PPR Texes Test Tips - 100% Works - EC-12 Practice Test (160) - Pearson

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The Texas Examinations of Educator Standards (TExES) Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities (PPR) test is administered to teachers seeking certification in Texas. Learn more about the content, structure and purpose of this test, and find out what you can do to prepare.

Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities EC–12 (160)

The TExES PPR EC-12 (160): Practice & Study Guide measures a test taker's knowledge of educational theory and pedagogy. This computer-based exam includes 100 multiple-choice questions to be completed over the course of a 5-hour testing session. Content covers four key domains, or teaching skills, expected of certified educators in Texas public or charter schools.

Format Computer-administered test (CAT) with 100 selected-response questions.

Time 5 hours total appointment time

15 minutes for CAT tutorial and compliance agreement

4 hours and 45 minutes testing time

Exam Dates By appointment, year round. Test appointments are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Check appointment availability opens in a new window.

Exam Sites CAT sites are located in Texas and nationwide. Locate a test center opens in a new window.

Passing Score 240

Exam Fee $116. Additional fees may apply.

Score Reporting Scores are available at 10 p.m. central time on the score report dates. Policies When you register, you must agree to abide by all program rules and policies.


STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. STEM is important because it pervades every part of our lives. Science is everywhere in the world around us. Technology is continuously expanding into every aspect of our lives.

#ppr #pearson #ppr160

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I would definitely recommend this video when preparing for the TExES PPR Exam! I was nervous about this exam, but this guy has some great tips on how to prepare. There are 2 very important tips to take away from this: do NOT use your own Personal Philosophy and it's a "perfect world" scenario! I PASSED on my first attempt! Thank you so much!


I took the PPR 3 times made a 229, 232, & 233 … I was literally down to my last attempt, cause even though I get 5 tries, I had to complete it in 4 cause of time wasn’t on my side with my internship running out …. I watched this video MULTIPLE times along with your other ones and I passed with a 243! I truly wanna say thank you so much cause it was these videos that got me over the hump!


I just took my test on Monday for the third time and I got my results today. I freaking I couldn’t have done it without your videos!! Thank you so much for the tips and the questioning you do with the answer choices. You are amazing!! THANK YOU!!!! 🙏🏻


Thank you SO MUCH! I had two days to study for the PPR and I took notes on this video, watched it a couple of times, and briefly reviewed your other videos. You are amazing. I passed with a 244. I wouldn't have been able to pull it off without your help.




Your video is helpful, thanks for the great tips! Some things I really dislike about this test: they omit 10 random questions; 10 questions that could all be correct. 10 questions that could make all the difference in pass/fail. Also, the fact that more than one answer is correct on many of the questions. Sometimes all four are correct, and you have to pick the BEST answer. When it comes to BEST, then it becomes OPINIONATED. What one teacher may find to be the best solution, another teacher may disagree. Doesn't make either one of them right or wrong. The fact that this test is based mainly on opinion, and not fact, makes me not want to take this exam. But I don't want to throw away 4 years of school, a 4.0 GPA, and hard work/dedication I put into field work and student teaching. So I feel obligated to take this test. Just would make a lot more sense if they didn't pull out 10 "random" questions, and insert multiple right answers into each one. I'm sure a lot of people feel the same way.


Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting these testing tips!! I watched all your videos & using your tips, took the practice test repeatedly until I had a firm grasp on HOW to take the test. I studied & grilled myself for 4 days … PASSED the PPR160 on my first attempt!! Again, thanks so much!! ❤️❤️🙂🙂


Studying for my test, this is fantastic real and practical advice. For a test like this, adjusting your mindset is almost as important as actually studying material. Thank you very much for the video


First off Thank you for these Tips, I only just found this the night before my test and watch this video and few other tips to pass these riduculous teaching exams. Somebody help me to understand 1. Why do they put a limit of taking the test, because theres a teacher shortage if Im not mistaken and 2. when a person has attempted several attempts and are off by 1 or 2 which was me, then why not give them the job. Im getting to the point of hanging it up because real y'all this is too much and we don't even do half of these things in a real classroom, just saying. Sorry Im tired of studying and taking test over and over, but pray for me y'all. Thanks again.


I'm stressing studying for my test, this really cleared some things up. I hope I can do well and pass the first time. Thank you for the tips!


Great video with great advice! I am taking the PPR exam next week and am reviewing. 

Just thought I'd put some info out here to others: If you need testing accommodations, apply as soon as you have registered! You cannot book a slot until they approve you even though the dates are first come first served, or you have to call and cancel the request! Also, if you have a certfication officer, who has blocked you from scheduling a date, have them remove this and tell them you are requesting extended time. You can't request the accommodations if they do not clear you!

Also, if you are taking a language subject test, you will not get the results right away. The scheduled grading time for the German LOTE exam I took, was 7 weeks! Luckily I got the results after 3 weeks.

So please plan accordingly and do not stress!

Hope this is helpful to you all. Good luck!


Thanks a Lot! your videos and classes are very helpful. I made the mistake of not choosing Stem on my first attempt. I tried so many resources, but it didn't work well. When I started watching your videos and strategies, I passed my test. Especially in the test, I took frequent breaks and slapped my face to wake me up and not to distract myself. Those who are preparing for PPR, please don't take any other courses. First, purchase all stems Videos and grab the whole PPR process. After that, you might go with Certify teacher practice test. Thanks a lot!


Thank you for the video! I did not study but I did watch this video and passed it with a 260 on my first attempt.
To everyone watching the video really understand what he is telling you. It will eliminate so many possible answers.


I studied this video and the other PPR one for a week straight before retaking the exam for the second time. I passed this time!! The strategies were so helpful and made everything make sense. Thank you!!!!


I followed your tips and purchased your course and passed the PPR in light of this. Thank you very much for your help!!!


Thank you for the videos after using them to study for my PPR exam I was finally able to pass the exam. Your tips helped a lot during my PPR examination.


Thank you so much, passed my PPR with the help of your videos


Im going to take this test & pass on the first try. This video will be useful for me as i take my exam. Speaking into existence ✨


Thank you very much for your tips. I will be taking my test today, Wish me luck :)


Just got my results after studying primarily this video. Passed with a 275! Thank you so much for creating this!!! Cheers.
