Hulk 2003 VS Abomination (Mini Breakdown)

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Hulk 2003 VS Abomination (Mini Breakdown)

Abomination VS Hulk 2003 (Mini Breakdown)

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#hulk #hulk2003 #abomination #explore
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The 2003 Is Just the hulk's accurate lore


2003 hulk has insane speed, I don't think abomination could keep up unless he out smarts him someway


2003 hulk legit blew up the villian by feeding him power.


Rest in peace you will be my childhoods legend forever
Hulk 2003-


Dudes thinking Abomination beats 2003 Hulk is funny.. He has every advantage, speed, size and strength and can heal. Nobody beats him


Hulk 2003 1-0 Abomination

Hulk 2003 2-0 Abomination

Hulk 2003 2-1 Abomination

Battle IQ
Hulk 2003 2-2 Abomination

Hulk 2003 3-2 Abomination

Hulk 2003 4-2 Abomination

Hulk 2003 5-3 Abomination

Hulk 2003 5-4 Abomination

Hulk 2003 6-4 Abomination

Hulk 2003 7-4 Abomination

Hulk 2003 7-5 Abomination

Hulk 2003 8-6 Abomination

Hulk 2003 9-6 Abomination

Hulk 2003 10-7 Abomination

Hulk 2003 11-7 Abomination

Hulk 2003 11-8 Abomination

Hulk 2003 12-8 Abomination

Hulk 2003 13-8 Abomination

Hulk 2003 14-8 Abomination

Hulk 2003 15-8 Abomination

Hulk 2003 16-8 Abomination

Hulk 2003 17-8 Abomination

Hulk 2003 18-8 Abomination

Hulk 2003 19-8 Abomination

Hulk 2003 Wins


2003 Hulk would’ve handled 2008 Hulk and Abomination at once


Hulk del 2003 acaba con abomination, este Hulk esta inspirado en los cómcs, de hecho no hay mejor versión que este Hulk. 3003


Hulk 2003
- Got over 300, 000 tons of rock dropped on him and 10 seconds later got up
- Fell from space(62 miles high/160, 000 tons of force) and Hulk was even more pissed until Betty showed up
- Destroying the tarmac from just walking under it(61 tons psi of force to break 8 inches of city tarmac) for over a mile, without considering the 12 feet of earth in between..
- His groundsmash shockwave sent everything around 75 meters around him to fly, and impact felt 150 meters away(those buildings should definitely have felt the impact, but it's a movie) which is over 1kt of tnt
- Tore a 60 foot, 1600 ton boulder (20, 000 cubic feet of rock), which requires around 5 tons psi of force, off a butte and threw it hundreds of meters away, while weakened(David had just drained him of his power)

Semi feat

- The Hulk dogs; Sammy the strategist, Smokey the powerhouse, and Lily the leader, have the same stats as base 9 foot Hulk(except bite force).. Hulk at 12 feet destroyed all 3 in under a minute, which requires 2, 625 tons psi of force for each, with little to no physical damage, which means the dogs were applying more than the same amount of force... They tanked hits from town buster Hulk until he grew way stronger.. I don't know how Lily at half a ton wouldn't crush a car, let alone break the windshield, even without her power... Only for suspense


-"Ross : Betty? We don't have a choice. I have to destroy him.
Betty Ross : But you can't. You will only fuel his rage, and you will make him stronger.
Ross : It's you he's coming for. You know that.
Betty Ross : Then let me go to him. Please. Just give him a chance to calm down"..
An unstoppable force, practically
- "David Banner to Bruce : Now, son, listen to me. I've found a cure... for me. My cells can transform, too. They can absorb enormous amounts of energy, but unlike you, they're unstable. Son, I need his strength. I gave you life, now you must give it back to me! Only a million times more radiant, more powerful!"
The strongest human punch is 1 ton psi.. The heaviest mass lifted by a human is 3 tons
- "David Banner to Bruce Banner : Stop what? STOP WHAT! Think about all those men out there, in their uniforms! Barking and swallowing orders! Inflicting their petty rule over the entire globe! Think of all the harm they've done! To you, to me! To humanity! And know this, that we can make them, and their flags and their anthems and their governments disappear! In a flash, you in me!" .... Unless "In a flash" has a different meaning nowadays, he's a planet buster
- Fought The omega level mutant Absorbing Man(made up of 22 gigawatts of electricity, around 660, 000K of heat), in the clouds, for 200 miles(San Fran to Pear Lake) in 17 seconds.. Slowed David from mach 1282 to mach 55.. Too durable and too fast.. The biggest lightning is 1.2 gigawatts..
- David absorbed all the ambient energy at the rate of 138km per minute in 42 seconds (over 96 kilometers radius), and temperatures went from 24 degrees to 0 degrees celcius.... A volume of 3.8 quadrillion cubic meters(37 teratons tnt)
- Took a real life B-61 nuke to the face, within the blast radius.. Even underwater, it doesn't matter, a nuke is 5-6 times hotter than the sun's core(111 million kelvin at the centre)... As per Hulk lore, it's 3.6 megatons(gamma charge nukes are 10 times lethal with the same blast radius of their real life counterpart)... If you freezeframe the blast, the lake is vaporized, but Ang Lee decided otherwise in the next scene(showing Bruce enjoying the water)..

Point to note
Absorbing Man needs a physical form, and takes the properties of whatever he physically touches, but his power levels(durability and attack potency) remain the same as the energy he absorbed.. The more energy he absorbs the more powerful he becomes

Still not impressed yet??
- David Banner is 6'1 180lbs(75 litres body volume).. After absorbing 22 gigs(17kt of tnt, same as 'Fat Man') of power, he was about 30 feet.. He was 15 feet(400 litres body volume) while absorbing all the ambient energy
"David : [absorbing Hulk's energy] Sleep, Bruce, and forget forever. Struggle no more... and give me all of your power.
Bruce Banner : You think you can live with it? Take it! TAKE IT ALL!"
He absorbed power, calculating by the 150m radius bubble(14, 000, 000 cubic meters) which is 35 million times bigger, equivalent to 5400 ronnajoules of energy(small planet buster), and that is the much David could take due to Bruce's rage(Hulk's source of power) being entirely his fault
- Look at at this way;
"David Banner : Take it back!! It's not stopping!! TAKE IT BAACK!!"
Bruce was still at full power, so 1.3 zettatons is nothing.. To quantify him according to David(a million times more powerful), 1.3 ronnatons of tnt(large planet buster) is literal World Breaker Hulk, so his size makes sense as a metaphor.. His power is
- After all that, they got nuked immediately and Hulk tanked it.. He even turned to Bruce before the blast was fully cleared

He never intentionally killed a single human(just like the comics), and spanked the military and fought his dad the same day without getting any damage nor breaking a single sweat..

Even the Avengers in Endgame and Zack Snyder's Justice League combined cannot stop Eric Banner... Unless you have an argument based on numbers, forever hold your peace


I’m still annoyed that they totally forgot that the angrier he gets, the bigger and stronger he gets after this movie


The body size of the 2003 Hulk is bigger than the Abomination


The reason why combat iq goes to abomination because since he is a soldier he is from Russia


Why couldn't they continue with 2003 hulk with hulk 2 and added abomination in it


I hope hulk gets a multiversal movie where 2003 hulk meets with the Marvel Hulk just like Spiderman no way home


Suggestion: Superman 2006 vs Hulk 2003


The 2022 abomination
Points straight down to 0


I could picture abomination having the upper hand at first but then 2003 Hulk gets pissed and outgrows him killing him eventually


Whyyyy the heeell people forget the final scene of 2003 movie ??


The part where the grenade ricochets off his peck


Sorry man but the music just destroys this
