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TBR Bible Beavers

Confident humility 🤌

Whether in the miracles or mundane, God's plan is always good!

Are you able to spot Jesus in the Old Testament?

Righteousness is something done TO us and FOR us, not BY us 💙


God cares about how hopeful we are 🥹

God's utter holiness 🤝 His relentless pursuit of sinners

Here's why Christianity isn't exclusive ⬆️

Theology or ME-ology? 👀

God's delight and joy is expressed in salvation!

God's excessive love is shocking and praise-inducing!

He's our protector and peace-keeper 🙌

God always knows and always does what is best!

Who else needed to hear this today? 😮‍💨

TLC's theory on God's primary love language 👀 What's yours?

Christ's death covers all of our sin - past, present, and future!

He grants His righteousness to us for FREE! 🙌

To know God is to obey Him 💙

Resting is an act of worship?! PTL! 🙌

You've got this 👎 God's got this 👍

Sometimes the enemy's tactics are more cunning than we think 👀

A new heaven?! But isn't it perfect already??

This may be a hard pill to swallow sometimes 😲