Ranking EVERY Cuphead Weapon

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Sorry that this month's upload took a while to come out, but I hope the wait was worth it! This is the most amount of work I've put into a video so far. New techniques, two weeks of struggling with keyframes, and a LOT of images. But now it's here and I hope you enjoy it!
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Personally I disagree with your opinion on chalices heart special. It isn’t all that useful in the base game. But it is really useful whilst trying to S rank bosses, especially ones you aren’t consistent with. And yes heart ring is good, it does force you to play as Cuphead forcing you to not be able to use the borderline broken features of chalice.


"It has the same damage as roundabout when all shots hit" exactly. Roundabout will hit more consistently that twist up


My man did lobber dirty. The bouncing projectiles help so much on non platform bosses


"It has the same damage as roundabout when all three twisters hit"
[Footage of 90% of the twisters missing]


Spread EX is amazing for background bosses that stand still like Root Pack phase 3, Beppi phase 4, etc. Since you can get inside their hitbox without taking damage, you can easily land all 8 shots, as well as the main Spread being able to instantly hit all its shots if you're standing right in them means you can easily build up a ton of damage.


“Spread shot needs all 4 shots to hit so it’s not that great”

“Twist-up is good when all 3 twisters hit”

what the fuck. be consistent man


Here’s the thing about lobber, it’s not really for normal uses, utility is basically a must for it and knowing specific tricks and knowledge about the projectile itself. For example: When a boss is about to pop up on screen, (Beppis phase 4 transition and root packs phase 2 transition) Stand where they will be and shoot directly up. The lobbers will keep bouncing and hit the boss for a lot of early damage. It’s called a lobber trap and it’s essential for speedrunning.


I'd like to mention that Converge doesn't always have to be locked in. If anything, the weapon has the properties of both spread and peashooter. It's a favorite of mine because it takes the damage output of Spread, and applies the range of Peashooter to the weapon. A long range blaster, and you'd consider more space from the bosses up, down and center, B Tier? Huh


converge has great DPS. And the sheer power you hold when bringing it into beppi alongside spread is unmatched. When he summons like 5 penguins, position yourself at an edge and kill them all with one ex


personally I think chalice's 2nd super is incredibly useful and reliable especially for S rank runs.


0:43 Peashooter
1:19 Spread
2:23 Chaser
3:17 Lobber
3:55 Charged
5:07 Uncharged
5:33 Roundabout
6:17 Crackshot
6:56 Converge
7:40 Twist Up
9:02 Ex-Peashooter
9:50 Ex-Spread
9:57 Ex-Chaser
10:06 Ex-Lobber
10:10 Ex-Charged
10:17 Ex-Roundabout
10:26 Ex-Crackshot
10:34 Ex-Converge
10:44 Ex-Twist Up
11:14 SUPER-Energy Beam
11:47 SUPER-Invincibility
12:11 SUPER-Giant Ghost
12:52 CHALICE SUPER-Spiral Piller
13:31 CHALICE SUPER-Shield Pal
14:11 CHALICE SUPER-Ghostly Barrage
14:49 Darts
15:14 Bombs
15:46 Chalice-Triple Darts
15:57 Chalice-Grenade
16:33 PLANE EX-Chomper
16:46 PLANE EX- Magnet
16:56 Editing PK
17:28 CPE (Chalice Plane EX)-Homing Magnets
17:49 CPE-Downward Missle
18:17 Whetstone
19:16 Editing PK (again) - Plane Nukes (for both Cuphead and Chalice) and Mini Plans Shots.
19:43 𝓕𝓲𝓷

Your Welcome!

Edit: Thank you guys for 200 likes! I love how supportive you are in the comments, hope you all have a nice day! 🤗🤗🤗


Whenever I start a new save, I buy roundabout first. It’s like the charger in the sense that you can focus more on the dodge than the attack, but it does a bit more damage and I think that sometimes you actually do have to aim depending on your boss, which helps teach you that you can’t always rely on the shots to hit by themselves. I love it!


Lobber is definitely hugely underrated, it can be invaluable for stacking for burst damage when the boss is between phases or unable to be hit during an attack

I think Converge is super underrated as well, the ability to clear minions and hit destroyable projectiles with ease full screen is very useful

Chalice Super 2 is easily S tier, I’d say easily the best in the game
I would take an extra rechargeable, stackable health over super damage any day IMO

Same goes for Cuphead’s invincibility super too, 5 seconds of invincibility is extremely versatile


Charge shot just really greases my gears, love it so much. Dunno why homing is so controversial, it's just a handicapped laser with homeing. Roundabout is really fun. Twister, as a Terraria player, get good, if you hate you bad at the game, or you hate gimmicks. Most ex shots are bad to me, simply cause saving up to the supers gives you better stuff. I usually run invincible, it pairs really well with spread, though the others are really cool.


I had this bosa idea for a while it takes insparation for ribby and croaks final phase with the slot machine in a plane mimicing the player's shots (I mean the shot types)

Peashooter: Aim at the player and charge shoots 4 smaller shots when charging

Chaser: One giant Chaser Star following a loop in the arena while it shoots and orbits Chaser Stars

Spread: Constantly tries to go at the player when timer is done mimics the Ex Ability

Roundabout: A Buzzsaw will aim forthe center and when the saw reaches the end of the screen tries to go back to the original position while rotating clockwise or counter clockwise

Lobber: Shoots 4 lobber balls in 4 directions then charges at the player when the main ball hits a wall it spawns a new lobber ball to bounce in a random direction

Charge: Shoots 3 uncharged shots in 4 directions then a charged shot aims for the player's position

Crackshot: A P. Turret will orbit in position shooting cracked shots ocassionaly shooting crackshots above and below

Converge: Shoots a laser in 8 directions the main laser will travel in one direction like the laser to try and get close to the player

Twist Up: Summons a tornado in a random postion slowly going outwards

Exploder: Explodes in a random position then fires 3 shots targeting the player

Arc: Bounces along the floor and in 3-5 jumps it will spawn mini green stars that in both directions that will jump in the direction they're spawned


10:32 Parrying the Crackshot EX also counts as a parry for the Heart Ring charm, and I'm pretty sure it counts as a parry for ranking as well. In comparison to parryable level objects such as the springs in Murine Corps phase 1 and the horse skull bells in Gnome Way Out phase 3.


Whetstone isn't completely useless. I don't use it to attack non-background bosses, but it's helpful if your getting sandwiched and your only exit route will land you on a minion, so use Whetstone and get to safety. Ironic that the only damage dealing charm is more useful for defensive reasons.


10:22 damn even after S-ranking every boss I didn't realise that the roundabout ex disppeared when YOU touch it...


In my opinion, super 2 (chalice) is really good! Because of crackshot you only need to Focus on dodging, not damage. Super 2 (chalice) really helps with that. And plus, twin heart lowers your damage, and some bosses don’t have enough parry’s for heart ring to be useful.


I dont know what it is, but i really liked how this video was edited and everything. You really seemed to be enthusiastic about it too, good job
