PO-35 K.O or PO-33 speak │ Which one should you get? - haQ attaQ

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Yes, which one should you get? PO-35 speak or PO-33 K.O!, both Officially released at NAMM 2018 by Teenage Engineering. These two pocket operators can record sounds through the built in microphone and through the line input. This similar functionality have some people wondering which one to go for. So I am trying to answer that question by highlighting the distinct differences of these two pocket operators, namely one being a sampler and the other one being a voice synthesizer.

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PO-33 K.O! has what I ever wanted in a Pocket Operator!


Ultimately, whichever one I get, the other will be better. I got the PO-35, so there you go. The PO-33 is clearly the way to go.


PO-64, Screen is replaced with a SID chip. You are able to build the sound you want using the three channels and filter the chip provides. You can store the sounds as drums or as melody. If melody you get the same effect provided by the K.O. (plays 16 notes of the sound stored). The black PC board is beige and there is a rainbow stripe that travels right of the “Commie” in the upper left (what better name)? Of course when you buy the PO-64 it has an empty chip slot (doesn’t come with the 8508, for legal reasons).

PO-77 is named VCS. Does the same thing using CO12294 or CO10444 chips. Also has a mode that plays DTMF tones, because who doesn’t like a blue box? Bonus points for getting how the second reference relates. The PC board looks like faux wood.

PO-60 The Korgan. This is the KORG Monotron delay and the KORG Duo combined into a single synth. This one has 4 fewer buttons as they are replaced by a slider. You can store samples in the remaining buttons (12 instead of the usual 16).

PO-62 The Highlander (can’t have a Korgan/Kurgan without a highlander). We have a brass section that includes bagpipes. Cuz what we really need are bagpipes in chiptunes.

PO-8 Has 8 audio in/out, can act as the clicktrack generator so that the output of all the attached systems can be stereo. Has 8 sliders to control audio from each in port, has a single out. This also has a micro SDHC/XC card that can save audio/files for the 3X models, and play them back. It can act like a tape deck for looping. 1 battery is on each side so it’s like a table, but PO sized.


this video helped me make my choice, i got the PO-33 K.O!


This really highlighted the difference to me - synthesizer vs sampler. It's even broken down that way on their website, but as someone who is pretty tech ignorant I needed a bit more of an explanation regarding what that means. Thank you!!


Got K.O., it’s mint!
Then got Tonic, really glad I did, it is very good!
Felt like I needed some Bass, got the Sub
…the Sub is way better than I had expected, for the price and age difference I just didn’t think it would be as good as it is. Workflow is a little different but it really really is a lot of fun, possibly the best one to just mess about with!
POs are a revelation, I bet your really proud to have had the input you’ve had, Haq.


I love my PO-32 Tonic - have used it since it got out, also occasionally with some new sounds from uTonic. Looked for a sampler companion, and here is all I want with PO-33 K.O.! Ordered one.


Love how you get straight to the point no lube


I'm buying the PO-222 DerpaDerfDerpNerpNerp


I just picked up the KO po-33, and I'm eventually going to pick up the tonic and the Speak as well
Such Fun these little/big sounding machines.


This was so clear. As cool as the 35 can sound, the audio input for the 33 takes it for me


Videos wicked PO32 Tonic is a must start with then add both the others and he says they do very different things wicked video 💯👊🏻


BOTH. I bought both. (After having the 33 K.O. for a while)


I own the PO-35 Speak and kind of think the PO-33 K.O would make for a better more powerful companion than the Tonic. Yes, the Tonic expands on the drum side of things (with lots of synth drum possibilities), but the real limitations of the PO-35 Speak are within it's sampling capabilities. With all the sample packs floating on the internet already for drums, and with a very decent amount of tweakability to create fresh drums out-of-the-box, the PO-35 Speak is quite powerful on its own. But it is lacking in how you can edit what you've recorded. The vocoder stuff is mindblowing for such a cheap device, but again... for more serious stuff, you're going to want to hook it up to a sampler. Not saying these POs are toys. I'm just saying sooner or later you're going to want to remove a bit of the limitations, without giving up the live performance aspect of how they work. You can only really do that when you sample into a second device. Or better, sample all of them into an additional sampler.


No. The 33 + 35 combo makes the most sense for obvious reasons


I bought the Rick and Morty Pocket Operator and the OP-1 and have no idea how to use them but I still love them. Now I watched this video and decided to buy Speak, KO and Tonic :) Hopefully I'll learn how to use this stuff. I'm a drummer but got a feel for these gadgets. Thanks for the video!


im thinking of getting the PO-33 but since i do like to beatbox and make weird sounds i guess ill grab them both :D


well i feel like i have to take the K.O! because i wanted a volca sample, but it's more expansive and even if you can put your own samples it's no a SAMPLER, so when i saw what the K.O! was capable of i though well, i already have a PO-Arcade so this would be a nice option... the size, the potential man i can't resist ! and the data transfer that no longer requires microtonic is great. because honestly it's kind of a hassle to go back to the computer and stuff if you're on the fly (even tho microtonic is a beast)
PO-K.O! should be mine !!


Thanks to your videos, I've been able to get something started with a PO-35.

Might just get em all...🤔


i want them all, but that was some much needed clarification, the speak, po 35 is speach synthesis, 33 is straight sampled audio, and my world needs everything.the one thing i wish all the POs had islike the 35 speak, having the at least minor and major scales, all my other pocket operators lasted only 6 or less months, would be nice if these could last longer. thanks for the video
