1970s Gadgets Every Kid Dreamed Of Having

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1970s Gadgets Every Kid Dreamed Of Having

The '70s were filled with exciting, innovative toys and gadgets that captured the imagination of children everywhere. From early video game consoles to futuristic action figures, these items were must-haves for any kid during the decade. Join us as we revisit these iconic gadgets, recalling the excitement they brought and the nostalgia they still evoke today. Whether you owned these treasures or wished you had them, let's dive into the best gadgets of the 1970s!

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Oh this brings back painful memories. Grew up poor, though I never realized it then. My cousins all had Simon, Merlin, Atari 2600, Mattel Electronics Football, and so on. The best Christmas was when my mom had saved up and got the Atari 5200! I played Missile Command, Star Raiders, and Super Breakout like there was no tomorrow. Thanks Mom! 🥰


Being born in 1970 was perfect for me.


Electronic Battleship - This had one big disadvantage over the non-electronic version: If you wanted to play using the lights and sound effects, you had to select a predefined layout from the instruction book. The electronics needed to know where the ships were, and since there were no sensors in the boards, the only way it could know was if you used one of the layouts programmed into its memory.

Sno-Cone machines - I never understood the popularity of these, or sno-cones for that matter. I mean, flavored ice sounds good in theory, but ice does not absorb liquid, nor does liquid stick to ice. So what invariably happened was that the syrup went straight through the ice to the bottom of the paper cone or cup, and all you were eat was plain shaved ice. Now if you flavored the water ahead of time, and used it on preflavored ice, you could get something with actual taste.


i had 15 of these awesome toys growing up man i had a awesome childhood i really miss my evel knievel stunt bike i still have the christmas picture of me as a child with it


All of this. I loved it all. God I miss all these things. There were so many toys and things from the 80s too I completely forgot about until today.


What ever happened to big wheels.? You would think that would last forever.


so many memories. That Mattel Football game, I had it sitting on my heater. I turned my heat up, during the night, I hear this R2D2 chatting away in my sleep. Woke up the next morning, it had melted a tiny bit lol. Missed smash up derby, greatest toy of the 70s


The Evil Knievel bike brought back some cool memories. I would rev that thing up as hard as I could until my arm hurt and let him rip down through the hallway that at the end I had cardboard from a serial box set up as a ramp. Knievel would flying down the hallway, hit the ramp, and then go flying across the living room where he then came to an abrupt stop by crashing into the wall! That's when you would of heard my mom or dad say "better not be breaking anything there or it will come out of your allowance" lol


"Little Black Sambo" on the ViewMaster. Is that still available? 🤣🤣🤣


We used to have the speak and spell in school and used to get in trouble for snickering and carrying on writing cuss words I’m laughing about right now. Oh and put the record play on the highest speed and then we would just roll laughing and the teacher would get so pissed.😂


The View Master was so cool! As a kid I imagined in the future there would be a mechanical version that flipped through the images rapidly causing animation. I didn't know about Virtual Reality back then. In essence it was the grandfather of VR


I still have my old, first run Star Wars action figures. You could do some follow ups. For example, the Green Machine came out after the Big Wheel. In the early 70s, SST cars were popular. You got them with a "rip cord" and some were designed so you could ram them together and parts flew off.


I remember seeing the View Master. Parents bought it for my older siblings.


Just seeing this video makes ke want to watch the episode of South Park where Cartman raises "Sea-People"


My dad took me to work once and during lunch they had a poker game going.
My dad looked over at me and said "Hey, what do you want for Christmas this year?" and I said "An Atari 2600!"
He replied "Okay, how much are one of those?"
I said "$150!"
He looked at the pot on the table and said "Yeah okay."
Everybody folded.
It was a bluff, but I got an Atari!


Had Pong, the Atari, Stretch Armstrong, a Kodak 110, View Master, and as a civil engineer my father had the HP65 and sometimes he would program a math game in it for my brother and I. FYI, the Green Machine ruled over the Big Wheel.


We were far from rich but between my younger sister and I we had Simon, Atari, Big Wheel, View Master, Snoopy Sno Cone Machine, now Easy-Bake but instead the Holly Hobbie Oven (we used that a little! I also had a Holly Hobbie camera. It worked, not well, but kids thought it was fake because a use it was made out of plastic and looked old-timed.


We were able to lock Pong into a loop that kept going for more than a day.


HP's were a Cadillac calculator in those days. Today they have a high value on the collector's market. I look for them at garage sales and thrift stores.


when I was a kid the rich kids had electricity inside taps an inside toilet and TV's .The rest of us had gass lights, a hole at the bottom of the garden, a tap at the end of the street and a battery radio .
