Sensory Regulation Workouts for Autistic Adults

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Wait, do people with autism need different types of workouts? Choosing the right form of exercise can improve your moods, sleep, metabolism, and overall health. And some forms of exercise fit better than others. Some forms of exercise might even help with... PROPRIOCEPTION and sensory regulation. Big words, right? But super important to understand if you're on the spectrum or have loved ones who are.

In this video we'll explore proprioception and how it affects autistic people, specifically. I'll also share forms of exercise that help regulate proprioceptive needs and, with practice, might even help you manage sensory overwhelm.

I love to study all things health, but I'm not a doctor, so please speak with your healthcare providers before implementing any recommendations I make on my channel.


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# WhatDreamsAreMadeOf # IsThisMyLife

I'm Tay, a married mom of 2 who was diagnosed with Autism at 31 years old. This was after YEARS of therapy (and all of the self tests in the world!). My diagnosis has brought up questions, frustration, doubt, but most importantly, a new level of self compassion and understanding.

I'm here to share knowledge, resources, and products that empower other neurodivergents (and their loved ones) to live freely and creatively.

It's good for my brain to spend less time on social media, so you won't find me on Facebook or Instagram. But I'd love to chat with you in the comments! Or you can find my email address in the "Details" section of my About page.

Females are under-diagnosed due to lack of research. Please share any videos that are helpful to you so we can spread awareness and acceptance.

The Best Weighted Blanket

Proprioception - Further Reading

Interoception - Further Reading

Workouts with Weights for Females

Music by Milky Wayvers ("Mountain")

#autism #autistic #aspergers #mentalhealth #neurodiversity #autisticfemale #asd #adhd
Рекомендации по теме

ASD+ Weightlifting put me back in touch with my own body... Changed my life for soooo much the better.


Thank you so much for making your channel. I’ve been recently diagnosed as autistic. I’ve always struggled with shutdowns at the gym and I never could understand why! I also don’t seem to have physical impairments and yet I struggle with the idea of certain physical tasks being so difficult that I don’t do them. For example, I have to take the top off of the shaving cream bottle or else it’s too much work for me and I start to get upset. Or most clothes are hard to put on or coats … so they use up so much effort. And that’s why I so often don’t end up working out at all either.


I do taekwondo (teach once a week as well). It's great for people like us...I don't have to worry about when to be there, the instructor tells me what to do, I get to ask a lot of questions and they appreciate that I'm detail oriented and you meet people with similar goals.


Barbell squats are WONDERFUL. Not only super hard to overcome a lot of weight balanced on your back, but a real sense of triumph finishing a set under a weight that wants to staple you to the mat.


I’ve always wanted to try rowing because you push and pull with both arms and legs at the same time


I'm a 56-year-old autist. My big passion is road cycling. To avoid overworking certain muscles with one exercise--not to mention avoiding burnout--I've added mountain biking (which is different from road cycling) kayaking and archery to my regimen. I've never really thought about those three exercises as proprioception aids, but this video makes me realize they very much are. Take, for example, kayaking. It's largely about keeping a dynamic balance through rowing. I shoot bow ambidextrously, so my hands take turns being the pulling and pushing arms. To hit a target, you really have to have both sides cooperating harmoniously.


This makes so much sense I never thought hating to sweat was an autistic thing or bring hyper aware of how forceful I am or not with things like closing and shutting a door. And I actually loved weight lighting too. It was kinda like finding a focused type of bliss in a weight routine.


Yes! Dancing is awesome! I will even be ok with getting sweaty while dancing. As soon as I stop, I have to have a shower, but during, I don't even care.


Once I start exercising I get super fidgety and all I can focus on is how my clothes feel on my sweaty skin. It’s so hard to keep working out when every sensation feels inescapable both physically and mentally.


Ha! Right before you said it I though “yeah I’ve always loooved the leg press!” I also love the trampoline park but the bladder issues are too much for me :( And I also love dancing! I need to move this to the top of my list.


I do a body scan each day, which uses proprioception. I feel/scan my body from bottom to top, to feel the sense of touch whilst sitting up straight. helps me to relax and to strengthens my sense of balance. (as I experience vertigo when overwhelmed)


I recently bought myself a rebounder because I remember how much it helped me when I was younger. I noticed jump roping improved my mental health a bunch, but i can only do it outside and the weather is unpredictable. Since I got the trampoline, exercise feels a lot more fun.


Classical pilates will change your life. It’s precise. Repetitive and it’s all about proprioception.


I'm working on proprioception with my occupational therapist. Thanks so much for this video!


Yes, thank you. I HATE sweating. I'm not usually a texture person, I'm totally fine with most clothes and fabrics and foods and lotions, but sweating? EW. So uncomfortable. I feel like I need to shower before I work out, while I work out and also immediately after of course. 🤣


This is so interesting. I was diagnosed as an adult but I have always enjoyed weightlifting as yes I find it cathartic and really helps my mood. I enjoy it so much that I am planning on competing next year 🙂 .


Hi Tay, excellent video! I have never heard the term proprioception. When I was a kid I was super clumsy. Both my parents were gymnasts when they were young so they got my into it. I did gymnastics for about 6 years and even taught it to kids for a while. Throughout the years I have run, walked, biked and I am currently walking five miles every morning. I also started weight training two years ago and that has made a big difference for me. I am still clumsy but so much less so.


I started going to Orange Theory 2 years ago and it changed so many things for me. I teach and constant sounds (and a thousand questions from my curious students) can get very overwhelming and overstimulating. When I started going before work, I’ve noticed I can stay calm for a longer period of time.
We do cardio and weight lifting. It also takes the stress out of decision making since the class is already designed and has coaches to help and guide us. It is a bit pricey but has improved my quality of life immensely.

Also, I’m currently undergoing a battery of assessments for autism. I highly suspect I have it, but we’ll see!


Never heard that word before but after loooong and varied self experimentation I have noticed that, yes, weight training really helps! I feel less stressed, sleep better and feel like I’m more aware of my body, and feel I’m not quite as clumsy as I used to be


I'll have to try some of these out. I struggle with boredom with repetitive exercise unless it was my idea (probably the ADHD) at times but at the same time, I enjoy the sensation of pushing or pulling something a whole lot. It kinda just depends on my mood. Lol the other trouble I have is knowing what kind of discomfort/pain is bad. I'm usually oversensitive to stimuli but it very much depends on what it is. Combination hypo and hyper makes life interesting if confusing. Having difficulty telling the difference between muscles burning and outright pain means I'll be happily sweeping the porch and not realize I've rubbed the inside of my thumb completely raw. Or I'll be biking and my muscles will be like "yep, you're using me" and I'm over here like "is this normal? Is something wrong?"
