1,000+ Mysteries Solved Through Genealogy by the Age of 19: An Interview with Eric Schubert

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Eric Schubert began doing genealogical work when he was just 10 years old with traditional paper genealogy. As he grew older and gained more experience, he quickly became accustomed to genetic genealogy work and when it was time for him to get a job at 14, he weighed his options; he could get a job working at a fast-food restaurant or a farm, or he could do something untraditional and unique for someone his age: start his own genealogy business.

A week after graduating from high school, Eric was contacted by a police department in Pennsylvania who needed help solving a case. Two weeks after signing on to help, Eric produced a lead for the detectives. Throughout this process, Eric gained an education on how police departments proceed with these types of cases and just how many cases remain unsolved due to a lack of resources or funding. This inspired Eric to reach out to other agencies and offer his services. In the past year, agencies have asked Eric, nicknamed “The Kid”, to assist on a half dozen of the “hardest of the hard” cases.

In this interview, Eric shares how he got started in genealogy, why he considers himself to be part genealogist, part therapist, and part investigator, the challenges he’s face throughout the years, and what advice he has for others looking to join the field.

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How, just heard about this young gentleman. I'm so impressed by him.👏🥰


Let’s just say the missing word.. this guy is a prodigy. Plus, he’s just getting started. Can’t wait to see how many cases he solves.


Eric helped me find my birthson's father. Unfortunately the father had been murdered. I wish I would have gotten more info about it at the time.. It was such a shock! He is amazing, this young man.


What a terrific young man! Thanks for sharing this. 👏


Its so cool to see a young person so into this and helping so many ppl. 👏


"I was pretty lazy." This guy is the exact opposite of lazy.


Eric has certainly inspired me. Fantastic👍


So impressive, keep up the amazing work!


Hopefully he’ll figure out who the boy in the box is 😭


7:05 How could One, who loves what they do, say "No" or even have to think about helping when asked? What was it, fear?
That said, changed belief of Eric's whole reasoning for doing what he does - just Flew Out the window. "Bored" - Odd word.
You're Very Lucky to have the Intelligence to accomplish these tasks.! Hope in a few years you'll carry The Depth this skill brings.


How can I ask for his assistance in my son’s case
