You Won’t Believe How Big Noah’s Ark Really Was!

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Just how big was Noah’s ark? Filmed at the renowned Ark Encounter, Tim Chaffey looks to the Bible to find the measurements. He then compares the ark’s size to things we are familiar with—like semitrucks.

Get tickets to the Ark Encounter, the Life-size Noah's Ark in Kentucky:
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How did the land locked animals get to the ark? Also with maybe half the animals being carnivores, the other half being vegetarian or omnivores, how were they fed? What animals perished to feed the carnivores? Where did they keep all the fruits and veggies for the others? Inquiring minds want to know!


We live about 8 hours away from KY, but a visit to the Arc is on our vacation list. Can't wait!👍


🙏🏼💖 May our Father richly bless your endeavors.🕊️


Were there Red Hills Salamanders on the Ark? It only occurs in a mudstone formation in 5 counties in Alabama. How did they get there? Did Noah drop only marsupials off in Australia? Why?


Granted this is a rough estimate. To produce the amount of board feet used for the Ark, you would have to cut down at least 11, 123 trees (more if you allowed for waste) and you would need a forest 55 acres in dimension to do so.


The Ark would have been about 450 feet long and made entirely of wood. Ask a marine engineer about that. It would break in half in bad weather. To supply the food for all the creatures on the Ark it would require hundreds of more Arks. The story is clearly fiction.


I've N E V E R believed the 'Ark' EVER existed and NO ancient culture was 'wiped out in the 'flood'!
As to the flood, if it hasn't evaporated from the surface it cannot fall from the sky, which I learned as a 4th Grader!


You have rebuilt the ark. Now you can do the scientific test: Take eight volunteers, the appropiate number of animals of all kinds and all the food you need, lock them up in the ark and prove that it is possible. That is creation science!


being made of so much wood, which is a bulky building material and requires a lot of physical support over 15% of its capacity would taken buy the wood structure and not in one lump but spread through out the stucture!


Just consider the needs of all animals for the duration of the flood.
Sorry, chaps, but the Ark just doesn't hold water.


A 783-year old dude built a boat with materials that were NOT available and could NOT be replicated today.


A wooden boat of this size is not seaworthy. It wood have an enormous amount of bending and flexing in ocean waves and leak like a sieve.


Okay, get that ark onto the water somewhere, load it up with animals and food, find 8 volutnteers to look after the animals, then seal it up completely except for one twenty inch window, and leave it alone for a year. Then you will have something else besides speculation as to whether it would actually work, or not.


And Noah could literally construct that all on his own? Did he used nails? Where did he get so many nails?


Listen everyone, The Bible is real and the Ark is real. But if you have a problem with that, just don’t say anything disrespectful about the Bible or any religion for that matter. You don’t have to believe in religion, but you should at least respect it.


The ark by dimension would have been around 450 feet long, 45 feet high with 3 levels, and around 75 feet wide. At those dimensions, the ark would have to have been nearly 100 times that to be able to do what the bible says it did. Just 2 elephants alone would require around 300, 000 pounds of food for a years' time plus cleaning up after them every day after they pee and poop. Don't forget how much fresh water they would need for a year. Now add to that all the other animals in the world on that ark and the amount of food, water, and latrine requirements they would all need. The ark had one small window at the top so where were they putting all the animal waste for at least 150 days afloat before landing? Oh yeah, then they would also have to have seeds from every kind of land vegetation as after 150 days under water that would all be dead too. Much like most everything in Revelation is symbolic, I believe the ark story is symbolic too, and not literal.


You're right, I don't believe it!


Noah's Ark had exact dimensions of modern 134m container ship (134x22m).Something what people discovered 4500 years later trough experiments that this are perfect dimensions for ship of that size.


I used to think Noah’s ark was just a bedtime story from the Bible. By the way the Bible is real but now I know how big the arch actually was. Like this comment if you’re Christian🚢🚢🚢🚢


Would an overturned semi-trailer be a rough miniature model in those dimensions?
