Google Slap strikes again! [SEO & the August 2022 'Helpful Content Update']

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⏱ Chapters:
00:00 - Google Slap strikes again! [Intro]
01:22 - Today's episode is sponsored by Content Marketing to Grow Your Business
02:23 - About the latest Google Slap aka algorithm update
05:02 - This is exactly what Google has always done
06:50 - Why Google keeps slapping website owners
08:29 - The #1 Rule for long-term SEO success
11:28 - SEO & content marketing for real businesses [More Resources]

Call me SHOCKED — and dripping wet with sarcasm…
Google has declared they’re doing a “Helpful content update” to their search results algorithms.
Since when is it news that Google wants helpful content for their users?
Since when is it news that Google doesn’t want you to game the system to show up higher in the search results?
I mean…
C’mon people!
And yet, that’s EXACTLY what’s going on.
I don’t normally talk about SEO. For reasons I talk about in today’s episode.
But this latest “Helpful content update” from Google is both BIG and confirms what I’ve taught about SEO for a long time (whenever I have mentioned it).
And so I thought it would be worth revisiting SEO in the context of this update in today’s episode…
Google Slap strikes again!
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr

#googleslap #seo #searchengineoptimization #searchalgorithm #helpfulcontentupdate #helpfulcontent #contentmarketing #searchenginemarketing #serp #sem #googlealgorithm
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What do you think? What are you doing — if anything — in response to Google’s August 2022 Helpful Content Update?


Google has tweaked its system a lot to detect mediocre content and honestly, this should've been done a long time ago. I'm glad that the folks who create quality content for their sites will finally get the recognition that they deserve. Thanks for this!


My mixed category content blog is hit. But, I can see gains in niche category blogs.


The question is: How will Google measure 'helpful content?' By time spent on it...?
