The 4% RULE is OBSOLETE! Achieve F.I.R.E Fast With This Strategy. Fastest Way To Live Off Dividends.

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The 4% rule is done. In this video I go over the reasons the 4% rule is obsolete, and provide alternate method that is the fastest way to reach financial independence.

Create Your Own Dividend Passive Income Investing Portfolio.
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Adrian - you can start your own acronym - "F.I.R.E.D." ( Financially Independent, Retired Early - on Dividends )


Thanks Adrian. I have followed your strategy for few months now and I am getting 8.3% in my TFSA and 11.25% in my margin (started it sooner). It is possible! I should reach my FIRE is 3 years!! wohoo!!!


I’m in my 40s and got a late start with focusing on building my portfolio. When I consider my own retirement picture, I take into consideration my company pension, CPP and OAS in addition to my growing dividend income. So my portfolio does not need to be anywhere near 1.2 million to have a considerable amount of income.


Adrian, I am pretty new to investing but have been following your advise. I began building my portfolio out, and am now 10k into this nearly 2 months in. Thank you for giving me the knowledge, advise and inspiration to get started.


Upvoted. Now to watch the video...

Yep, now that I'm finished it was worth the upvote (as always).

You didn't say anything I didn't know already, but it's nice to hear you answer my voting choice anyways.

You inspired me to start investing and I'm following your strategy, although I'm more aggressive with my use of split share funds. Currentl yield on my portfolio is 14.2%, so 8% is very conservative and attainable.

Take care


People need to understand the importance of LOADING THE BOAT during a market crash. Hopefully after seeing that insane 10% yield in your portfolio, it will open their eyes! Great job, man. Congratulations!🎉 You've motivated me to step my game up. Keep it up! 💯💰


This strategy is amazing in your preservation and living of dividends stage of life

But for the accumulation stage of life it is best to invest in the growth portfolio and transform it into covered call ETFs / split share funds at the very end

In this way you will pay taxes only once + the total return will be higher

Especially it makes sense if you are in 30+% tax bracket and use taxable accounts more than tax deferred due to contribution / annual limits


One thing Adrian doesn't mention in this video is compounding through reinvestment of the monthly income earned through dividends/distributions. (Because he uses the income to cover his living expenses). If you reinvest the income monthly - the amount of capital grows considerably through compounding - and if you set up DRIPs for your holdings there are no fees which can make a significant difference to the bottom line. My wife and I currently have approximately 400k our combined accounts, and I am earning 10.3% in our TFSAs and 12.5% in RRSPs. We don't need the income now ( retirement is 10+years out) so all monthly income generated is reinvested. If you use 10% ( which I feel is perfectly reasonable) - the monthly income generated on $400, 000 is $3333 reinvested (compounded) monthly at 10% annually for 10 years grows to over $1, 700, 000 in ten years = $14, 000 per month ( over $5, 000, 000 and $41, 000 per month in 20 years ) so I'm not particularly concerned about inflation. That doesn't include any capital growth which WILL happen (just not as much as with pure growth investments). I have a balanced portfolio across all sectors of the Canadian and US markets plus some global exposure. I am confident and comfortable with the risk and the plan overall. I have built my portfolios based on Adrians advice ( and overall it's almost identical to his own ).


I hope other subscribers appreciate you as much as we do - you have changed the game for us in terms of investing and working towards early retirement - thanks for all of your advice!!!!


Another brilliant one Adrian and Erica. So many reliable funds are yielding well over 10%: ENS, DFN and CGXF has taken a nice dip and plan to purchase more. All true and great video.


As a late starter, I much prefer the 8% rule! And as long as dividends remain stable, and the govt. doesn't change the tax rules for TFSAs, life will be sweet!


Thank you Adrian. I started Investing from the begging when i watched your videos I am getting Dividend every month and reinvesting it back into the Stock Market.
Thank you for being honest and showing us how to Invest. 100% Best Investing advise for me.


I would use .06 instead of .08 to account for 2% annual inflation. You won't be able to live to the same standard on 4, 000/mo in 10-20 years.


I like your strategy. One risk you don't talk about is inflation risk. Most funds you invest in have little or nearly no capital growth and the dividends are static over 5 years. So over a 5 year period while for the most part you are not drawing on capital (except on the funds you recommend that have return of capital) you will be worse off in purchasing power each year if you are not reinvesting the dividends or some portion.


my goal is $4000 per month i like this info great lesson I'm up to 9.8 % yield I'm watching all your videos i basically follow your investments


great video Adrian. I started investing using this strategy. i now have almost $1k a month income. Thanks to you.
Go Habs!


Wow! Thank you, Adrian. You've taken a great stress off of me. This simple explanation makes so much sense! I'm sticking with you!


Hi Adrian - love your videos. Two questions: 1. How much of your distributions do you assume will be eaten up by taxes (this will significantly increase your "FIRE number"); 2. Have you accounted for inflation? (You are a young man - in 30 years, your $48, 000/year will have very little buying power.)
Thanks for the videos - keep them coming!!!


Thanks Bro. Please keep posting new low cost good entry point covered call ETFs


An important factor, at least for the US (don’t know enough about Canadian social security/benefits) is continuing to have earned income (wages) (even if it’s a part time job) due to the social security calculation, as failing to have earned income for a number of years will hurt your SS benefits due to the nature that 0’s play into that calculation. Another important factor is taxes, you should always be able to do your own taxes, and understand how different income types are taxed. Plus you can use this part time income to pad emergency funds, and contribute to tax beneficial accounts, ensuring enough money for medical bills and retirement. One important factor of taxes is how income can raise your SS benefits into the taxable range for your filing status type.
