AQA Test Automation Lesson 6, how to change tests order.

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Tasks for better understanding:
Task 1
Write three test functions: test_first(), test_second(), test_third(). Use decorators to establish the execution order of these tests. For example, ensure that test_first() is executed before test_second(), and test_second() is executed before test_third().
Task 2
Create tests where the result of one test affects the next one. For example, ensure that after a successful execution of test_login(), test_access_granted() is executed, and after an unsuccessful execution of test_login(), test_access_denied() is executed.
Task 3
Create 10 tests (you can use the ones from the second lesson) marked with execution order from 1 to 10. Create a fixture named test_data with function scope and ensure that each test calls this fixture, which prints "test start" before the test and "test finish" after completing the test. Confirm that the tests are executed in the correct order according to the markers and display the necessary fixture messages.

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