10 Tips to Sew Your Fabric Stash

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In today's video, Sherri shares 10 tips that can help you sew through your fabric stash this year. This video was inspired by comments and questions found in the Sherri and Chelsi Facebook group. Sherri also has a free PDF printable that goes along with the tips she shares today. You can download this free printable by visiting Sherri's blog post linked below.

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Sherri McConnell

Instagram: @aquiltinglife

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nice video. One more tip for stash sewing, rather than coming up with a color scheme myself, when there is a designer I like doing a qal and I really really want to buy the same fabric they are using, I just go through my stash and match up something I already have with what they are using colorwise. My quilts come out looking just like theirs from a bit of distance and I was able to stick completely with what I already had. Hope that helps someone.


Another great video! Love the reminder to make a leader/ender quilt. I did this once and loved the result. I spent a few afternoons of cutting my colored scraps and various background scraps into 2” squares (I think it was the length of two Disney videos playing in the background! 😅) Each time I’d be working on some other quilt, I’d start that sewing with a light/dark set from that scrap basket and put that under my needle first, and when I finished I’d put another set under the needle. I didn’t bother sorting or pressing, just tossing them into another small basket. Several months later I had enough to piece into a lovely “postage stamp” quilt. Time to do this again!! Thanks!! Loved all of ❤your 10 tips!


Great tips, thanks so much! This is quilting year eight for me and during my first year, I loved everything. And I bought everything! Boxes and bags from Fat Quarter Shop and Missouri Star showed up weekly, and now I have a problem. I no longer love everything and have given some away but need to do more of that. This year, I intend to be organized with my WIPs and new projects. I like your tip for making small projects and bought Minki Kim’s big quilters bag pattern after seeing your version. So, Sherri, you have helped me with a path forward. Thanks, as always, for sharing your quilting life with us!


I have taken the double quilt idea to a different level. I now make the front and the back in different designs, so I use up double the stash fabrics. I'm on quilt no 3 using this method. It's working for me.


Very interesting video. Hope I can do some of the 10 tips


Love these tips Sherri! Registering for the first time your double quilting tip. I did start a mystery quilt and that's a great idea to work through more of my stash by double cutting and sewing. I have many quilts started and always use the leaders and enders for bonus quilts. I started sewing garments a couple of years ago and am mesmerized by both types of sewing. Huge thank you to Chelsi for letting you know how many of us would like to work through our stashes. xxKaren


There’s definitely a movement towards using what fabric you already have, I’ve been quilting for eight years now and I buy new fabrics, when I see a collection I truly love but I have always limited myself to two small drawers for storing my fabric. If there’s no space I’m not buying it, and I never start a quilt if I have another one on the go at the same time, unless one is a totally different technique like EPP, which I can do in front of the to and not with my sewing machine. Back when I was a beginner I was watching loads of YouTube tutorials and some had rooms bursting with fabrics stashed everywhere, and even up against walls or on the floor, and I vowed not to be like that. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with that, and loads of creative people thrive in that environment, but I like it a bit more ordered and also I hate to spend money on fabric that will then sit for years unused ( and I’ll probably won’t like as much after a few years), I’d rather spend my money on a collection of fabrics that make my heart race and they will be used in the near future. Fabric is made to be loved and used, not forgotten in a cupboard, and as quilting fabric is very expensive I have to be very selective, there will always be a new line that’s irresistible, I just have to be very choosey. So this year I’ll be too joining the “sew your stash” club, and I’m looking forward to be getting creative with it for maximum results ❤I wonder if loads decide to use their stash if that will have an effect on quilting fabric prices, as it’s shot up recently and in the UK where I live we have to pay taxes on top for Moda, Riley Blake etc


I never thought about double quilting but that’s an excellent idea ❤


Like the double quilt idea. I often do a small projects and love how they turned out that I can now use Xmas colors or Patriotic colors and use them up.. Thanks!


I love the tips! I hope this becomes a mini-series of ideas!


Your bin looks like the same bins I own. I bought several of them when they were on sale at Joann's. My tip would be to use those dividers! If you put the dividers in, the compartments are exactly 5" wide and, therefore, they hold 5" squares perfectly. I stand up my charm packs, along with my 5" leftover squares. I organized by color, theme, designer, flannel, etc. The bins stack nicely also, so I label the fronts. I HIGHLY recommend those bins.


I love the idea of making 2 of the same but different quilts at the same time!


Yes, it is that time of year when we look at our fabric stash. I am presently working on sewing together 2 inch prints with offsets of low volumes. Hopefully with any luck it will turn out halfway decent.. thanks for sharing your thoughts and tips. 👍❤️😊


These are great tips, Sherri. Thank you!❤


I love the double quilting idea! Great tips!


Thank you for sharing these tips, they were very helpful.❤


Wonderful tips, thank you so much Sherri!


Great ideas! Thanks for sharing. I look forward to seeing more videos on this topic❣️


Great tips! I think I will be utilizing some of those this year, fingers crossed, unless I forget! Ha! Those would make the little time I have to sew more productive. Thanks!


This was so helpful! Loved the idea about double quilting!
