XCOM 2, How to setup an Overwatch Ambush

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How to setup an Overwatch Ambush when you have the concealed advantage.

1. Move carefully in concealment to discover the enemy position.

2. Once you see the enemy, move your soldiers into the killzone, where the enemy is likely to walk into.

3. You want to setup your soldiers into overwatch, everybody EXCEPT one soldier.

4. Use this last solder to perform the opening fire, either shoot at the enemy, or throw a grenade if your enemies are bunched together. At this point all your other soldiers should already be in overwatch.

5. Open fire with your last soldier that is not in overwatch and enjoy!
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This work well but its works even better if you just stay in OVERWATCH and let the enemies spot you while walking on their turn. Your OVERWATCH triggers on their turn and if they survive the ambush then they dont get to attack the first round and you just clean them up on your turn. Do this over and over if you have a Shadow Ranger, stay in concealment after squad losses it and re-enter concealment skill. You can do this 3 times per battle.


Thank you for helping me to properly understand this tactic.


Wow, this must feel incredibly satisfying to pull off. Great vid!


All I was gonna say was nice ambush when it works properly and also the clip from the old school movie total recall came to mind when the girl threw the grenade in regarding the explosive helmet that Arnold tossed to the soldiers lol but cool video none the less


Great vid, thanks for the explanation!


I just started playing the game and this is so confusing to me- While playing the second tutorial "easy" mission, I did pretty much exactly what is shown in the video. Spotted the enemy, got my people in position, put three of them in overwatch, and had the fourth lob a grenade to start the combat. The grenade killed on of the enemies, but the other moved to cover without any of my guys shooting at him. Worse, after moving, he got to shoot first, wounding one of my guys. It seemed super sketchy and kind of pissed me off, to be honest. Thanks for posting the video, though. At least I know how it supposed to work.


I actually thought completing an ambush would keep your concealment. His at least clarified a little bit.


this is bullshiit when i make exacly ambushes like that even with more advanced covers and with more soldiers i got miss shots fucking everytime. I was playing today and 2 aliens passed above 2 blocks of distance and my 5 soldiers on overwatch miss everyone, even with the shotgun


Not relevant to you as poster anymore I'd wager, but to anyone coming to your videos:

Sharpshooter are better off learning the pistol skills and sending the dudes in on the frontline instead, they can easily shoot 7-9 opponents in one turn if the opportunity presents itself, take that with poison rounds and you've just annihilated everything, the shit that doesn't die from poison can be picked off by your regular soldiers
