NEW Updated Ultimate Ajax Build! | The First Descendant Ajax Build Guide

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NEW Updated Ultimate Ajax Build! | The First Descendant Ajax Build Guide

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00:00 - Intro
01:17 - Thoughts On Body Enhancment
05:24 - Mobbing Build
08:54 - Mobbing Build Componets & Reactor
09:46 - Secret Garden Build
10:56 - Bossing Build
15:08 - Dungeon/Giga Damage Weapon Build
17:32 - Subscribe For More The First Descendant Content

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Song Name: (No Copyright)"Groove Day" Hip Hop Beat - Groove and Modern Background Music For Videos by Soul Prod
Creator Channel: @SoulProdMusic

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I had a Firearm build (not my main build, just for fun) with Walk a Tight Rope that had around 45k hp with Body Enhancement. So, after using conditional recharge to activate I was sitting at around 20k hp with +30 Firearm buff and +15 Firearm from Shot Focus. Now, the same build has an additional +10 Firearm from Enh Hype Cube but has 27k hp, putting him at just over 13k while Walk a tight rope is active.

Much squishier and not really a good trade off in my opinion.


I've seen some of your builds on Ajax, and although all sounds good on paper, lets be realistic while playing it..

1. 95% of the time, when farming you will have Bunnies and some Valbies going around doing it for you.
2. 95% of the time, when fighting bosses, you will be playing alone as again, you get Bunnies and others players moving around and only needing you to revive.
3. 95% of the time, you will need survivability because of the 2 points above.

With this said, tank build with good DPS weapons like Enduring Legacy, Thunder Cage, Gregs & Secret Garden, it's the way to go. I personally play super tank, I take all the damage while dealing damage and keeping my team safe, while letting them have their fun and me moving around without even being worried of dying xD


Ajax: “You up against the wall and I am the fkin wall.”


some constructive criticism for you:
1) you used the traditional mmorpg definition of a tank to justify your position, which is intellectually dishonest. at 14:47 you even caught yourself almost calling ajax a tank. you could've compared the tanks from other looter shooter games like warframe, destiny, etc.
2) nexon's tfd website says ajax's role is tank. in-game description of ajax says he's a tanker. it's not that hard to understand how the community arrived at this conclusion that ajax is a tank.
3) you can't imagine tanking gluttony because you didn't design your build for that. this is OK because no 1 build can be decent at everything unless... bunny. you like to sh*t on moxsy's and knightmareframe's builds for having too much HP and DEF (i agree with you btw), but you also suffer from that very same thing (your bossing build on this video has 60k DEF which is way too much). check out smaller youtubers like semiramis ajax bossing build that he posted 2 days ago. he tanked a lot of shots from gluttony.
4) showcase your bossing build in an actual boss fight to separate yourself from big youtubers like moxsy and knightmareframe.


I still can't see the changes to Body Enhancement as being good, overall.

If you weren't going for the extreme crazy stats (50k hp/100k Def and above) with Body Enhancement (by using Overwhelming Hp) you had 20k+ sheilds (without having to use any skills) before the change. Now you're nowhere near that.

Yes having enhanced skills on Body Enhancement is nice, but having less cooldown and more skill cost while also losing massive shields isn't worth it.

Adding elemental resistance to your barrier and cube is a great change, and should have been there from the start. (This is the only real W to the changes, imo)


As an Ajax main with 400 hours invested in him, I agree that the patch was a huge buff. There's no situation where you need the insane amount of HP/shields that the old Body Enhance provided. I run with 21k HP, 28k shields, and 29k firearm attack, and I cakewalk every Colossi fight without worrying about death, all while putting out 40m+ damage. I don't even use my bunny anymore for farming—Void Charge is insane. It has screen-sized range, infinite jump, and Expulsion in between one-shots everything without the worry of dying. I tried Void Explosion, but I couldn’t get it to clear mobs or do consistent damage like Void Charge. Oh and a secret garden on the void charge build makes the damage go nuts 1m+ on the jumps.


Thanks so much! People keep saying it broke their build, but it really feels like they’re just obsessing over the number. I feel like Ajax is better than ever, though I personally think his bubble should give a 20-30% buff.


I'm hyped, my first HM Devourer kill and his code dropped! Guess I'm maining Ajax now 😅


Tanking just means ability to take lots of damage without going down..


Nice video. I agree with you rhat the content is designed very uniform to promote high dps, speed and power. You dont really need health if you are able to kill most things before they even see you.

But there are some interessting characters, yujin, luna, Ajax, sharen ( in other areal than outposts) that could shine more if the cintwnt and the matchmaking got a rework...


So i have a different mob build and it uses void charge instead I personally like it better but i can't link a photo to show you it


Ajax has placeable abilities that absorb damage, he doesn't use his body to tank, he uses his abilities to tank. He doesn't need aggro. Granted, hyper mobile characters loose out on these abilities, but can lean on them if they want.


3:30 what is your problem bro... its 50K HP have some fucking fun.. thats


For my "V", almandine, slot I have non-attribute synctyum. Gives you power and incoming firearm atk crit resistance.


THANK YOU, people keep saying Ajax got nerfed and I'm over here bewildered, like WHAT? Do you seriously need ALL that health? His main role may be a tank yes, but that doesn't mean you can ignore the rest of his kit.


I thought Matrix Computation might be good since Yujin is the only other ascendant that can heal/mitigate damage.
Was thinking about Gluttony pugs


Love your build videos man. They really helped me tweak my own Ajax builds and a couple of others. I was just wondering what the components were on your Dungeon build. Didn't look like Slayer or Annihilation set to me. Also any changes to the reactor for the dungeon build?


I very recently picked up ajax when i got hit ult Version. I wouldn't care about the nerf too much if they didn't slap on the stupid cooldown and skill cost increase


Im so glad that someone is explaining this. Body enhancement was fun, but everyone says oh he cant tank anymore. He never could "tank" with this mod because theres no threat system. Now he is still super tanky and you help your entire team which is what Ajax is supposed to be. I love that you are going against the norm and showing people how Ajax is supposed to be played. Keep up the good work.


Was playing Void Explosion for the longest and my go-to for mobs.
