The Top 10 Most Haunted Buildings in Toronto! | Spooky Tour | Matt's Megabites

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MacKenzie House Toronto

In the heart of Downtown, this former row house housed Toronto's first Mayor. It's now a heritage house protected by the city. But it's not just an old house. It's been said that the mayor still haunted the house and you can hear phantom footsteps in the hallways, and sometimes people have even said that you can see a shadowy figure from inside the window. Do you believe the old mayor still haunts his old home?

Gibraltar Point Lighthouse - Toronto Islands

This structure was built in 1808. Making it the oldest lighthouse on the great lakes. Apparently the lighthouse's first keeper John Paul Radelmuller still haunts this place. He was said to have been murdered by two drunks. Two innebriated soilders apparently murdered and and then buried his body close to the lighthouse. To this day there is a creepy feeling to the lighthouse. Is it because it's old? Or Haunted?

Old City Hall

The old city hall is now a courthouse. The judges who now occupy the City Hall say they feel like they are being touched, tugged, and even poked. This usually occurs by the building's rear staircase. Apparently the last two men hanged at the once Courthouse still haunt the place to this day.

Elgin and Winter Garden Theatre

This theatre opened in 1913. Right before the start of the Great War. The place is said to be packed full of ghosts. Even Ghosts that play instruments. That is what is said to have been heard at this Theatre. Perhaps a lonely big band player?

Humber College Lakeshore Campus

The Humber College Lakeshore Campus is one of the oldest structures in Toronto. The place was built with tons of underground tunnels. Tunnels that harbour spirits. The building was first used to house the mentally insane. These spirits apparently have lead to students saying they smell foul odours in part of the house that used to be a morgue. No more dead bodies there. So why the smell? Perhaps the smell of a demonic entity.

St Michaels Hospital

Hospitals in general face tons of death. Almost a daily occurence. Some of the dead like to hang around. Like a nun called Sister Vincenza. She has been said to roam the halls at night. Turning lights on and off. But almost bringing patients blankets.

The Don Jail

It's no surprise that the Don Jail is on this list. Harbouring many criminals and psychopaths during it's time. Many people faced execution by hanging at this jail. Their spirits still haunt the jail. There is also apparently a bunch of unmarked graves. With all the death it makes you wonder how many spirits haunt the area.

Queens Park

Queens Park was once a hospital to the Insane. Many of the ghosts are women. These women still haunt the premises. Like a hanging woman that still hangs in the basement tunnel.

University College

University College is haunted by a man who loved the woman, but had some competition.The two men who loved the same woman were named Ivan and Paul. These stone masons helped construct the college in the 1800's. The women ended up choosing Paul which then lead to a fight. A deadly fight based on jealous rage. The two men held weapons and Paul came out victorious. Ivan now haunts the location. And some people have said to have seen his apparition at night walking the grounds searching for his love.

The Keg Mansion

The old Massey Mansion. The former home of Hart Massey and the Massey Family. Many parts of the mansion have unusual activity. On the stairs people have said that they've heard children playing even when no one's at the restaurant after closing. The most famous reported sightings have been a woman hanging from the chandelier. Sometimes people say they can even hear a scream. Right before they hear the sound of a neck break. Pretty eerie. Do you feel like eating at this establishment?

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Dude… this video is great. Informational, straight to the point, and spooky. I’ll definitely visit some of these places soon before it gets colder.


you could count uft as a haunted one aswell considering the weird eerie experiences people have had, my own kid who goes there has had some weird experiences there.


the risk of stabbing in these spots in scarier than the ghosts


Been to them all, plus many more most don’t even know about…I worked at ST Mike’s, hospital for 30 years…there are many, many ghosts..the CCU, the old (now defunct) OR’s, including it’s old elevator, the Fracture Clinic (which use to be the morgue), one of the ICU’s (we have several), the old cafeteria, plus several other areas….that’s just one building. I could write a novel on what I’ve experienced (the Keg Mansion is my favourite…witnessed many disturbances as a friend was a bartender there, and I’d often meet him at closing to go clubbing. I saw the second floor with all the chairs on the tables and the carpet rolled up after they closed to clean the floors literally, in a matter of seconds, see everything put back…dozens of chairs were put back on the floor around the tables after the carpet unrolled itself…it’s scared the hell out of my friend who’d already experienced paranormal things, so much that he quit and never went back. I on the other hand, desperately wanted to do a proper investigation with my team (I do many investigations as a hobby, it’s irresistible to me, and I love helping both the living and the dead find peace). I LOVE steak, so I went for a very late diner, when the restaurant was quietest, but secretly brought my EMF metre, and digital voice recorder to get EVP’s, and my HD video recorder with night vision…..I got responses to the lady who haunts the stairwell and the ladies bathroom, another in the upstairs bar who said he was a tradesman who died building the mansion (that was a surprise, never heard of him before), plus 5 other distinctive entities all throughout the structure (I was desperate to get into the cellar, but they refused to let me go as it was staff only). I’ve seen the headless apparition after sundown by the lighthouse on the islands, AND…one few know about, the very first part of the PATH, under the CIBC office towers…it was an elderly Chinese gentleman who said he use to be a cleaner back in the 50’s, but was killed by falling through a broken floor area just above. I wasn’t able to confirm any of these, as the owners refuse to allow anything the perceive as “bad press” to quote most of them….but my equipment doesn’t lie. I’m actually an amateur psychic medium, a sensitive, an empath, and a remote viewer, but no one ever believes me if I tell them, so I stick with the scientific side of things. But normally, a skeptic will never believe no matter how much evidence you have, and believers don’t trust the technology, so I go with my instincts, they are never wrong. I truly was that kid from the 6th sense…an absolutely TERRIFYING way to grow up, especially when you’re parents put you in a mental hospital because they refused to believe me, and got mad at the doctors when they told my folks I was perfectly healthy mentally. I grew up in a haunted home, I have countless pieces of evidence, my parents still refused to believe me, even when they themselves had encounters with the entity (a young girl named Shelia who had died on the property a century before after a terrible fire, poor thing). That was in West Hill near Port Union and Lawrence Avenues……anyone have any other areas I can investigate?


queens park... still housing the insane!!!


I went to Humber Lakeshore. I didn't know that. I would have found those underground tonal


been here my whole life....trying to make it to 39 ... I love this city, avoid those locations like the plague!


In 2nd grade I went to the McKenzie house for a trip and I remember we made letter press Christmas cards. It was very fun!!!


spooky👻👻😱no way I'd visit these premisses!!😱


Hello my dear friend im watching very nice story ..


My sister lived in a haunted house in 'Pickering' years ago. My niece heard someone open the front door, footsteps, the kitchen water turned on, but no one was there. Then she heard footsteps go into her parents room, a male yelled "Get Out" and slammed the door. Of course her father was angry to not find anyone. The room was pitch black on a sunny day. My nephew saw a man's face in the window in the same house, he hates the curtains open at night. A cousin of mine used to see an older couple in her bedroom closet in Scarborough years ago. I saw my mother's head disappear and come back, as she was getting up from the bed (At my grandmother's) when she lived in the beaches area. Who knows, you might see a spirit and they look real, and you don't know it.


I lived on campus for about 8 months at U of T, I live in the dorms near UC, it was actually the dorms behind the building itself. So creepy !


I’ve done many shifts in uc building. It’s almost more than 150 yrs old ancient structure. But i never experienced any kind of paranormal activity there.


Yknow if i were going to one hospital it'll be St Michaels so i can get a blanket without asking for a nurse getting me one cause i know i'll wake up with a blanket on me already.


I'm in search of extreme haunted locations even Poltergeist Activity in Toronto and surrounding areas if anyone knows of any places that I could go please leave me a message Thank You!!! ❤🙏

"The Keg Mansion"

I can see spirits and this location is very haunted but where a lot of the spirits are on the restricted 3rd floor and basement where there is a tunnel that goes all the way to the Sunnybrook hospital at Wellesley and church street... Even at night time after the Keg Mansion is closed with the ghost tube sls you can see spirits in the windows saying hello. ❤👻🇨🇦


I’ve been to 3 of these unknowingly ! did not have any creepy experiences but the lighthouse was kind of eerie. probably because it was winter and no one was around. Every old building on the UofT campus is creepy and cool but no ghosts, and the only complaint i have about the keg mansion is that they overcooked my steak


it seems you missed one...location: QUEEN'S PARK...


Can I just's TO RON TO. Not chronno


Lived in toronto my whole life and there are zero haunted anything here.
