Super 8 (2011) Ending

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this is by far my favorite ending of a movie of all time :) Enjoy!

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good movie. underrated. it feels like this movie was forgotten very quickly.


He learned to let go. To let go of the past and the pain.


I don't understand how people don't see the beauty in this ending, the alien felt his pain, he felt the alien's pain. In that moment, Cooper realized that not all human beings are the same. We have to remember that he was tortured for decades and all he wanted to do was go home and he was denied that. It was stated in the Doctor's video that Cooper was empathetic but was molded to hate the humans, he expected help and instead received decades of wrongful imprisonment. After decades of torture, I'm sure he viewed people as simple beasts of a species and nothing more, one child's pain showed him differently. Both of them let go of their past and their pain in the ending scene and it was beautifully done. Who knows how long that Cooper constantly hid his eyes but when they were revealed, you had am expressive and intelligent being that has finally come to terms.


The score is absolutely phenomenal and I think it's some of Michael Giacchino's best work. I get chills every time I watch this part of the movie because of it.


"I got you"
6 years later I'm still crying


Watched this movie for the first time when I was 12, I cried at the ending. Watches it at 15, cries again. I just watched this movie today and im 20 and it still manages to make me cry. This movie is damn near perfect and I hope my kids and future generations will appreciate movies like this. “You can live... You can live...”


7 years later, I seen this movie for the 6th time, it gives me the feels every time. It is so underrated, stranger things was inspired by this film, I can tell. It is my favorite film of all time.


This is one of the most beautiful endings to a film. I cry, laugh, feel happy, heartbroken, this is a ending that makes me feel all of that.


i love this movie . in my opinion very underrated


The final shot of this film by JJ Abrams is a LENS FLARE


the music when he let go of the locket absolutely shattered my heart.


Super 8 is literally the best movie ever! I love the reunion between the kids and their dads, it is the sweetest thing!


Not sure if I've wrote a comment already, but hands down this is E.T. for the 2000's generation. I grew up in the early 90's and E.T. was the pinnacle of buddy sci-fi movies and I truly believe this is the natural successor to that film. I remember on release it took some flak but if you realistically look at the acting (first time child actors), the score, the editing, the cinematography, I know it's early doors but I truly believe this can go down as a classic. The emotion I felt in this film reminded me of 80s sci-fi (The Abyss, Aliens, etc). As much as I can't warm to modern cinema, this film eclipse s that notion. For me, it will go down as a misunderstood classic, a super film


The movie was about a boy and his father, who are deeply scarred by the death of a family member.
Learning to let go of her, and the pain that came with it.
Finally being free of pain, and resentment towards the past.
The movie shows us that we too, need to let go of our pain, and our past, for the greater good.
Also there is things that we will never be able to know, or control.
And letting go is our only hope in the mess of it all.


1:58 This moment makes me remember what Mr Kaznyk said in the beginning at Joe mother wake "Jack's gonna step up. He's a good man." For once this one event made Jack finally step up and become the father Joe needs.


Love this scene, the missing piece to make the ship fly was the mother necklace. It left me a heartwarming feel, we have to let go to be able to fly, let go doesn’t mean forget but embrace and remember the good without attachments.


The score is one of best Micheal Giacchino soundtracks ever composed. What a great ending!


This movie is amazing. I really enjoyed it. Yeah it had its problems. There were a few things I was annoyed by. But it's got things that a suspenseful movie should have. It has action, drama, comic relief, and emotion. And one thing I really like was that they made the creature look like the villain at first. But then as we began to understand him, we realize the military were the villains. I really also like how the creature and our main protagonist built rapport with one another because they both were equally in pain and they each understand one another. This movie deserves more recognition


In my opinion: The alien felt the loss of his mother. Letting the locket go freed weight from his shoulders. But, it still hurts. Losing a parent is devastating! Yet we must find a way to move on.


Nailed the landing on this flick, one of the best endings, and sweetest. I love it.
