Battle! Dusknoir & Darkrai (Remastered) ► Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky

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Almost NO ONE covers the Dusknoir battle theme, and this is one of the best remasters of it yet! So many people have done Hidden Highland, and that's fine--I love remixes of it, too, but Dusknoir's battle theme is so underrated, so I'm really glad it's getting some well-deserved love here!

Literally every PMD boss theme (except for Primal Dialga) is criminally underrated. The regular boss themes, Team Meanies' theme, Rayquaza's from PMD1, Palkia's, etc.

Keep up the amazing work!! ♥


Was actually training a sableye when i got the notif. Ironic.


Aaaah now I understand why so many recent releases on Explorers of Sky/Darkness/Time, the 10th anniversary is on ❤️


God, I wish this wasn't Darkrai's theme, too. Dusknoir was such an epic character, both as a villain and in his subsequent redemption. He deserved his OWN epic song. Reusing it for the final boss theme just kind of felt like they weren't doing Dusknoir OR Darkrai the justice they deserved. It's an amazing song, but despite both being sinister, manipulative antagonists, Darkrai and Dusknoir differ about as much as they possibly could, which makes them both having the same theme kinda water them down a bit. They both deserved better.

Regardless, you did a MASTERful job remastering it (hehe), as always. It gives me intense flashbacks to my days of playing PMD2.

...Which you probably already realized from my heated rant about Darkrai and Dusknoir.
Oh, well.


*Dark Crater*
Me: Okay, team! We are surrounded, but we still got this! Sure, Cressilia sent us back a million times thanks to that annoying Astonish, but I'm stocked on Stun Seeds and Oran Berries and Reviver Seeds, so we should be-
*Sees a Mismagius*
Me: Darkrai, you son of a-


This is by far the best remix/remaster of his theme. Dusknoir is such an important challenge and perfect foil in the story. His motivation for self-preservation is completely understandable and the lengths he's willing to go to and the genuine desperation. Willing to be twofaced and cutthroat out of pure terror of morality is felt. A mirror for how we are willing to sacrifice everything to save the future.

And him being just a big spooky boi. So the horror sting is just form fitting.

Darkrai should feel honoured that he got to share this fantastic theme. Because this is absolutely Dusknoir's first and formost.


I really love the sense of power and menacing something or rathers you put into this! It really makes you feel outnumbered but also has a touch of urgency due to there not being much time left to stop Temporal Tower from collapsing.


I'm a simple man.
I see PMD, I like.


I heard many remixes of this one, but this one topples them all by far

Isn´t it ironic, Dusknoir, the one who holds the strings is himself being played by yet another puppeteer acting from the shadows


This sounds like the theme of an unstoppable force, which definitely fits Dusknoir. The final fight with him should prove that. After an intense fight, Dusknoir is barely even winded, and all three heroes are in bad condition (I'm ignoring the Sableye, because they honestly don't matter). Considering the size and charge-up of the shadow ball (probably) Dusknoir shoots, its probably far more powerful than a regular shadow ball. Considering the fact that Dusknoir uses it at all implies that it would win the fight immediately. It's reflected back at him, directly into his belly. Think about that. Shadow ball is already a decently powerful move with 80 power. Considering the long charge-up time, size, and the fact he releases it from his core, I would say that it's probably on par with the likes of hyper beam, at the very least. So, assuming 150 power, Dusknoir is using it so it would have a STAB bonus that brings it up to 225 power. It would be a super effective move, so that would boost it to 450 power. Finally, it is going directly into his belly, so that would be at the very least a critical hit, bringing the total up to a whopping 675 (critical hits increase power by 1.5X) power, probably at minimum. I personally wouldn't count this, but you could add the mirror move boost, and increase the rough power to 1350. Finally, Dusknoir is using it, which would amp up the power significantly, considering how powerful Dusknoir is. Dusknoir not only survives, he GETS BACK UP, and still has enough power to launch a presumably powerful attack. Grovyle sends him to the future, and despite how brutal the beatdown on Dusknoir was, he still wakes up well before Grovyle, and going by in-game stats, was still roughly as strong as Grovyle, who received significantly less damage during the fight.

Not even Dialga has feats this incredible. He loses to two explorers who are already tired from climbing Temporal Tower (there was at least a breather before the Dusknoir fight), and despite being in a berserk state that would make him hard to subdue, loses to the heroes in a single engagement, without even getting back up. Dusknoir is absurd.
*EDIT*: After reflection, it would make sense that the present version of Dialga would be an irrational and ineffective fighter because of his split between normal and primal attributes. He would still have all of same strength, but without the purpose to put them to particularly good use. I still stand by the idea that being a berserk rage would make him very difficult to subdue, but aside from that he would pretty easy to fight. Thanks to Hycrox for the input.

Edit: Another thought, whatever makes WigglyTuff so strong, Dusknoir probably has it too. Going by the circumstances surrounding their fights, I think this makes sense. In the Dusknoir fight, the aforementioned absolutely absurd punishment Dusknoir takes only puts him down for maybe a minute before he recovers enough to launch a powerful counter attack, while in the fight with Wigglytuff (which is roughly around the same level), the only reason the protagonists drive Wigglytuff off is because Wigglytuff puts almost no effort into the fight (his only attacking move is double-slap), and after the respectable amount of damage you do to him, he is still more than healthy enough to sprint off like nothing happened. It's worth noting that the protagonists were trying their best to defeat Dusknoir, whereas they probably weren't trying their absolute best against Wigglytuff. Also, Dusknoir's posse was lowly Sableye, whereas Wigglytuff had his guild, which is assuredly tougher than what Dusknoir had. Finally, when fighting Dusknoir Grovyle was helping, but that probably just balances out the added difficulty that would be faced dealing with guild members rather than generic Sableye. Dusknoir obviously hasn't busted down solid rock walls, giant boulders, or massive solid metal doors, but in the story he never had any need to, and if he needed to he can just phase through, since he's a ghost type. Given the need though, I think it's reasonable to assume he probably could. If not with his fists, definitely with his shadow ball. Knowing this, I would be very interested in seeing a fight between the two. The only problem would be finding an arena that wouldn't explode from their attacks...


Now THAT was a challenging boss fight. Listening to this song sends shivers down my spine.


I’m so happy to find this moving image!! Thank you very much!!
by Japanese Pokémon fan


I can't believe I didn't find your channel earlier. Your remixes and remasters are just incredible, especially the PMD tracks! Please tell me that you'll at _least_ cover Brine Cave and Vast Ice Mountain Peak, Zame!


That moment when your main attacking move is Discharge (I usually play Shinx/Turtwig duo) and you see that Lightning rod Rhyperior in Darkrai's team and there's that Cresselia devouring all those Reviver seeds you got.
And btw very nice Cover ♥
As amazing as ever :p


This is such an awesomely intense remaster! It reminds me of the many times I lost to Dusknoir and started throwing a hissy fit about it!

If you couldn't tell, Mystery Dungeon is my childhood rage game.


*jaw drops*

Maintenant je veut vraiment des remakes de PMD2 😭😭


I just notice that you change your channel banner and i have to say that i absolutly Adore it! Just Nate and Hugh showing off their middle stage starter with a "i love unova" and the channel name. Very fitting of you Zame, very fitting.


Theme of two bosses who put a plot twist in the story


Gamefreak: releases a PMD2 remake

Me: Shut up and take my money!


This is wonderful! It’s also making me crave a PMD game to come out for the switch!
