Social Democracy in America, A Brief History

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A story unknown or forgotten by many. A historical account of America's transition from third world living and working standards to a first world country, all through Social Democracy.

From the pre-New Deal days of squalor and inhumane working conditions and compensation to social policies and programs that created the first middle-class majority in American history and one of the few prior in world history.

This is designed to educate and remind people that our most prosperous days were due to Social Democracy because as we have turned away from those policies, half of the country has returned to pre-New Deal squalor and like other third world countries, the majority of the other half are on their way to a similar fate.

Since both of the established parties have become traitors to a Democratic Republic by overthrowing it and installing an Oligarchy, and the main stream media serves only the two parties, it falls on citizens to inform the people in order to restore Democracy once more.

This is part of a series telling the story of the loss and return of a third world status and what we can do about it, by informing others of how we dealt with and triumphed over the same situation in the past.

This documentary series is designed to be an outreach to the politically uninitiated.
It is meant to pierce the academic echo chamber and reach the majority of society that only seems to get information that is either truthful but wonky and arcane or easily digestible but propaganda and thoroughly dishonest. Afterall, Democracy is based on the majority. The small esoteric group of academics and assorted leftists is not a majority and needs to cultivate outreach beyond their circles.

It is therefore generalized to avoid going deep into the minutiae, with the attempt at framing the issues honestly within the confines of explaining it to people of all education levels or lack thereof.

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