5 A.I. SaaS Ideas To Launch In 2024

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A lot happened in 2023, and A.I. is still all around us!
In this video, I'll give you 5 A.I. SaaS ideas you can build and launch in 2024.

#saas #saasideas #startup #business #openai #gpt4 #chatgpt
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My SaaS User Growth System: Get Your First 100 - 1,000+ Users

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I hope you got some great new ideas from this video.
If you’re planning on building one of these in 2024, please share with us below 👇

⭐ Try Aidbase
You can get started with Aidbase for free.

Want to learn how to get the first 100 users?
Watch this one next:
My SaaS User Growth System: Get Your First 100 - 1, 000+ Users

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I will talk to you in the comments 🙌
Have a wonderful New Year!


1 A tool to improve your markating site
2 An Ai-deiven A/B testing tool
3 An AI-based Accounting Plugin
4 An AI-based file manager
5 A fine-tuning Stdio For Synthetic Data


BRB building one of those ideas.

Practical and helpful as always man 👏


Great video as always, editing through the roof!


Thanks very much for the first idea of an AI scanning a website and redesigning/rewriting it to optimize for conversion. I'm creating an AI that does something similar, except it scans an entire business and suggest recommendations for reorganizing it entirely for boosting productivity, sales, scalability, investability, etc.


Ideas are a dime a dozen, but execution and technical skill are the hard part. While it may be easy to imagine, bringing those ideas to life can be extremely difficult, even with A.I assistance. A.I is not magic; all analyses need to come from human feedback. Who will spend millions of dollars to train these A.I? :)

My idea: Tell the A.I to deposit money into my bank account. It's so simple - just provide the A.I with my bank account and money will appear in my account within an hour.


Wow! My mind is racing right now with all these ideas I want to build now! I am warming up to the idea of the document management. I already had it in my mind but I was merely thinking of it like this: scanning all messages (Whatsapp, emails, etc) and checking for useful attachments and filing them correctly. But now your idea just augmented the one I had. *Thinking...*


I like the synthetic data idea. I had a similar problem at work where we were developing a tool for something very company specific and we were stuck waiting for test data to come to validate our approaches. I'm going to work on this. I'm open to collaboration with others here.


These AI SaaS ideas are inspiring! It's exciting to see how automation can transform businesses in 2024. #AI #SaaS #Innovation


Just wanted to say that... you look jacked! 💪


Damn Si I'm halfway through a version of #1, it's like you read my mind


Simon, if this video had been released in 2020, I would say your mind is brilliant and already in 2050. But, as technology is advancing at the speed of light, I can say your mind remains brilliant and is in 2025 which is still ahed of the this time😂

You are one of the smartest guys I know on YouTube. I still don't know how you haven't conquered the world yet (maybe soon) 🚀


The live chat job industry is booming all around the world. Companies can't hire new workers fast enough and because there is so much competition for workers you have the flexibility to work whenever you want and pay rates are higher than ever.


Great video overall! Info is very useful and how the video is edited...just wow! Props to the editor


Nice video and really interesting AI SaaS ideas. With that being said, I just started using Aidbase yesterday to create an AI clone of myself. It's really cool! 🔥


I'm developing a tool to track cash flow, such as invoicing, liabilities, and expenses.On that, I'll include this Chrome extension for accounting utility.


Awesome suggestions, it would be also wonderful if you could give any such tools (if any) that are running similar to the suggestions made.

Nonetheless amazing ideas. 😊


Hi Simon, I have seen you mentioned a lot about the SaaS with AI. My question is, how one can build a SAAS with AI while having no skill in AI/ML type of stuff? Can you share such suggestions?


I want the AI File Manager! Thank you for the great info Simon


00:01 OpenAI's new AI models and algorithm are advancing, with significant impact on various platforms.
01:16 AI-powered tool for website design optimization
02:26 AI tool for autonomous website optimization
03:40 AI-powered customer support ecosystem for small businesses
04:51 Launch a smart, efficient AI-based accounting plugin
06:08 AI-based file manager to organize desktop and cloud storage
07:25 Create a fine-tuning studio for synthetic data
08:43 GPT-4 can be used to expand data sets with features like anomaly detection and validation
