My Entitled Brother tries to PROPOSE to Girlfriend at MY WEDDING - Reddit Podcast

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0:00 My Entitled brother demands that I allow him to propose to his Girlfriend at MY WEDDING! (u/Soon-to-Wed-Throway)
7:32 I have been lying to my boyfriend about my education, and I don’t know how to fix this situation. (u/insecure_1765)
10:07 My parents have given me an ultimatum, threatening to disown me if I move in with my girlfriend for college. (u/Decent-Ad-9617)
13:24 My wife and I were planning on living in Europe for 3 months, but my wife changed her mind a week before we were supposed to go, and now I don’t know what to do. (u/PianoCharged)
16:34 Today I messed up by telling my Boyfriend that I don’t like his dad. (u/Interesting-Umpire37)
podcast reddit, reddit storytime reddit top posts r/confession r/entitledparents r/tifu r/prorevenge r/maliciouscompliance r/choosingbeggers r/entitledpeople r/IDOWorkHereLady r/Idontworkherelady r/personalfinance r/AmITheA**hole r/AITA
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Reddit Stories | My Entitled Brother tries to PROPOSE to Girlfriend at MY WEDDING - Reddit Podcast