How to Find A Job Faster In A Crappy Labor Market

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How to Find A Job Faster In A Crappy Labor Market. Looking for a new job is difficult regardless of the market, but in 2024, when we're seemingly in a recession, finding your next job can seem impossible. Here are a few tips on how to stand out and land your role faster.


0:00 - intro
1:29 - assess your skills
2:53 - writing your resume
4:02 - don't just apply
5:12 - outwork the competition
5:56 - know your difference
6:33 - Networking Beyond LinkedIn
7:28 - interview skills
8:39 - Job Search and AI tools




Learn to navigate and master the entire job search process from application to offer with The Ultimate Job Seeker Bootcamp:


Learn how to write a professional quality resume! Check out 🚀 Resume Rocketfuel 🚀



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Are you struggling with your job search? Applying for job after job and not getting any interviews? Perhaps you’ve got a few interviews but always seem to get passed over for the job? Or maybe you’re not satisfied with your current career and want a change. Well, you’ve come to the right place.

As a corporate recruiter with over 20 years of experience hiring thousands of employees at all levels into major corporations, I’m going to spill the beans on how to get noticed by recruiters, start getting more interviews, navigate through each step of the hiring process, and ultimately land the dream job you deserve.

But that’s not all - I firmly believe that to truly experience career success, you need to think bigger. Multiple streams of income and budgeting are crucial to forming a layoff-free lifestyle and helping you achieve your goals.

If these are things you’re struggling with, that’s what I specialize in. I’ve got a website called A Life After Layoff. It’s loaded with tips and tricks for getting noticed, interviewed, and hired by your dream company. Make sure you check it out!

I’ve got weekly videos coming at you, so make sure to subscribe. You won’t want to miss a post. Join me as we explore these things, all from an insider’s perspective!
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Personally, it was more difficult for me to find a job amid the 2008 financial collapse (there were many furloughs at the job I was working at back then and sometimes I was stiffed from getting paid which would be illegal) than it was coming out of the pandemic where I had more job opportunities 3 years ago. But now where I'm currently working, they've been having some issues with hiring people as at least 10 people were interviewed and almost all of them have either failed the background check or simply backed out.

My late grandfather said it all when he foretold me that my career path will come with many twists and turns and that many opportunities will arise. But with today's job market, he was at least right about the twists and turns.


Reality… 75% of resumes don’t make it past the AI gatekeeper……


I've been unemployed for a year from telecom. Nothing or no pay junk jobs. Crazy. Deciding to leave the industry.


After setting a serious job search aside for 6 months, I'm ready to get started. I'm not desperate, but need to start adding some altitude to my job search. Getting tech certifications is my first step.


I've always liked this channel, I like the host, I think his advice is sound and comes from a background of experience and expertise. However, if you find yourself wanting to curl up into a ball under a lead blanket after watching this video, you are not alone. I detest almost EVERYTHING about job searching. I hate making a resume. I hate writing cover letters. I hate filling out job apps. I hate having to come up with phony answers to app questions like "Why has it been your lifelong dream to work at XYZ Corp?". I actually don't hate interviews, but I do hate that they are all over zoom now and there's far, far too many rounds. I hate being told I have to "stand out from the crowd". Buddy, I am the crowd. That's the problem. What the job search has really taught me is that if you don't want to go through this hell you need to have an actual profession. Doctor, accountant, SWE, airline pilot, nurse, lawyer, botanist, freaking dog groomer. SOMETHING. If you're just a person who is generally useful and helpful and even has the occasional great idea your resume is going to be lost in a sea of thousands of others just like you. I suck at networking. It's a natural skill and you either have it or you don't. No, don't tell me how you improved your social skills, you just learned to ignore your limitations (good for you, though). I actually do have a lot of experience with high profile clients and dealing with tricky situations, but that's hard to convey well on a resume. ATS scanners are looking for very specific things. I'm frankly shocked that I've had any interviews, and that just goes to show that despite the advice of this channel and hundreds of other job search gurus there is an element of randomness to all of this. I've somehow gotten interviews for jobs I am absolutely not qualified for and been ghosted for things where I tick every box and then some. I've tried to determine why the job search is such a slog even in good times, and I think it's because companies don't actually want employees. It's an acrimonious relationship. And I don't blame them. If I was in charge I wouldn't want employees either, they're a bummer. I know my luck has to change sometime and I'll get to go be a bummer somewhere.


Jobs appear to be paying less than what they had been just 2 years ago. Companies have gained the edge by leveraging the Tech. layoffs to obtain talent at rock bottom prices, with NO negotiation possible. Also, starting to see H-1Bs being hired with companies, who less than 6 months ago had layoffs. Over supply of workers, lower demand for labor.


My interview strategy that has worked for me is to be myself.

I just act appropriate for the situation and show due respect, answer what I am asked and push my experience and credentials.

I landed my last two jobs that way.

You don't want to be a phoney in the interview as you will be found out once you get the job.

They can take me or leave me. If they leave me, it probably wasn't the right fit anyway.

Everyone uses "interview tips" but I back me being myself. I stand out because no one else can be like me, so being honest rather than contrived is the way to go.

My mother says to be before interviews :"Be yourself. Because yourself is good".


Was just let go last week, didn't want to be looking in this market. Have seen most of your videos, and appreciate the help you have provided. Will hopefully find something here soon-ish. It won't be for lack of effort, I'm going all-in on leveraging my value and experience while applying the principles you've taught here.


I send thank you letters to every interviewer (whenever I've actually have had interviews which are few and far between) and I still don't get anything.


Most of these jobs posted over 30 days are ghost ad jobs


I've been out of a job for a year now. I've been getting interviews lately but I still keep falling short, so I'm now taking an online certificate course on AI and doing a part-time ticket sales project.


Even as a welder employers think they can screw over workers but guess what ya don’t pay well you don’t have workers don’t have workers they ll be in the poor house right along with the people that worked for them


I hate recruiters. There are competent ones out there but in general they are unfeeling.


I went with an AI-free job search and relied only on my own writing skills, and it worked pretty well for me. After two months I got an interview and was offered the job. I think having AI edit everything from your resume and cover letter to your LinkedIn posts makes you look the same as everyone who is doing the same thing.


I work at a famous consulting company and I've always been told that if I have that company's name in my CV then I'll get another job easy. But I've been looking for the last 3mths now and I've been losing out on offers. Ironically, the reason is because many people who work in famous consulting companies like me are leaving as well and they're all on the open market 😭 so that company name prestige doesn't even matter anymore


Got laid off in late February and this week is my first at a new job that pays better and industry is actually growing. The crazy thing is that a mag 7 company might make another offer soon that pays even more and is 💯 remote. It’s a tech company but the job is not tech. I am so grateful


Thank you for the pep talk. I needed this


Many fake jobs out there and very low compensation.
It’s also now moved overseas and full remote speed it up


Even people who are perfect matches leave or get fired because employers are reposting within a few months to a year. It’s not us, it’s them and they don’t want to take accountability.

Also, many recruiters are looking for commission. One boasted about a firm having numerous practice areas aligned with mine. Website confirmed it. Get the interview, talk about my experience and the interviewers looked as if they were hiring for 1 specific field.

Employers are so focused on singular roles they don’t value where we can be valuable in others, and many recruiters aren’t picking up on this or don’t care. It’s ridiculous because in the past, employers wanted well-rounded candidates.


Thank you for mentioning the information. I agree networking is powerful.
