Gollum's Origin (Halfling Lore) | Lord of the Rings History

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Sméagol, who would eventually become the creature Gollum, was a Stoor, one of the three strains of Hobbit.
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Artists featured:
Production images from New Line Cinema's "The Lord of the Rings" film trilogy
Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:
- Composer: Bonnie Grace / Track: Galactic Battles
#gollum #smeagol #hobbits
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Artists featured:
Production images from New Line Cinema's "The Lord of the Rings" film trilogy
Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:
- Composer: Bonnie Grace / Track: Galactic Battles
#gollum #smeagol #hobbits
Gollum - Full story | Character stories
Who is Gollum | Scary Stories
The Origin of Hobbits: Harfoots, Fallohides, and Stoors | Tolkien Explained
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