The Hidden Genius of RORSCHACH's Mask! (Watchmen) || NerdSync

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Rorschach is probably the most recognizable character from the Watchmen graphic novel and movie with his constantly changing black and white mask. His costume contains genius design elements. Not only does the origin of Rorschach's mask echo Walter Kovacs' own history, but it also demonstrates the power of superhero masks. They can hide one identity, yet reveal another. Watchmen also shows the inherent power in a villain unmasking a comic book hero!


Why SUPERMAN's Costume is Secretly Brilliant!

The Hidden Meaning of the X-MEN's Costumes!

Binge the entire Superhero Costume playlist from the start!


Thank you to:
Will/Peyton Schultheis
Yosi Berman
Cristoffer Lange
Sebastian Parks
Robert Wilson
Paul Ringkamp
Vesko Hristov
Dennis Smith
Haley Shipley
Andrew Kramer
Stefan Anundi
Filip Bojanowski
Reg Cruickshank
Jonas Helmerichs
Ricky Anderson II
Eric Galperin
Paulius Šaltauskas
Craig McCormick
Lucas Burlock
Selin Maden
Todd Clark
Keaten Lampert
Maximilian Greeves
Nathaniel Naranjo
Ron Harnik
Bruce Lee
Hayley Kurton
Josh Gallagher
Jonah Dunch
Merry Carol Cotton
Marja Camargo
Justin Matushak
Sophia Emely M.
Lori Thames
Jason Graoroski
Marcus Watson
Daniel Gram
Clara de Rambures
Anneli Elisabet
Samuel Rico


The Superhero Costume: Identity and Disguise in Fact and Fiction

(The authors of this book have since reached out and had very kind words to say about this costume series! The last three vids have been heavily based off of that book above, so please support them and their great work!)


Comic books are an incredible medium filled with the amazing adventures of fantastic superheroes, but they are also much more than just stories on a page. We here at NerdSync see comics as a tool that can help teach us about the world we live in! Join us each week as we explore fascinating topics that range from science, history, philosophy, culture, and art, making complex ideas a little more accessible through the heroes and villains from Marvel, DC Comics, and more!

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Рекомендации по теме

I'm surprised you didn't use the joke from Justice League Unlimited where Lex Luthor swapped bodies with the Flash. Luthor immediately decided to remove the mask, only to go: "I don't know who this is."


before unmasking, Rorschach was one of those people in the background during the entire comic book.


That Oscar Wilde quote brilliantly explains why people act differently online than when they're in person.


In the Spectacular Spider-Man animated TV show Green Goblin has a quote that I think speak volume "We all wear mask Spider-Man, but which one is the real one? The one that hides our face, or the one that is our face."


<3 Rorschach, "None of you seem to understand. I'm not locked in here with you. You're locked in here with *ME*!"


1. Thanks for being fantastic this year! I love you all! Even the weirdos! (especially the weirdos)
2.I decided against a spoiler warning because, I mean, why would you click on a Watchmen video if you haven't read and care about spoilers?
3. DK did the voice of Doc Manhattan at the end, and it was perfect! I added the audio effects, so if it sounds bad, don't blame him.
4. See you in 2017!


Not only do I live in Alan Moore's hometown, I've also chatted with him and got his autograph :D


Wow, I didn't know that Rorschach's mask looks the same when he refuses to compromise as it did in the beginning of the story! That's such a nice touch!


Rorschach is such an fascinating character. As much as I had liked the "The Watchmen" as a whole, it was "Rorschach" that that really intrigued me. And once again, Scott, your brilliant deduction/ explanation of this unique vigilante superhero was dead-on. I've been enjoying your sight. Unlike some, you don't feel the need to be vulgar in your descriptions. That alone is appreciated. And although it's "Christmas" that I really celebrate (*New Years is just another day to me*) to you I will say "Happy New Years" anyway. Keep up the great work my friend, and God Bless always.


please stop putting unnecessary arrows in the thumbnail.


"As you know, l’m quite keen on comic books. Especially the ones about superheroes. I find the whole mythology surrounding superheroes fascinating. Take my favorite superhero, Superman. Not a great comic book, not particularly well-drawn, but the mythology. The mythology is not only great, it’s unique…Now, a staple of the superhero mythology is, there’s the superhero and there’s the alter ego. Batman is actually Bruce Wayne, Spider-Man is actually Peter Parker. When that character wakes up in the morning, he’s Peter Parker. He has to put on a costume to become Spider-Man. And it is in that characteristic Superman stands alone. Superman didn’t become Superman. Superman was born Superman. When Superman wakes up in the morning, he’s Superman. His alter ego is Clark Kent. His outfit with the big red “S”, that’s the blanket he was wrapped in as a baby when the Kents found him. Those are his clothes. What Kent wears – the glasses, the business suit – that’s the costume. That’s the costume Superman wears to blend in with us. Clark Kent is how Superman views us. And what are the characteristics of Clark Kent? He’s weak, he’s unsure of himself, he’s a coward. Clark Kent is Superman’s critique on the whole human race." - Bill, Kill Bill Vol. 2


The thing with Rorschach though is that he actually believes his mask to be his true face. Like Walter Kovac is his alter ego and Rorschach is who he actually is.


You should do a video on tactical costumes such as Deathstroke or Edmonson and Gerads's Punisher design. It kicks the whole "vigilante" thing up a notch. Thanks!


I just finished 'Watchmen ' two days ago. I got it for Christmas. A new favourite of mine


"Understood man's capacity for horrors, and never quit. Saw the world's black underbelly, and never surrendered. Once a man has seen, he can never turn his back on it, Never pretend it doesn't exist. No matter who orders him to look the other way. We do not do this thing because it is permitted. We do it because we have to. We do it because we are compelled." -Rorschach


WOOO! a good way to end the year! with more nerdsync, and more scott!
happy new year scott!


In "Spectacular Spiderman" Animated series, Green goblin had following quote about masks:
"We all wear masks, Spider-Man. But which one is real? The one that hides your face, or the one that is your face?"
With any (occasional?) mask wearer, that question can be asked.


I'm surprised that you didn't go into any a analysis of the Rorschach Test patterns shown on the mask itself- are they meant to be deliberate clues to Rorshach's psyche? Or representations of the expressions/ emotions that he can't reveal in his ordinary/real face? Why do they sometimes resemble an actual face, and at other times not? And are some of them based on the actual ink blot patterns used in the test, and if so, what are they usually seen as?....Other than some pretty flowers

That sort of Though I guess that would take a couple of hours


The other thing that makes Rorschach's mask such a brilliant design is it's ability to show expression. One can notice that in a lot of comic book movies, the heroes and villains with masks will frequently remove them and/or depict them being damaged so that the character's face shows through. This is because it is difficult (especially in live action films) to show emotion and reaction through a static, concealing mask. The comic medium allows a bit more flexibility through artistic license but a character is still less expressive when hidden behind a mask. Because the patterns on Rorschach's mask are fluid, it allows the artist a greater ability to "emote" with the character. You'll see patterns of surprise, contemplation, desperation, etc. It really was an incredibly clever choice.


I am so glad to see you do a watchmen video
