How To Deal With Unrealistic Expectations At Work

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Learn how to deal with unrealistic demands on you. Whether you are a business owner, a manager, or an executive leading a team we all have an incredible amount of pressure on us on a daily basis. Today Learn how to deal with these unrealistic demands.

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Let's be honest, might is often right in the workplace. They will find some way that this is your fault before they ever admit to being wrong. For example, you say you don't have time, they'll say show us your workload, then they'll pick holes in how you're managing it. Or your speed. And if they can't find a flaw, they'll instead blame the exact words that you used when you said no, and they'll accuse you of being objectionable or something. They'll say that you should ask for help more often, then when it comes to actually asking for help, there'll be no-one available so they'll say that you should've asked sooner or that you should've managed your priorities more effectively. I don't know what the answer to this is. I am probably going to "say no" anyway, to retain my own integrity, at the risk of being dragged through a disciplinary process. It's the best I can do. And the awful thing is that I do work hard. I am valuable. And I often extend myself. But it's never enough. It's never goddamn enough.
