How Powerful is Cal Kestis? | Star Wars: Jedi Survivor

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Cal Kestis was a young Padawan, scared and left alone following the death of his Master Jaro Tapal. Cal survived The Jedi Purge known as order 66 thanks to the willing sacrifice of his master. He then left the life of the Jedi behind, becoming a scrapper until he was again thrust into the fight against evil when that evil came knocking.

Cal would join forces with Jedi Master Cere Junda and alongside her, a plucky pilot named Greeze Dritus, the playful BD-1, and the forlorn, but exceptionally powerful Nightsister Merrin - the team would travel the galaxy together taking the fight to the Empire for years.

In this video, I will take a closer look at Cal’s journey from that frightened young Padawan to the formidable Jedi Knight we see during the events of Dagan Gera’s quest to reach Tanallor.

In this video I will be detailing Cal’s strength, speed, skill and all of his incredible abilities given to him by the force to determine just how powerful The Jedi Survivor is.
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But if you lookin' for me I'll be on the block
With my thang cocked, possibly sitting on a drop now. Because I'm a rider. Oh, yes, a Jedi survivor.


When the Ninth Sister appeared as the first boss and how Cal beat her rather easily~ i really liked that taking a enemy from the first game Cal barely was able to escape from and defeat for the time being was perfect to show just how much stronger he has gotten over the years!


I do want to add in, when Cal uses the dark side his force powers were especially enhanced. Being able to send force resistant enemies like Purge Troopers flying, crushing security droids with just one hand, as well as bringing Dark Troopers down to their knees.

I don’t know how impressive this is compared to other Jedi Knights in the universe but for Cal’s growth himself, all of those feats are pretty crazy.


I think Cal is on the same trajectory as Obi-Wan.
In both canon and legends. Obi-Wan struggled with his Jedi stuff, barely passing the trials to become a Padawan, and had to work his ass off to get to where he was by Phantom Menace. He became such a powerful jedi from honing his skill and experience, so much so he was the first person in centuries to take on a sith and win, before even being a jedi knight.
I think Cal is similar, he had to work hard just to bring himself to where he was before the purge, then build it up through experience, to the point where he's one of the few who can take on purge troopers like they're idiot separatist droids, and make a hell of challenge for even the best inquisitors.
That's what I like about Cal, as well as Kenobi. They aren't freight-trains in the force but worked to be powerful.


Cal is a beast in Survivor. Facing a High Republic Jedi knight is not somethint any other Jedi has had to face as of late. His duelling skill is insane with a huge range of versatility. His dark side rampage is super crazy too, even without it he has a hell of a lot of force abilities. He's definitely my favourite jedi.


It's not entirely relevant, but I personally think Cal has the coolest, and probably "factually" the best saber just because of how malleable it is.


Cal is a trial by fire type of jedi, almost trained like a traditional sith, not training for experiences but being trained by them


It's worth noting Dagan is actually a Jedi Master, or at least was by the time the Nihil invaded Tanalorr. Yes, Santari Khri does call him "renowned Jedi Knight Dagan Gera, " but a force echo on Tanalorr set during the Nihil invasion has Oppo Rancisis call him "Master Gera."

Now, while Anakin was never made a Master but was called a Master by Sors Bandeam (the youngling) in ROTS, it's worth noting he was both on the Council and the person in question was a youngling.

Oppo Rancisis by comparison is himself a member of the Jedi Council, and I *highly* doubt he would call Dagan "Master Gera" unless he was actually a Master.

This just serves to make Cal more impressive, though. Even if he did need Bode's help to put Dagan down near the end, he was able to best a High Republic Dark Jedi Master who was at his full power.


One really cool feat of his was when he deflected a warning shot at Caij Vanda. The fact that he could've taken her out with a single stroke of his blade like that is really impressive


Cal and Ezra are two characters I cannot wait to see more from. Both of them have insane potential. They've both pulled off things that most other Jedi could not dream of with very limited training. Although Cal definitely had more to work with than Ezra.


Cal killing an inquisitor after saying “it’s time to set you free” is frikn EPIC


Agreed, when you're a playable character the feats just come rolling in. It's refreshing to play as someone who isn't the top of the verse(Though he is very strong).


I think becuase Cal was a scrapper for so many years, he learned to be extremely resourceful; and it shows, because he's able to adapt his lightsaber in an instant after finding something new, like he did with the cross-guard. Thats something no other jedi I've heard of has, and his force powers aren't lacking either.


Something I think is going to go very overlooked is that Cal is proficient in all forms of lightsaber combat. All Jedi are trained and dual combat, single Saber combat and even double saber combat, but the fact that he's so easily able to master each one and use them proficiently and as his main style, is absolutely astounding. Obviously he's probably not the best at each of the styles that he's acquired, but balanced wise, he probably has the most versatility out of any Jedi ever, and that may be a stretch, but I genuinely believe it. I guess this is mostly due in part to the fact that his lightsaber so easily malleable and he's able to switch Styles mid combat whenever he pleases, rather than going into combat with only one style in mind. Most Jedi would have to choose what sort of saber they going to use going in, while cow can decide mid-fight if he'd rather use to sabres, a single, a cross blade, or a double side. Very dangerous


Cal became a force to be reckoned with in large part because of his willingness to bend the rules, his ingenuity. Stuff like always having bd around who is capable and extremely useful in fights, willing to use a blastsr, essentially uses a unique trick lightsaber that allows for completely unique dueling that no one expects or has trained any counter for.

Cal is my favorite Jedi full stop. He is by far the most relatable. Hes the spiderman of star wars.


You know cal is getting official dark side powers and a sith stance next game


The dark side boost is strong enough that people that looked sort of like a blur are essentially immobilized from his view, that’s how much stronger and faster he gets, honestly I love that from the game, it is a great visual showcase of how powerful even slightly dipping into the dark side is.


Rayvis also informed Dagan that he thinks Cal is Dagan's match.


Cal's honestly my favourite Jedi ever (aside from maybe Ahsoka if you still count her) he's so awesome I hope we get a third game in a few years


I think in terms of powers he actually is on edge of becoming Jedi Master, he still may lack knowledge and wisdom to be one though. As I see it, Masters get their badge not only because they can lift mountains with their mind, but because they can lead and teach, and pass judgments according to the will of the Force. Suppose he had to cover it in next game, since they set him up to be a mentor to Kata.
