PO-33 KO! 1 Year Review.

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After a year of use, its time to update our review of the Teenage Engineering PO-33 KO! Micro Sampler. This little magic device offers a ton of value for beginners and advanced uses alike. And in this video we take a look at the features of the KO, discuss who it may be for, and show you way its such a cool device.

For more videos, here is a list of videos on the po-33:

PO-33 KO Sample Set Up:

PO-33 KO Sample Tips and Tricks:

More KO videos:

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bought mine the day it dropped in feb '18 and still carry it with me and use it every day. hands down the most use ive gotten out of a piece of hardware period. if youre reading this and on the fence about buying one just do it, you really wont regret it. you hardly see these being sold second hand for a reason.


Just FYI, you can easily chop samples into 16 equal parts by recording a bar or 2 into the melodic section then copying it over to the drum section. When you do it this way, it ignores transients and just splits the sample equally!


I just purchased one for my kid for his bday- this review definitely makes me feel comfortable with having made this purchase. Also, This is by far one of the best reviews I’ve ever watched. Great review! Love that you drop knowledge as well as jokes.


Great video! I just got one for myself and i think you should make a video on all the hidden features of the KO! not explained in the manual. The more and more i use it, the more features i discover, sometimes not fully comprehending, like the parameter reset, the retrigger function for the drum section, a way to mute each sound at a time, etc. That would be really helpful thanks!


I have always loved lo-fi sounds, so the po-33 was for me. Once you get used to the workflow it's really fun to make music with it and even becomes kind of natural. The only big problem to me is the limited memory...


I've enjoyed all of the pocket operators but this one is IMO, by far, the best one. It's the only one in the line I've felt confident in being able to adequately produce complete tracks on just a single PO. I also find that it's an endless supply of inspiration. I'm fortunate. I have a studio with a lot of nice drum machines and synths in it but I can't seem to leave this one alone. I've already produced one album on it and I'm nearing the completion of a second one. I'd recommend a KO to anyone from beginners to experienced beat makers. It's a great instrument and TE really knocked it out of the park with this one.


Got a KO for xmas and have been having a blast with it. I think you're spot on with the 'to get you addicted to making beats' statement; I'm primarily a rapper and I already spend so much time in a DAW recording and mixing that I've never been especially excited to dive into production in Ableton/FL etc. and wanted a different way to start working on my own instrumentals. The KO has been a really fun and relatively cheap way to dive into production from the hardware side. Dig the video and hit you guys with a sub, look forward to more!


Absolutely love my ko! You could swing the sequencer with one knob in real time, not many samples can do that plus the fx! Forget about it


I absolutely love my K.O. It got me hooked on making music. I can’t wait to buy an mpc now. It’s just the right level of capable and limited to keep ideas moving and not get in the way.


Bro it’s amazing what you are able to do wit this little device .. 🔥
Inspirational fr


I've got one on the way and I'm super excited about it. I've been playing around with the PO12 for about a year now, and I'm really looking forward to chaining the 12 and 33 and rocking!


I just got one after watching this. I love it, I want them all now!


I invested in all of the POs. They all have their unique traits, which can all work well together.


You honestly make the best PO-33 videos, keep it up man! 🙌🏾


I have the po32 and now looking to get the KO because of how fun they are to make beats. Teenage engineering in the future should update their PO’s to make them more studio quality, I wouldn’t mind spending the extra money.


Love my KO. Had it a year or so and it’s huge fun.


This is my first synth purchase; ordered it on Amazon today.


3:55 had me weak omfg imagine a hired producer showing up with only a PO-33


Great vid! Actually, all your vids are pretty darn wonderful and very helpful. Thank you. Well, the PO-33 still my fav, Pocket Operator... quickly followed by PO-35 Speak. PO-32 Tonic with the Sonic Charge Microtonic was a sleeper for me, but way cool and useful, especially with the Patternarium which can be easily DLed to the PO-32 (Microtonic also useful with Speak!) Rest of the line is all unique, great and worth having... but if I could only have one, K.O. rules. Speaking of ruling on the PO-33, check out the impressive complete songs done by YouTuber - Gar Hoover. His creative efforts and skill with the K.O. are mind blowing.


Super overview thanks. I just got one. The next task is to find time to play with it 📯🛎🎛🎹🎷🎧🎼🪕🥁
