Day 228 (Jeremiah 32-34)

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- Article: A Royal Priesthood in Christ
- Article: Is the Royal Priesthood of all Believers Biblical?
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I was also puzzled over God’s promise for an everlasting ministration of Levitical priests, at Jer 33:21. But then TLC explains that at 1 Pet 2:9, we are God’s “royal priests, ” just as we are “living stones in His spiritual temple” (1 Pet 2:5). I’d think that not being a prophet gives me a pass: I don’t have to go burying loincloths, wearing a signboard, marrying Gomer, or as we’ll see in Ezekiel, lying on my side for a year. But no, He calls me to be a priest without a collar, telling others (and myself) that “the Lord is good; His faithful love endures forever” (Jer 33:11). That He calls me to do that, despite Him seeing every time I fall short, is inexplicable. He raises me from shame to honor.


I am learning SO much from reading God’s word and connecting with the Bible Recap. TLC’s daily offering of informative and often humorous teaching is very refreshing and encouraging. 😊 ❤


He is the God of second chances.. so many second chances. He truly desires to be with us! God's mercy is an example of how we need to treat others..


Jeremiah 32:27.... Nothing is too hard for our God


I love how TLC can pull out such very personal things between us & God, like he's so anxious to talk to us (Jeremiah) that he could've wait for Jeremiah to respond to His question. 😊 I think we can try to bring God too He's just anyone not the Most Holy. But, He does want a personal relationship with His children. He wants us to be anxious to talk to Him, to learn about Him, to share our hearts with Him, yet keep Him in his proper place of God Almighty. Not sure this makesc sense, 🤔 but I'm trying for it too....😊


I have no righteousness to offer Him. HE is my righteousness.
Praise the Lord.


God promises restoration and He keeps His promises. In Jer 33:3, He tells the people to call on Him and saysHe will tell them great and unsearchable things they do not know. Our God is an intimate God.


Aloha, praise the Lord, and good morning BR family. Every day is an amazing blessing reading and sharing God's words. I am highly motivated to start my day with each of you especially with TLC, our amazing commentator. She reminded us that righteous is God's promise to us. Jeremiah 33:11, Praise the Lord of host: for the Lord is good; for his mercy endured forever. He is where the JOY is!!


God is so good, he’s only after our hearts. Today I pray and hope that we can all glorify him through actions today.


The joy is in knowing how much God loves His creation! I can't help but desire to be in His presence!


Jeremiah 33:9 NIV tells of
God's mercy and grace for Judah and how He will show other nations His remarkable love and loyalty through the blessings He gives the people. He will have JOY, praise and honor from other nations for providing for His children and loving them. "Then this city will bring me renown, joy, praise and honor before all nations on earth that hear of all the good things I do for it; and they will be in awe and will tremble at the abundant prosperity and peace I provide for it.’ "

God is so good. He takes joy in giving us His love and mercy. He delights in us even in our evil actions and idolatry.

We GET to honor Him despite our flaws, We get to receive His forgiveness when we ask for it. It is freely and joyfully given to us. What an awesome God! We are so blessed to be His unworthy servants.


I love the fact God loves us and we can trust and his promises to be there for us as long as we follow him.


There were several places where I really saw important things about God today but I think the one that stands out the most is from Jeremiah, 32:27 which says, “I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?” There is nothing we can throw at God that he can’t handle, no sin is too big. Of course this doesn’t mean that there will not be consequences just because we take it to the Lord, but thank goodness we can go to Him with any and everything, the most inner fears of our hearts, and He can handle it.


I love how excited you were when God needed to spill some tea to Jeremiah 🙂😊😀 He is indeed where the joy is💃


I love that God promises righteousness to me ❤


My God shot came from 32:5 - God will visit him. I love that God visits, doesn't matter the circumstances or who the person is. God is everywhere and involved


My God shot was his steadfast love! He is so good!


Beautiful recap TLC and TBR team He's where the Joy is ❤️💯 Have a blessed day in His Presence Family 💯❤️


Being a Royal priesthood is exactly where my mind went after reading these chapters!! PREACH PREACH THE GOSPEL!!! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽


Day 228
Jeremiah 32-34
Jeremiah is in prison. King Zedekiah did not like Jeremiah’s prophecies and put him there to punish him.
Jeremiah hears from God in prison. God tells him that his cousin is going to try to sell him some land and that he should buy it. His cousin comes to the prison and so Jeremiah obeys. He buys the property and tells the scribe to put the paperwork in an earthen vessel, a vase for safekeeping. It will be 70 years before he needs it.
Jeremiah was honest with God and told him about his struggles. He was confused about buying land in which the enemies had already invaded. Jeremiah takes his questions and doubts to God. God can be trusted to be truth to our fear and our questions.
God patiently reminded Jeremiah that the enemy is part of God‘s process.
It’s good for us to remember the truth of the gospel regularly. To have others speak it to us and us speak it to others.
God tells Jeremiah that He will gather His people and restore them. He will put the the fear of Himself in their hearts. The good fear, a mix of awe and delight.The kind that draws us to Him.
God rejoices in doing good to His people.
God has established an everlasting covenant with us. He is so very good and kind to us.
Chapter 33
God initiates a conversation with Jeremiah while in prison.
God wants to talk with His people and wants us to talk to Him. He reminded Jeremiah that there will be a reversal of everything that is happening.
What was emptied out will be filled again. God tells Jeremiah that there will be a righteous king. This is referring to Jesus!
1 Peter 5:2-9
WE are priests to God, to be a Holy priesthood and offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. We are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession so we might proclaim His excellencies.
He called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. Wow!
Chapter 34
We read the conversation that got Jeremiah sentenced to jail.
We also see that God promises judgement on those who are enslaving people.
33:14-16 God in promising a righteous branch to spring up for Israel and Judah. It shall be called the Lord is our righteousness.
We often see righteousness and good deeds or something that we bring to God as a peace offering.
Righteousness could feel like a promise we are making to God. But it turns out that righteousness is not something we present to God but rather something God presents to us.
Righteousness is God‘s promise to us!
God is our righteousness!
God grants it to us for free!
