Can You Know the Secrets of the Pyramids in Cairo, Egypt? Weird and Interesting Facts🤔#egypt #cairo

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It consists of two and a half million blocks weighing 12 tons. If 10 blocks were placed per day, the construction would take 664 years. The meridian passing over the pyramid divides the land and sea into two equal parts and the location of the pyramid is found. Multiplying the height of the Earth at its center of gravity (164 meters) by one billion gives the distance between the sun and our earth. Did you know that dividing the area of ​​the base by twice its height gives the value of pi?

Inside, devices such as "ultrasound", radar and sonar do not work, dirty water purifies itself within a few days, milk remains fresh for a few days without spoiling and eventually turns into yoghurt, cuts, burns, abrasions and wounds heal. faster inside the pyramid. Did you know that winter is cold and hot, and that the sun enters the room of the person named after him twice a year? #desert #arab #weird #information #interesting #pyramid
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