A Guide to Baneful Magick || The Year of the Witch Day 277 of 366

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Hi witches! Here is a deeper look into Baneful Magick to kick off spooky season! I’m so excited to share more with you!
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oh I thought I was the only one happy to curse my enemies 😂😂 and i really bealive in the witch who cant curse cant heal ❤️️


I relate to you so much. Only looking more into baneful magic because I’ve been pushed way too far


I agree with you sometimes baneful magick is needed but it has to Justified.


I am working on baneful magick to several people who have hurt me deeply - verbal abuse, etc. I believe that sometimes baneful magick is needed after life is not all rainbows and we are not punching bags and doormats for anyone.


honestly - if someone is deliberately malicious to you that will trigger karma...hexing them is literally karma at work LOL that's how i see it


(Heads up, this comment got WAY longer than I intended LOL. My apologies for leaving you an entire thesis 🤣)
Absolutely LOVED this video! It's so refreshing to see someone whose views on baneful magic are so similar to my own. I'm not a beginner witch, I've been practicing close to 20 years now, and your video covered everything really well. As far as curses and jars, I think jars *can* be utilized, but it really depends on the specific working that's being done. I've done one curse jar where part of the curse was burying it under a specific spot where a dog had pooped for YEARS. It definitely added a little something to the curse lol.

I'm with you on the "Rule of Three" bit too. I'm not Wiccan, therefore I don't follow the Ro3. Every. Single. Time. I try to discuss baneful magic in a witchy/Pagan/occult/etc group, there's at least one person who jumps in with an "OMG but you CAN'T do a curse, the RULE OF THREE will hit you SO HARD!" My first reply is always to let them know the Ro3 is a Wiccan thing, and that's not my faith. If they persist in their insistence that the Ro3 will get me even if I'm not Wiccan, my reply is usually something like "Well, since the Ro3 applies to us all even if we're not of that faith, then...

...did you know you're a sinner who is going to go to Hell to be punished in a Lake of Fire for your worship of Satan and denial of Christ? Don't worry, Catholics have said you'll have time in Purgatory to cleanse yourself, so you might still have a chance at Paradise... maybe. I guess you could always buy an Indulgence, or have a few Masses said for you to speed up the process..."

... you must be working hard to obey the Seven Rules of Noah so you can have a place in the next world; I'm sure you wouldn't want to end up in Gehenna, right?"

"Oh, you say since you're not Christian or Jewish you don't follow those beliefs? It's almost like you understand that the rules of a religion you don't practice shouldn't affect your daily life... almost."

It's not easy to find other practitioners who are so knowledgeable and also willing to talk openly about baneful magic. I feel like when the recent resurgence of occult/magic/witchcraft/etc started in the 90's most of the focus was on putting up a Silver Ravenwolf version Wicca-focused front to the public, just loudly broadcasting "We're only focused on Love and Light! *REAL* witches don't hex or curse, we focus only on healing and blessing and cleansing!"

It was so great to see a video that's not only knowledgeable and informative, but that presents baneful magic in an honest way. When I first started practicing I thought I would NEVER EVER EVER be in a situation where I'd have to curse. I thought that surely, everything could be handled with cleansing, banishing, or at the very worst, a binding. Then young, naive, green little me had a series of harsh and painful life events kick me one after another after another... almost 20 years later, and now my specialty is baneful magic, LOL. The thing I swore I'd never touch became the thing I was most knowledgeable about, answered the most questions about, and had the most people ask for my guidance about. I don't regret it one bit. ^_^

Anyway, now that your eyes are probably bleeding from my five hundred and eighty three page dissertation, you mentioned talking about this personally/privately and I'd absolutely love to chat about resources, books you like, methods, etc. I have a kind of convoluted working I've been researching and putting together for a while now, and it would be great to bounce some ideas off someone who knows what I'm talking about. What's the best way to reach you? If you'd rather not talk to some nutty rando who just wrote a whole essay in a comment I totally understand though lol.


I like your use of the terms "righteous justice". That is the key to sending a curse without it rebounding. Curses are few and far between and should be. I didn't think of it as a hex, but to some it may be, but I invoked Hecate and her minions against an irritating neighbor (I'll leave it at that) and they had an infestation of snakes not long after. Jinxing is hardly worth the effort, in my opinion. Besides if one pesters their familiars with petty complaints, they can be offended and turn on you.


My question to you is, has there been any negative kickback from your baneful magic regardless of justifications, and if so, what can one expect in regards to this? I am interested :).


Excellent as always.
If someone repeatedly attempts to damage your life despite warnings...leave me alone... then a curse is justified.


I feel like it is useful to learn how to hex and jinx, although someone would need to really fuck me up a lot to curse them. I'd prefer to do a major hex because curses are hard to control and they can easily become generational. Of course it's a matter of what the practicioner believes in and I just believe that someone might have fucked me up but I have no business with their possible future children or grandchildren


Do you have any sites and resources you used to research the best and safest way to practice it? i have practiced it, but I want to expand my knowledge and how I practice!


So let me ask this, I was extorted in the worst way, it has changed my life in the worst way to the point I almost ended it. I've struggled if this is justifiable. My life is still in utter Chaos because of this. What are yours or anyone thoughts about this?


This is exactly what I'm looking for. I have someone in my life who needs cursed. This person is a narcissist and a cancer in the lives of the people I care about. They needs to leave. I need to go back and watch your other videos so I can properly prepare


You kind of look like Jan from the office. Michael scotts gf.


I would really like to get back at my supposed friend who killed my younger brother. Any guidance would be appreciated.


I heal and do a spell for justice ⚖️. Let the Universe decide...


Well i have levels of severity.
Usually i will use protection magic and heavy warding
to neutralize someone.
Kinda like Aikido..you punch & your energy redirects and now your arm is broken😂
However baneful magic does have its place.
People in these streets can be real dirty & sometimes
you gotta regulate.
Part of being a witch is that freedom and self empowerment.


"Fun introduction". I guess that's my "sign". Just found you. I loved this. I also love how you reply to everyone. Some witches on here ignore you. Liked/subscribed. Look forward to learning from you.


Sister thank you for the advice. I have some work to do


You explained this so so well and was non judgemental
