churches in Revelation speak of church ages or that the Church of Philadelphia was raptured from trouble.
13:51 - 7. The church is not mentioned during the tribulation chapters in Revelation, nor is the Church mentioned in visions of heaven in the book of Revelation.
15:59 - 8. Daniel’s 70 sevens deals with Israel but it doesn’t say that the church will not be present during the trials that Israel will go through.
16:53 - 9. Old Testament examples of Noah and Lot don’t prove that God will take us out of the world during the tribulation.
18:20 - 10. The Marriage Supper of the Lamb will be taking place after the great tribulation.

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whether we go through the tribulation or we go through a pre-trib and mid-trib rapture, one thing is for certain Jesus Christ will return.


I have always felt in my heart since I got saved at 18 (I am now 70) that we will go through the tribulation although most that I fellowship with believe in pre tribulation. All I say is keep your lamps trimmed at all times and be ready when our Redeemer returns! He will keep those whose hearts are longing for His appearing!!!🙏❤️


My Bible KJV says " those who endure til the end shall be saved"! Praise God always. Amen


*Main thing is we must be ready by building our faith strong and living a holy life*


When I first met my wife, at the very beginning, she asked me “are willing to die for your faith “ ? I told her yes. I have always thought that we would both die on the same day. Great persecution is coming the church here in America. We need to be ready for this, and consider it a great honor to our Lord Jesus.


All up to GOD ALMIGHTY. Mankind's opinion matters not. COME LORD JESUS. Amen!


God protects us from his wrath just like he protected Noah from the water.


Though i walk through the valley in the shadow of death, i shall fear no evil. Your rod amd staff, they comfort me.
Whatever happens, no matter how many times i fall. I will get back up because i know that's what he wants me to do. I will trust in him always.


Spread the gospel to everyone especially your family and friends


Recently I was so tired of all this arguments on pre-tribulation and post tribulation rapture and I asked God about it in prayer, I was led to an article that explained to me and made it very clear that Christians will be here during the tribulation🙏


I was pre tribulation ... now I must be ready for tribulation, thank you Pastor


Pastor Vlad I love this, I'm Pastor myself in India 🇮🇳.. you have brought scriptures to convict us that we are indeed going through the Great Trib


Tha Bible says when these things BEGIN to happen, look up for your redemption draweth nigh. So I am looking up because, as the Bible says, I am saved from the wrath, just like He saved Noah and his family. Don't be discouraged or afraid fellow Christians. Study your Bible. God will give you peace about this. He is not going to punish us because we are saved already and trusting in Him. He is our Hope and our Salvation.


that teaching is about as clear and concise as I have ever heard. Thanks my brother.


Bless you Brother Vlad.
I was raised in the South and a
pre-trib Rapture was all I had ever been taught. Once I learned to read the Word and remove all doctrine, to just allow God’s Word to speak. I realized exactly what you are saying in the video.
I also think that just as the Jewish people were deceived on how the Messiah was coming, the majority of the modern Church is equally deceived.
And when you think about it, it makes since that Satan would want us to be confused.
Great job here Brother! Keep on spreading The Good News!


I have been praying to remember me and my loved ones when the rapture comes as what our church and many famous speakers preach. But in my heart, it says, i am praying wrong. I have been studying the bible and I am convinced that Christians will go through the great tribulation. And thank you for the confirmation and the comfort that even if we go through the great tribulation somehow, God sends His protection.


“Because you have kept my word about patient endurance, I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell on the earth. I am coming soon. Hold fast what you have, so that no one may seize your crown.”

‭‭Revelation‬ ‭3‬:‭10‬-‭11‬ ‭ESV‬‬


Thank you! This gave me clarity! God Bless you Brother.


Whether we go through it or not. Our hearts 💕 must be ready to meet Jesus. No one wants to to go through what's coming. God's true Church must stay strong. Spend time with God in the secret place. Pray, worship The Lord EVERYDAY. Be ready for what ever we may have to face. I love ❤️ You Jesus, no matter what! 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
