5 Insane Problems You Probably Can't Solve

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Mate-in-2, Zugzwang, Underpromotion, and more! These fantastic puzzles will definitely amaze you! Enjoy!

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Thank you for not having a stupidly long intro and just getting into the video right away. I really appreciate it.


Just mind blowing puzzles, thank you for the great videos, keep on making such wonderful content, you're great!


I love these. Who’d have thought a knight could cover almost all of a bishops squares on an empty board?!
Another change up of pieces back there again as well I see. I’m kind of fascinated by all these sets. How many sets does Nelson have? What actually were those ghostly looking ones from last episode? Reminded me of the haunted house Laurel and Hardy.


12:54 what about a underpromotion (rook, bishop, or knight) so if the person with the black pieces tries that stalemate trick it is not a stalemate anymore?


Cool video. I love these kinds of problems and am currently working through a book of award-winning Mate In 2 puzzles. I set the puzzle up on a board in the living room so that anyone passing through can try to solve it.


In position 3 with the kings and one pawn each, playing Kf2 first does still win, but it takes a few extra moves. The line given by SF14 NNUE is:
Kf2 Kh2 Kf3 Kh3 Kf4 Kh4 b4 g5+ Ke3! g4 b5 g3 b6 g2 Kf2 g1=Q+ Kxg1 then white queens and wins. After Ke3! if black at any point tries moving the king instead of pushing their pawn then black just loses a tempo and loses a couple moves sooner. For example, g5+ Ke3! g4 b5 g3 b6 Kh3 b7 g2 Kf2 and black can't queen because if they try Kh2 then b8=Q+.

So yeah Kf2 first still works as long as after g5+ white avoids Kf3?? and plays Ke3!


“what are you gonna do if ur black?” ten quotes before disaster


5 insane problems you probably cant solve

1. You are morbidly obese
2. You have crippling depression
3. You play league of legends
4. You are on the FBI most wanted list
5. Some chess puzzle


For the puzzle at 3:45, I was trying Kf2 to lure the black king to h2 but the issue is both sides lose a tempo because of the check. I tried to find a win after g3+ Kf3 g2 b7 g8=Q b8=Q+ Kh8 but even though black is stuck in the corner there's no way to force mate. The key is that by playing Ke2 we force black to h2 without stepping on the f file.


For puzzle 1: WQ to F4 is almost as elegant, its mate in 2 for all Black options except BPwn form A7 to A5. That's mate in 3.


09:12 Wow! That´s so cool - Kh1!! 10:56 Yes, this is why we love chess!


Whenever my friend bring out the old cheese, I know he's going for the «That's stale, mate.» trap😑


Amazing video just one thing, in 13:05 you said that no mather what happend we stealmate the opponent, but what if we don't make a queen in the first place? Love your videos


5:02 I found King to E2 as I know that in endgame is there is this move called “OPPOSITION”
In this case, distant opposition does not work and if black tries not to be distant, he blocked his own pawn’s way


4:10 oh i could find that fairly quickly, I played the wrong move first vs computer (no analyzation just play it out wrong first) to see what's going on in the position (inability to kick the black pawn with our king because he can just "follow" us, plus the pawn can check us with tempo - these were the 2 problems) and then Ithought about what if I lure the black king into the check position on h2 and stop my hunt there. Ofc without us getting into a check by the pawn. Thanks to the diagonal walk capability! To be fair I only thought about all that thanks to your other puzzle videos and 3 step processes and your puzzle run with explanations. I really appreciate your lowplayer-friendly videos. Also just nicely made. Thanks.

edit: same for nr.2: I found the check as you revealed later and by that an unkickable knight and I only won vs the AI. Never had to play King to H1, hmm.


Kf2 is also winning. Two moves difference - Ke2 - mate in 16 and Kf2 - mate in 18


12:57 correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't an underpromotion to a knight be a win for white since it covers the b7 square?


I learned so much in so little time. Mind boggling! I still have the book with all Sam Lloyd's problems.


13:10 can we just make a rook in that position


13:09 Underpromoting to a knight seems winnable to me, actually. I think White can force Black's king away from the A-file and win the pawn to eventually promote the A-pawn.
