Presidents of S. Korea, Israel agree to pursue early FTA deal

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한-이스라엘 정상회담,... 양국간 FTA 조기 타결 될 시에 경제협력 확대 될 것

South Korean President Moon Jae-in and the President of Israel, Reuven Rivlin, have agreed to pursue an early deal in their talks on a bilateral free trade agreement.
They say it'll maximize their two countries' synergy.
President Rivlin arrived in Seoul on Sunday for a five-day stay.
Here's President Moon speaking earlier today at their summit.
"If the FTA deal gets settled quickly, then economic cooperation on investment and services will expand. I believe the two countries' relations have great potential due to their complementary business structures and their shared goal of fostering the future high-tech industry."
Moon and Rivlin agreed that an early FTA deal will be an "optimal win-win" result.
Two way trade last year reached 2-point-7 billion U.S. dollars.
They began discussing an FTA back in 2015.
Korea would export vehicles and wireless communications divices... and import chipmaking equipment and applied electronics goods.

#SKorea #MoonJaein #Israel #ReuvenRivlin #FTA #economiccooperation

Рекомендации по теме

S Korea should kick out Indonesia and make Israeli as partner for KF21 fighter project. S Korea and Israel already have strategic partnership. Israeli air force using it's own KF21 will also play well image of fighter program.


Koreans support Israel in what happened in Gaza.
