Leg Length Discrepancy (Why It Probably Doesn't Matter | Evidence Based)

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In this video, I explain what leg length discrepancy is, how it’s measured, it’s connection to pain, how much of a difference really matters, and if we do have a difference, what can we do about it.


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My story (0:00)
What is LLD? - 1:26
How to measure LLD - 2:13
Connection to pain? - 3:52
Clinical Relevance - 5:04
Treatment options - 6:07

Disclaimer: The information presented is not intended as medical advice or to be a substitute for medical counseling but intended for entertainment purposes only. If you are experiencing pain, please seek the appropriate healthcare professional.
Рекомендации по теме

Leg length discrepancy consumed me in my early 20s as well. I was living quiet healthy life style like regularly working out, having healthy diet, and not smoking. So, when I was diagnosed with herniated disc, I kinda blamed my leg length discrepancy since my leg length difference was pretty big like yours. I was doing all kinds of "corrective exercise" and was afraid to load during squats and dead-lift. I was being overly paranoid about my stance during squats as well. Later I realized I can't really change my anatomy and I can just load the weights and work out like others I felt silly and regret the times that I wasted trying to fix the things that I cannot fix. I wish I saw this video in my early 20s. I believe contents like this would help lots guys like me. Thank you for the great content!


I had gotten really obsessed with it ever since I learned that I had 1.5 cm discrepancy and it made me so anxious. Thank you so much for this video now I feel a lot better.❤️


I don't think about the pain i just want it to look the way it should and it will make me more capable.


Thank you for sharing this video! I also relate to the fact that knowing you have uneven legs has a lot of impact in the psychologic aspect, maybe even more than the real impact it really has in your body functionality.


I have this same issue as well. Due to this, I lack coordination and flexibility. My balance is good though. When I play football, I have no issue with my right leg, but my left left being thinner and shorter, makes me feel very awkward when trying to kick. Plus when I'm running, my left foot is bent and is not straight like the right foot. Very frustrating.
As for now, my left foot has become better and coordination and flexibility in the left leg has improved 😃.


I agree with what you are saying. Clinically I have reached these same conclusions. I am a PT specializing in PF rehab. First I find it rare to even find a noticible leg length difference. When I do it is almost always <1/2-inch which is easily correctable with a heel lift. But, a heel lift rarely corrects their back or pelvic pain - just improves gait. When it comes to pain, especially chronic pain, there are many other factors that are contributing to that pain message.


A physical activity when you have a +2 cm leg discrepancy, great idea
Go for a run for at least 15 min and you'll already feel a huge pain in a hip, or even both


Amazing video - I have encountered so many patients who have been told their back pain is due to a leg length discrepancy.... It is awful as the patients tend to believe this is the sole cause and they think they have to come in to get it "reset" for the rest of their life....


You covered some good points about LLD, but you should have discussed structural vs. functional LLD as well.

Lifestyle changes and increasing activity/exercise frequency is definitely beneficial. I am a PTA and I only recommend a heel lift after correcting pelvic alignment, assessing gait pre/post corrections, and re-measuring for structural LLD (all with open communication with the supervising therapist).

Very nice and informative video overall!


stretch, stretch, stretch, stretch... stretch! there's nothing you can do about it especially if it's a structural damage to your growth-plate. heel lift doesn't help, there are some advanced ones that ables you to do athletic activities my chiropractor recommends, but I doubt it'll work.

I tried to fix it on my own the longest time but I feel I've been this way for so long that it actually damages, should throw away any hopes of them becoming even, ever again.

therefore best thing is to just live your life and stretch a lot.
I follow this guy "WIM HOF" who practices deep breathing/ breathe control and cold exposure to help with pain and stress on the mind.
foam rollers are great
rubber bands are great
don't sit for more than 15-20minutes straight, get up stretch
try not to run too much, instead try to swim for cardio. maybe treading water type of exercises
yoga is really good

it sux but gonna have to change your lifestyle~ just keep up what I mentioned on top to preserve the condition of the body

don't be down, pretend like you're a shark, which will die once they stop moving (swimming)... just keep on moving keep your head up~!!


Leg length discrepency is often due to a mal=formed hip, where the leg hangs from the socket slightly higher up because the socket location is higher up. When the leg hits the ground (walking) it falls harder than the other one thus crashing more weight onto it. This causes more wear on the joints on that side. Arthritic hip and joints can wear moer on that side. A surgeon often offers to add the required length as a part of the hip=replacement surgery.


I was worried about the way I walked, but had no pain at all. I visited a doctor and got x-rays and got a 27mm difference, this due a broken bone from my childhood, he stated that the incident may have caused an over stimulation on the growing of that leg (I was 12yo) he recommended shoe heel lifter so I can walk better, but pointed out that if I had no pain there is not a lot to worry about, your body tends to compensate irregularities and it’s all right. Pain is usually the way your body talks back to you to inform something is wrong and needs attention.


Thank you hardly anything ever bothers me but I found out yesterday my left leg was 18mm longer and made me realize just how strange I've always walked but never noticed till now and connected to all times I had injuries on my lower right side . I really enjoy running so I'm still pretty upset but I'm doing a little better after seeing this video


Hi Tony! This was a really informative video, thanks! When you said that knowing you have a leg length discrepancy can be really devastating I totally felt it. As I am a really active person, I always worry about my uneven legs causing problems on the long haul. I can feel the difference, I can't stand evenly on my feet throughout the day, I can't squat evenly, I can't walk evenly... I can feel that the weight distribution on the sole of my feet is totally different. I also have muscle imbalances, my thigh on the shorter side is 1 cm bigger, than the other. My lower back muscles are visibly different, even though I don't have scoliosis (yet?). I don't really know what to do about it. Tried heel lifts, but it didn't feel comfortable and I was worried it might cause more problems. I don't know if it's an anatomical difference (I don't think so) or if it's coming from my hips, cause I can feel differences in the mobility of my hip joints. Should I opt for a hip x-ray to see it? What would you recommend?


I also have this discrepancy because of a brain clot since childhood and I am totally agree with you this is not something we have to put all our energy instead make this as a strength. Initially I did same like you but now I accept it and put my energy to focus on bright side and make this as my anchor. This is my strength thanks to this I am so much into physical exercises mainly in advance yoga. After watching this I realized someone also feel the same way❤


Great one as always!! Keep it up! Big hug from Brasil!!!


Great video 🙌

Many thanks all the way from little old Tasmania, Australia 😌


Snapped my femur in half 6 years ago. I'm 61yo for context. My right leg now is 1in shorter than my left. I found a company that you send your shoe to and they will lift it. Contact American heelers if you have a leg discrepancy. Hope this helps.


Hey Tony, great video! Like you, I have become obsessed over this for several years now. I've noticed that without a lift, my spine develops an "S Curve" (scoliosis) due to the misalignment of the pelvis. Since my left leg is 12mm longer (free xrays in Canada :)) my left shoulder is held visibly lower than my right, just as you appear to hold your right shoulder lower due to the longer right leg. Given that you wore a lift for 5+ years, I'm sure you're aware of how limiting it can be with both exercise (wakeboarding, martial arts, etc), and from a social aspect (entering ones home liftless haha). I was wondering what your experience has been regarding pain with a lift vs without, and what exercises/stretches you have used to combat it? Really looking forward to your response.


My daughter just got diagnosed with less than 6.35mm (0.25 inches) assymetry. The doctor is attributing her ankle pain (lasting several months) to the leg length disparity. All sorts of quack alarm is going off in my mind especially after watching this video and other videos regarding this condition. Still searching for answers but I’m getting a second opinion for her.