SWFL Eagles ~ Owl Strike On M15! Knocks Him Off Attic Into Nest & Lands On E21's Wing! 2.12.23

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E21 was up late at night doing some preening and E22 is sleeping by the rails. M15 is on the attic when an owl is seen flying in from across the street targeting him. The owl strikes M15 and knocks him off the attic and he lands in the nest on E21's right wing. E21 gets right back up and appears to be okay along with M15. The owl flew off towards the west pasture in the direction of its N2 nest.

M15 is on alert as he looks out over to the right of the nest and continues to watch the area. M15 remains on the nest for 6 minutes before he flies back to the attic with vocals. It makes me wonder if he was calling out for Harriet? The E's settle back in for the night as M15 remains steadfast in his Herculean efforts to keep his family safe. The last owl strike on M15 was on January 23rd. Thank you for watching!

Video captured & edited by Lady Hawk

Thank you SWFEC , hosted by Dick Pritchett Real Estate, for allowing us the opportunity to view these amazing eagles.

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I work in a wildlife hospital and rehabilitation center. This is nature, the happy and the sad times. We are privileged to be able to watch this nest and others year after year. Our job here as humans is to enjoy and become educated, not intervene. Eagles are resilient! Hopefully these eaglets will flourish and fledge and then he will get his rest. Thank you Ladyhawk for all the time you spend editing and bringing these videos to us❤️🦅


Fortunately the owl didn't come in the night before, when the eaglets were alone for three hours! 😳


M 15 needs a break between people and Owl's life is hard on him... I hope they all get some sleep . You too Lady Hawk ❤🙏




Poor M15 he's been threw so much..❤🦅 Stay strong M15 and Family....


😬 M15 can't catch a break. He needs his rest/sleep. Hope the rest of the night is quiet. Glad E21's wing appears ok. I was afraid it might be broken.


Poor M, please God protect him he has to be safe and healthy so he can care for his babies 😢


Freaking owl now. Hoping and praying for this next to survive this season. Thing about owls is they make virtually no sound due to low weight and wingspan ratio. M15 is putting all he has in the eaglets and is doing Harriet proud. ❤❤


Herculean indeed! This family is getting unimaginable hardship thrown at them day and night - yet all three are troopers!💚🦅

I have so much respect for them. Wish they had a few easier days ahead of them. And to that uninvited dinner guest lady(?) eagle: if you do like M, try to *bring* a fishie, not taking it from this papa!!


Love and hugs and prayers for this mighty eagle family 🦅🐥🐥🙏❤️
Rest when you can Lady Hawk 🤗
Bounty of blessings being sent your way! 🌹😍


Oh dear, o dear.
Stressful 24h. Dear M15 we are with you ❤️!


Poor M just can't seem to catch a break. He really needs a good night's rest. He is doing such a fantastic job taking care of his babies. I am beyond heart broken for the loss of Harriet. I too pray for a miracle that she may still return. This is my first nest that I started watching the Eagles and your video's Lady Hawk when M15 came into the nest. I have loved Harriet and M15 every since and hoped I would always see them together. I am missing Harriet so much and hate to see M so stressed with all that's going on but he is strong and a wonderful mate and dad. I know he can do this. We all are rooting for him!! Thank you LH for all your video's. 🥰💞💞♥♥


I think M15 is the most amazing eagle in the world. 🙏God bless him and keep this entire nest fam safe


I follow the images of the nest from Brazil, and I am saddened by Harriet's disappearance. It's heartwarming M-15's dedication to protecting and nurturing the pups. I take the liberty of suggesting naming him HERO, as he is being a true hero and example to all of us.


Nature can be so harsh. This whole situation is very difficult to watch unfold, as we are all attached to the E’s and especially M15. If any Eagle 🦅 can do it, it’s him! He had the best teacher! He’s strong, and his instincts for caring for his babies will always come first! He is amazing in every way, he’ll be fine, and so will the E’s.


What that saying ! What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger ! If he leads you to it he walk with me to get me through it for when you walk with me i see two sets of prints and when you carry me i only see one set of footprints in the sand for he carried me through ! He has you M15 ! Oh brave one !


So many prayers and so much love for this nest. You can do it M! You've already come so far and I'm convinced nothing will stop you from raising your precious chicks.


It's been awhile since M was struck by these pesky owl's 🦉😡 M 🦅🤎 has had one heck of a week for sure Poor Guy 💙🙏 Thanks Lady Hawk for sharing💜🌴


I pray that those babes start self feeding very soon and he can at least just drop the food off. We love you m15!


Oh no! Poor M. That owl really hit him hard. I’m glad they are both ok but this poor guy needs a break from everyone going after him. Everyday I hope for an update or sighting of Harriet cause he could use some help & probably some extra z’s.
