Exercise Is Medicine

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The evidence supporting the overall health benefits of physical activity is overwhelming.

For more on exercise, check out:

Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Thumb up 👍👍 if you want to see Dr G back on his lengendary treadmill during his live broadcasts. 😀


Riding a bicycle is a great way to exercise. Ebikes are bringing many older adults back to cycling.
Cities need to do more to encourage people to ride bicycles. Safe protected bike lanes and trails are needed so adults and children can ride safely. Speak up for bicycles in your community. Bicycles make life and cities better. Ask your local transportation planner and elected officials to support more protected bike lanes and trails. Children should be riding a bicycle to school and not be driven in a minivan. Be healthier and happier. Ride a bicycle regularly.


Most elderly people have problems getting up off the floor. As a child you spend a lot of time on the floor, adults do not.
Doing yoga / stretching exercises on the floor can improve balance, mobility, flexibility and the ability to get up and down..
Just getting up and down to the floor in a controlled manner is difficult for many older adults.
Play with your children on the floor. Bend over, get down and pull weeds in your garden. Play with a pet on the floor.
The more effort you make to work on balance and flexibility will pay dividends as you age.


I love this channel! And now, November 2024, another 1.2 million people do as well. That's 20% up in less than a year Well done to Dr Greger and the Nutrition Facts team.


Well, my mom became sofa ridden when she was around 65 years old, as her knees needed to be replaced and she refused to have that done, so instead, she spent the next 17 years lying on a couch ....only getting up to go to the bathroom and when she would have to occasionally leave the to say, she became morbidly obese and died at 82 of congestive heart never really embraced exercise in the sense of doing it just for the sake of health benefits sadly, but I'm sure there are plenty of ways for someone like her to find some form of exercise even if she was in a lot of pain from just walking since she didn't want to get knee replacements. She still managed to live to around the average life expectancy for a female with this type of lifestyle. I was painful for me to watch her decline in this manner.


I believe this as my mobility, my outlook on life is not so grim since I have been exercising.


Please can you comment on red light therapy? Any papers on it? I am doing everything you say so far! Thanks for work. Regards from UK.


Make sure you’re getting those 150+ minutes a week of cardio and atleast 2 strength training sessions !


The role of exercising in combating depressive and anxious disorders is so much more potent than anything else; it should be the first intervention prescribed before anything else


Fascinating! Thank you for the coverage <3


A whole new twist of the phrase "survival of the fittest". Thank you for another great video. 🙏


I am happy to report that I am getting an hour of walking every day in addition to being WFPB.


Hey Dr. Greger....I got a question and perhaps a topic for some future vids by you. I'm a 62 year old male who recently had gotten an annual CBC results and found out I had low iron and also low hemoglobin....I'm not a strict vegan, but never eat red meat; however I do eat salmon and cod twice a week as the only source of animal protein I ingest on a regular basis. I will have some cheese on occasion but limited and sprinkled on certain foods I I was double probed to look for an ulcer or a colon issue and it all came back negative. So the question I'm posing is, are vegans susceptible to having low iron and if so, what would you recommend doing to help counter this issue. As I believe I eat many and enough iron rich plant based foods that I shouldn't be having this problem in my humble opinion. I recall you saying not to drink green tea with your meals as it seems to prevent iron absorption so was also curiously if there is something to not eat or drink as well and if there is other foods or supplements to eat or take that would help enhance iron absorption. Thanx for any consideration on addressing this subject!


This scientific “finding” is a perfect example of how good science is not wrong; however, it's very incomplete. The mind is not separate from the body. Along with this, is the fact that this mind/body continuum is also, not separate from the environment. This statement is often contradicted by scientists as well as spiritual gurus, who unwittingly choose to separate and define.

If we, as elder adults choose to keep our mind/body/bawdy fit, flexible and subtle, with some added muscle mass through exertion, or supplementation such as creatine, then it logically follows that our indwelling spirit will propel us forward to a lasting peace into the end of our 4th quarter, long surpassing the average age expectancy of both our gender and national heritage.

The saying that biology trumps chronology remains valid. Since none of us die from natural causes or through old age, but through disease, then it is beyond reason to state that keeping fit exerts an unconscious feeling into this mind/body/environment trilogy. Damn good science when it's out of context. hahaha


Love this. Thank you for your work, Dr. Gregor. <3


chapter one of another endless series of cliff hangers


Drug companies run from comparison to their drugs. Keep us in the dark.


dr. G is doctor G because he doesn’t get stuck and adapts when new research comes out
even though it makes him look almost comically wrong sometimes


Thanks for sharing the nutritional facts, GOD first, exercise, and proper diet. Really work.


I'm confused...in your book you say that exercise may not prolong life after all
