Learning SwiftUI – What are the basics? 📱

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SwiftUI gets you curious but you have zero experience with iOS? 🐣

In this live we're going to cover the very basics of SwiftUI!

You'll learn everything you need to get started with SwiftUI 👩🏼‍💻🧑🏻‍💻👨🏽‍💻

00:00:00 – Intro
00:03:18 – Exploring the structure of a SwiftUI app
00:21:39 – Specifying the view hierarchy using a scene
00:39:33 – Maintaining the adaptable sizes of built-in views
00:53:48 – Layering Content
01:10:04 – Choosing the right way to hide a view
01:19:02 – Organizing and aligning content with stacks
01:37:46 – Driving changes in you UI with state and bindings
02:01:24 – Creating a custom input control that binds a value
02:18:01 – Defining the source of truth using a custom binding
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This was very good. Thanks for sharing this with us.
I think the Apple tutorials are improving. I was really not impressed with some of the earlier ones... they seemed mis-designed, with some very odd architecture choices.


Can you please make a video of swift ui with best design pattern
