Is It Possible to Switch from Manual to Automation Testing after 10+ Year?

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Switch from Manual to Automation Testing : In this video, I had a discussion with One of the Subscriber. Is it possible to switch from Manual Testing to Automation testing after 10 year?

✅ Where we help you to become a better Test Automation engineer.

In this video, I have given 5 step process to

These 5 steps are

1. Changing your Mind Set.
2. Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone
3. Learn From Other QA / Network.
4. Grab Opportunity
5. Be Patient

#switchfrommanualtoautomationtesting #howtolearnautomationtesting #manualtesting

🚀 Tools and services I recommend:
Some of the courses that I recommend to become better Automation Tester 🙌🙌

✅Selenium Training and Certification -

✅Learn Jenkins for QA -

✅Programming Java -

✅Test Automation -

✅API Testing -

✅Cypress Tutorial with LIVE Projects -
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This session was really helpful.Keep having such sessions in future as well


What's yatharth status as of now? Pls shed light.


I am the guy on the ride side. This was an eye opener for me. thank you


This is so much my question, i was struggling to get the answer of this question i have Same experience and am struggling with Automation and Management, but after hearing this i decided to stick to Management. Thank you Pramod for the response


Testing is testing. I don’t understand that manual:automation categorization. Of course it’s possible to learn scripting and programming to apply it on automation in testing at anytime regardless your career time span


I switched to automation after doing manual testing for 6 years within 4 months I learned it and switched to a different company.


But, sir, in the twenty-first century, technology has changed frequently, such as people talking about robotics, driverless cars, AI, ... moving to space... more work is coming from repetitive tasks, and robots have taken place. Now they can learn automation (programming knowledge). Without automation, there might be fewer opportunities, or we know the switch to devops also requires an automation tool.


Hi Pramod,
Thanks for this video, actually I am also in same place, I have 11 yrs of experience out of this 7 years in Operations and four years in manual testing but now I have stuck in the manual testing only, learning automation is bit hard now.
As you told in the session, manual tester can go for Scrum Master or DevOps, so wanted to know is it easy to switch to these fields or it not require to code in both Scrum Master and DevOps?
Please answer to my question, it will be very helpful for me


Hi Sir, Same like Yatharth i'm in to finance capital markets domain last 9 years in to manual testing. But i know java and intermediate in selenium. Shall i try like technofunctional domains both manual and automation kind


There is no such thing called people cannot move to automation after certain number of years exp, one needs to decide to go in management ladder or individual contributor and if individual contributor choice is made by a manual tester, then learning automation is a must and it can be achieved


yes you can switch after 10 years. if you explore and learn properly any one tool.


From manual testing experience you have domain expertise, so associate can grow as product owner with some awareness on tech stack..


Pramod, how about if we go ahead with the tool which are codeless automation like Tosca or any other tool. This is an example scenario.Any suggestions on this


I am qa with 9 years of experience and have basic knowledge on automation and comfortable with using Jenkins and git hub for CI CD stuff.. but struck in current company with less learning scope and unable to reach market standards of skills.. any help will be appreciated..


Sir I hav 9.5 yrs of experience in manual testing but I want to switch to automation because i am good at core java and interested to work on selenium with java...can I try this??


I have experience in Automation Testing and Manual Testing. But from last 3 years I am doing only Manual.
Now I am confused what I will pick Automation, Scrum and Product Owner. Please guide


Hi Pramodh,

I heard that 10 yrs experienced tester can be easily replaced with 5 yrs experienced tester for cost cutting, So that 10 yrs experienced tester will loose the job !
And also people say that,
In dev 10 yrs experienced dev cannot be replaced by 5 yrs experienced dev in any company unlike Testers, is that true ?
Please reply

Does testers don't have life after 10/15 yrs work experience?


Sir please make video how manual tester can switch company with 3-4 years of experience


Hello sir, I'm a 2022 passout after getting job in wipro as a project engineer they put me into manual testing. But I love to do codeing. I know python, java, .net concepts with c# very well. So, can I change my profile with in a year into automation testing? Because I like coding only,


Hii sir i am from 2018 passed out. I've completed my software testing course, how can i get job i am not getting any opportunity.
