Remote Control ESP32-S IoT Car with Blynk IoT / Cloud [TUTORIAL]

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Video Chapters:
0:00 Introduction
0:20 Fritzing Diagram
2:24 Device Components for ESP32-S IoT Car
6:25 Car Assembly - Chassis & Breadboard
7:20 Car Assembly - Motors
9:42 Car Assembly - L298N Motor Driver
11:27 Car Assembly - Caster Wheel
14:21 Car Assembly - Battery
18:21 Car Assembly - Connecting Motors to L298N
20:10 Preparing the Flip/Toggle Switch
22:57 Power - Switch, barrel wire connector & L298N
29:49 ESP32-S Pinout & Connecting ESP32-S to Power
33:50 Power-Up Test
34:32 Connecting L298N to ESP32-S
36:06 Blynk Cloud - Creating a Template (Datastreams & Web Dashboard)
41:35 Blynk Cloud - Creating a New Device
42:03 Blynk IoT Smartphone App - Setting up Mobile Dashboard w/Developer Mode
47:28 Template ID, Device Name, Auth Token & WiFi Credentials to Arduino IDE 2.0.3 Code
48:38 Code Explanation
50:08 Connecting ESP32-S to Computer (Code Upload Preparation)
51:13 Additional Code (pinMode)
51:55 Uploading Code to ESP32-S
52:33 Clarification/Correction of IN2 / GPIO5 wire
52:58 Explanation & Significance of L298N w/IN1-4 pins (w/wheel assembly)
56:50 Testing Car w/Blynk IoT App
58:25 End
#IoTcar #ESP32S #BLYNKCLOUD #BLYNK #IOT #NODEMCU #WIFI #ESP32 #BLYNKIOT #remotecontrolcar #blynkapp
Video Chapters:
0:00 Introduction
0:20 Fritzing Diagram
2:24 Device Components for ESP32-S IoT Car
6:25 Car Assembly - Chassis & Breadboard
7:20 Car Assembly - Motors
9:42 Car Assembly - L298N Motor Driver
11:27 Car Assembly - Caster Wheel
14:21 Car Assembly - Battery
18:21 Car Assembly - Connecting Motors to L298N
20:10 Preparing the Flip/Toggle Switch
22:57 Power - Switch, barrel wire connector & L298N
29:49 ESP32-S Pinout & Connecting ESP32-S to Power
33:50 Power-Up Test
34:32 Connecting L298N to ESP32-S
36:06 Blynk Cloud - Creating a Template (Datastreams & Web Dashboard)
41:35 Blynk Cloud - Creating a New Device
42:03 Blynk IoT Smartphone App - Setting up Mobile Dashboard w/Developer Mode
47:28 Template ID, Device Name, Auth Token & WiFi Credentials to Arduino IDE 2.0.3 Code
48:38 Code Explanation
50:08 Connecting ESP32-S to Computer (Code Upload Preparation)
51:13 Additional Code (pinMode)
51:55 Uploading Code to ESP32-S
52:33 Clarification/Correction of IN2 / GPIO5 wire
52:58 Explanation & Significance of L298N w/IN1-4 pins (w/wheel assembly)
56:50 Testing Car w/Blynk IoT App
58:25 End
#IoTcar #ESP32S #BLYNKCLOUD #BLYNK #IOT #NODEMCU #WIFI #ESP32 #BLYNKIOT #remotecontrolcar #blynkapp