Все публикации

History of Helm's Deep | Lord of the Rings Lore | Middle-earth

The Adventures of Legolas Greenleaf | Lord of the Rings Lore | Middle-earth

The Adventures of Frodo Baggins | Lord of the Rings Lore

Minas Tirith: White City of Gondor | Lord of the Rings Lore

Moria the Dwarven Kingdom | Lord of the Rings Lore

The Dark Lord Melkor Steals the Silmarils | Silmarillion Lore

The Island of Númenor: Tolkien's Atlantis | Middle-earth History

Sauron, Celebrimbor & the Forging of the Rings | Lord of the Rings Lore

The Mighty Balrogs | Lord of the Rings Lore

The Mind and Talents of Fëanor | Silmarillion Lore | Middle-earth Legends

The Greatness of Gandalf | Lord of the Rings Wizards

Smaug's Fury | Middle-earth Dragons

War of the Last Alliance | Lord of the Rings Lore

Scatha and the Dragons of the Grey Mountains | Lord of the Rings Legends

Aragorn: Ranger, Dúnadan, King | Lord of the Rings Heroes

Lindon the Elven Realm | Middle-earth Locales

Cold-drakes Attack the Dwarves | Middle-earth Legends

Faramir: Captain of Gondor | Lord of the Rings Heroes

Nimloth the White Tree of Númenor | Middle-earth Legends

Ar-Pharazôn the Final King of Númenor | Middle-earth Legends

The Fall of Ancalagon | Middle-earth Dragons - Pint-size Tolkien Lore

Hador: Lord of Dor-lómin | Middle-earth Legends

The Power and Fury of Glaurung the Fire Dragon | Middle-earth Legends

Treebeard the Ent | Pint-size Tolkien Lore - Middle-earth Explained