NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: Revelation 11 Unlocks End Times Bible Prophecy And Shows Us The Third Jewish

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On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are mining for nuggets in Revelation 11, and there are many to be found when you look at what God wrote, in the context He wrote it in, believe what we read and then rightly divide it. In Revelation 11 we are shown the Third Jewish Temple, the Two Witnesses, a rapture but not of the Church, and a host of other astonishing events that must 'shortly come to pass'. For students of bible prophecy, Revelation 11 is one of the most power-packed and exciting sections of the book of Revelation!
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Really good study as I'm stopping and starting the video to take down verses and a few notes. Grew tired last night and picked 2nd hour this morning. Just notified for your next study. Thank you for keeping me in the word through your study. God our Heavenly Father Bless You.


Listening and sending blessings from Brazil, also I request prayers for my American husband who is a veteran from Vietnam and atheist. He forbid me to speak about Jesus. His name is Glenn.


Awesome bible study 📖✝️♥️ Ty #NowTheEndBegins & Geoffrey Grider ♥️ Have a blessed Memorial day 🙏🏼 you & your family 🌅✝️🌅♥️


I'm here pretty early now I can listen to the podcast to relax after my evening workout.


Are you saying there is no hope for my husband to be saved during the Tribulation? 😭


What is the great commission of Mark 16? The chapter is about the risen Christ.


I am a new subscriber and I have really enjoyed your program and appreciate your steadfast ministry for our Savior. However, I think you are in error on one issue. If I am recalling correctly, I think you said that the rapture cannot occur before 1 the falling away occurs and 2 that the man of sin (antichrist) is revealed. I think you are interpreting this incorrectly and that Paul is actually talking about the great tribulation. Let's take a look and see what you think. I will insert my comments in the scriptures:
2 Thess 1-3 Now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together unto Him, [he's speaking about the rapture], that ye be not soon shaken in mind or troubled, neither by spirit nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. [ here he is talking about the great tribulation] Let no man deceive you by any means, for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first, and that the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.
The Thessalonians were upset because they thought they had missed the rapture and that the "Day of Christ" aka "Day of the Lord" (tribulation or time of Jacob's troubles) was at hand. Otherwise verses 6-8 would not make sense. They talk about the Holy Spirit withholding until he is taken out of the way and THEN after the Holy Spirit is taken out of the way, the AC is revealed per verse 8: "and THEN shall that wicked be revealed...." [the AC]
So, if you interpret the "day of Christ" (all throughout the Bible the "day of the Lord" is interpreted as the time of Jacob's troubles) as the rapture, then the verses would be telling us in verse 3 that the rapture can't come until the AC is revealed and then contradict itself in verse 8 by saying that once the Holy Spirit is removed (the church in the rapture), THEN the AC is revealed. As we know, God's word does NOT contradict itself, so I hope that you will prayfully consider my comments.
Another thing we tend to forget is that God tells us that the rapture will occur when the fullness of the Gentiles comes in - in other words, when the last person who will accept Jesus before the rapture, does so, the rapture will occur. That event can take place independent of any other events.
God bless you, everyone! Look up for our redemption draws nigh!!! :)


Revelation 11:7. How do you kill someone who has already died? If anyone could answer this question for me, thank you.


I am sorry but it sounds like that Billy Graham is not saved! Thank you
