White's Goldmaster 24K VS Minelab Monster 1000

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We have been getting a lot of requests to do a side by side comparison of the White's Goldmaster 24K and the Minelab Monster 1000
In our opinion the Goldmaster 24K was a little more sensitive.
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Ive' been trying to tell buyers for a couple years that; the Minelab Gold Monster is a hyped-up detector. My 14 year old Whites MXT will hit a nickel at 16 inches; the equivelant to a one ounce gold nugget, (With the smaller Eclipse 5.3 mono coil, )It will hit a #8/.080 birdshot bb also. Good video. Maybe folks will wise up and stop dropping a $1, 000.00 bucks on the GM.


Gold Monster is on Auto mode.. Put it on Manual 10 and it'll scream on all those targets. Not a good comparison.


I noticed you ran the gold monster on auto modes. It will easily pick up that target as well if not better on manual sensitivity of 9-10. Not sure what sensitivity you used on the whites. Ive found tiny pieces of gold at 4-5 inches with the gm1000. On manual sensitivity of 9-10. Never tried the whites, but i have friends that bought them. They come to the conclusion that the 24k and monster are about the same depth. They own both. Only thing i dont like about monster is no advanced settings available. But minelab has a few new detectors coming in next couple years. Im expecting a new gold vlf. Maybe a upgraded gold monster. thanks for the video.


Thank you. I've been trying to make a choice between the two and this has helped.


Just picked up a 24k.
What settings should I start with?


Hi sir eye opening results I think whites actually discontinued this model in favor of there new gmt


Ive tried and tested almost all the high frequency VLF gold prospecting detectors out there, I was a serious GMT and then Gold Bug 2 user for years and then made the mistake of buying a Gold Monster 1000....I instantly hated the terrible digital audio....all the pops, farts and clicks the damn thing made, drove me insane. I traded it for a 24K and can make the bold statement....the 24K is easily the best high frequency VLF gold prospecting detector EVER MADE. With the 6" CC coil, it beats everything for depth on .1-.4gm bits of gold. It matches performance on tiny specks with the Gold Bug 2 (the industry winner for many years) and has a much better range of coils, both CC and DD designs. Such a pity that the company has gone out of business...hopefully it gets sold and can start again....


Misleading. You have the goldmonster 1000 set on the "auto 2" setting which is about 1/3 sensitivity.
Try showing what it does on "manual 10" setting. It will outperform the Whites by a mile.
I'm a novice with the Gold Monster 1000 and find .1g to 1.5 g in 2 to 3 inches of soil all day.
Very misleading video. BTW I paid off the GM1000 within 6 months finding gold.


Uso uma GMT 24k garimpeiro pra mim é otima mais potente um pouco que a monster 1000.


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