This man just SAVED League of legends

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Phreak and riot overall have honestly blown my mind in recent times, so many good changes added to league. Honestly nice to not have anything negative to say just purely positive League of legends is back baby

Thresh skin clips obviously from the main man Skin Spotlights
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Now Yasuo has to wait for the 0/20 power spike.


Damn thats huge, no ping needed anymore to tell them they were abused as a child, thats a big buff


I read "Nerf Italy" in the tumb. Thought riot would make shorter pasta.


I play mostly immobile juggernauts and hard tanks and I feel like my fights last 5-10 seconds. I look at items like Riftmaker on Mordekaiser and think "5 seconds in combat for omnivamp? Fights won't last that long by the time I build this thing! Then I think back to season 10 and 9 when I started and how long fights lasted. Stacking Conq and old ravenous hunter letting me last for half a minute late game against an adc who can kill me if I don't keep up the pressure and I can't just swat with a single q and 2 seconds of my passive is fun, fighting is FUN. It's the thing that got me interested in this game, not abstract macro or bauss style sidelane bullshit, long epic fights where I get to demonstrate my skills in dodging skillshots and landing my own. The game has become more about how quickly you make decisions after the fights you take than the fights themselves and it feels empty as a result.


The game was too snowbally so they added objective bounties to give the losing team a way to get back into the game. They did the "durability" patch which was almost immediately indirectly reverted by champion buffs (specifically damage). These were all placebo changes which didn't address the issues league has. Now that the items are getting nerfed, maybe the game will feel playable again.


You know were all going to abuse the "my bad" ping by being all passive aggressive with it right?


Deadlock has a thing where your character will point out when you are by yourself in a potentially unsafe location just with a voice line. I found that to be not only really cool to hear the character themselves voicing it but a great way to help keep you reminded of positioning.


This actually might make me play League again. I've quit for almost like 3 years and haven't once looked back with all the damage in the game. But now, i'm honestly thinking about coming back.


as a vigga main i am a big fan of "every item gets nerfed" so i can finally feel like i have a special AP gimmick again


it was kinda daunting scrolling down the comments of such a welcomingly positive video to see well just the people I find in games, not very nice people


Bro, nerfing items and making champion base stats matter more was something I started thinking about a year ago. Glad devs are picking up on the same thing. Makes a hell of a lot more sense when you realize most of the balance issues are caused by items, and only a few by champions (which you can ban).


They have pings for next recommended jungle camp and such. As long as you have the option to turn off these new pings, it might benefit the newest of the players some.


I've looked at the K'Sante changes, and as an enjoyer of said champion I get where they're coming from, it's not necessarily that the champion is weaker, it seems like he actually does a fuck ton more damage now than before, but that he's becoming incredibly clunky and slow so actually getting damage or value out of the changes is so much harder than it's worth


I was literally so ready to leave all of league…and now they brought me back by doing what i want? Life is not fair…the grass felt so good


The problem with this is unless they nerf sustain, it will just create tank meta


Finally, at least they are addressing the issue. I literally quit the game because of this.
I been saying it for years, the game is not readable anymore, I can’t get in an out of team fights as an assassin like I used to. Is not fun to play. I want to out calculate my opponents, I don’t want to play safe, outscale them and one shot them before they one shot me, that’s boring af


I'm an old player, supports used to buy gold generating items such as philosopher stone (builds into shurelya for movement speed), heart of gold (builds into locket) and kage lucky pick (builds into twin shadows), beside gold generating items we had sightstone and ruby sightstone (direct upgrade with only more hp) which granted you 3 wards every time you went back to base
If you didn't go all 3 of the gold gen items, you'd swap one out for an aura item, Runic Bulwark gave 10 armor, 25 mr and 10 flat hp regen to your whole team if they sat around you or my favorite Zeke's Herald, I'd even build it on Darius top because it gave 20% CDR, 250 health and it was a cheap first item spike and the aura would give me and my teammates 20 AD and 10% lifesteal, a whole vamp scepter worth of lifesteal to me, my jg and my adc


Less movespeed, less haste, less burst, AMAZING.

Bring back the days when assassins needed 2 rotations to kill someone from full hp.


cope, none of this will fix anything. you can't balance 160+ champions. cope.


First video I watched by you, Keep doing this. I love hearing you give your thoughts on the game state.
